Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

I guess the debate then comes down to plebeians like me who don’t know the difference between priest light and paladin light. Light is often light. I think that the evidence should be a little more clear because muddiness like this can cause arguments.


That is fallacy because Blizzard has already explained this so many times and it all goes back to why forsaken can be priests and not paladins, even though they were paladins in life.

With Void it is a bit more extreme, but it should follow the same concept, although priests do manipulate void but are not INFUSED with void themselves.

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I’m a lot like you it’s like this character I play as a Holy Warlock even though that’s considered lore breaking, I mean I’m a Blood Elf and mainly we use light and arcane so I feel I can mix light, fel and shadow somehow at least. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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They could not need much explanation. I believe the Shivarra have been shown to use holy magic as demons for example.

So I don’t think it takes much explaining personally. More of a cultural explanation maybe. If they had a blue mage angle sort of using the magic of your enemies against them then that would be nice.

But then again it’s one of my favorite type of magics in final fantasy. Trying to justify some class/race combos can be fun. It was nice to see them add star pirates for dranei for example.

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I think a Void Elf Paladin would be more fun in terms of how it could reframe the lore- There’s so much that can be done with the idea of the cycle of Light and Void as we have seen with the Naaru. It could be a very interesting way to give the Paladin gameplay to races that lack a predisposition, or are outright anathema, to Light.

So basically a visual variation not unlike Green Fel Fire, and perhaps some Talents that actually add some Void flavor and functionality.

That being said, it would also be pretty easy to allow such races (such as Void Elves and Forsaken) to simply to also use the default Paladin spell effects. That would allow for personal immersion without without explicitly giving it a lore reason, much like we have Shadow Priest LFD or Undead and VE Holy ones.

So Yeah, Void Knights with altered spell effects being introduced to allow non Light worshiping races to have the Paladin Gameplay, but also allowing the default spell effects to fulfill personal immersion, such as a High Elf Paladin.


Yes but the confusion stems from forsaken not having any void in them, ya know?

Yall also use fel since that’s how the green eyes happened!
But there is that holy demon with the LF sooo maybe there could be a holy version of lock. Had never thought of that before.


Yeah I’m kind of weird in my own RPing world where it’s like almost anything could be possible, it’s fun for me at least. :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:


I’ve decided I’m going to look on the bright side if things are moving to all classes.

I’ve wanted a dual class system like swtors since SWTOR introduced it.

It doesn’t have to be full ffxiv all classes but at least let me have a second class like my Paladin can also be my priest.

And I think that only works if all classes are available to all races.


I think that all sounds amazing. I’d kill to have Priest as a secondary class for my Mage, or failing that a healing spec. I just want the option to be able to fulfill a non-dps role on my Mage (healing cause I don’t enjoy tanking) when I want to or if my friends find it useful.


My reasoning is if swtor can do it w small resources and dev team / budget

WoW could do it in theory

But as unlikely as it is it’s even more unlikely until all classes are available for all races. So if that’s the route they’re going to I suppose that’s okay anyways. Or rather it is what it is.

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Can I remain Horde?

Dual classes? Huh, when was this implemented? I regret I haven’t kept up with SWTOR as much as WoW.

Kind of wish it did, would certainly help me out in deciding what race/class flavor I was feeling today.

Dual Class would be such a cool addition. Even with alt friendliness at an alt time high, it really is a bummer to lose progress when you change mains in terms of reputations, professions, quests, etc.

Also how fun would it be for DK and DH characters, being able to choose those customizations, and then swap into another class and keeping them!


Yes. What I wish they’d done, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, is that Thalassians would be both factions. They’d be called belf for horde and helf for alliance. I still think velf should have just been a customization option so let both have the options or even the allied race, idc. If only alliance gets velves then give horde san’layn and call it even.


I feel like it has a lot of RP potential too for peoples characters like people RP their rogues as Dark Rangers too and they could have that dual class ability to switch between Hunter and rogue.

Or what ever they want tbh. I want my Priest and Paladin on a single character though maybe some day


Yes. Void Elf Demon Hunter please.

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Someone probably already said this…but whatever.
Void elves are pretty much cut off from the light if i remember their whole story right.
Void elf holy priests existing for example are an unavoidable nuance in the games design, like holy forsaken priests.

Then again lore keeps getting blurrier and more warped each release and i genuinely have no idea whats even canon anymore, or even what we’re doing in the dragon isles.

Screw it. Unrestrict the classes. Lemme be a enhancement shaman and punch things with lightning like a real gnome would.

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Mists of Pandaria Challenge Mode gear, so unfortunately you may never get the opportunity.

Personally, I have it, and wouldn’t care if they added it back into the game, but I’m not in charge.

You realize that now that white items can be mogged, and with the removal of most holiday restrictions, you now have year-round mog access to the lovely all-pink Elegant Dress for transmog now right? :smiley: