Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Some Velfs can attempt to cleanse the Void with the Light.

Insert storyline req by each account.

Do the storyline

Unlock the class for Velfs.

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I think I’d kinda prefer just that being added with everyone else who doesn’t have a pally. Firstly not sure about having people have to do a quest chain to get a base class. And secondly, there’s already enough extra elf content, do they need another quest chain to open up options for them before anyone else gets one?


I’ve been giving Evoker some thought. When playing with the Wowhead Dressing Room, and enabling NPC options, all player races have NPC options for draconic eyes. While that alone isn’t much, some NPC’s also use Demon Hunter horns with those eyes as Blizzard’s way of showing these NPC’s are Dragons shapeshifted into mortal races.

So what if, assuming Blizz opens Evoker up to other races, those NPC options were made available to players? Then players could customize any race with some level of draconic features and RP as a Dragon in mortal form. There’s no reason the Evoker animations that specifically require the Dracthyr model couldn’t pop the non-Dracthyr player into a static Dracthyr-based temporary form similar to Demon Hunters using Metamorphosis.

I look forward to seeing what they do with Shamans, Druids and Paladins eventually when the time comes especially with how much I love some of the newer Shaman, Druid and Paladin stuff it will be fabulous especially for Blood Elves and Nightborne. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

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Don’t forget demon hunters. Honestly, the warlocks are probably going to be next because it is the most “low hanging fruit”/easiest to explain among all the classes as to why people can suddenly be said class.


Im sure.

Its fine.

Yeah the elf love is too much but more quests to explain odd combos should suffer because elves suck.

All additions should have this.

I’d think warlock would be next.

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I rarely like posts from you but I surely hope Warlocks are next. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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I think the classes I am most curious to see proliferated are Demon Hunters and Warlocks. I’m especially curious to see how Blizzard will handle them in regards to the Lightforged (assuming they get proliferated).


I hope we get some holy demons for them and some light subjugation/chains xD


I’m in the camp that I really want a Lightforged Draenei Warlock but only if they can make it make sense otherwise I don’t want it but yeah I’m interested in seeing that as well.


I’ll admit I’m coming at this from liking the dracthyr, but wanting more options for visage form, and hopefully that could coincide with the extra customizations opening up for everyone. If I’m dreaming.

See, I’m the opposite in a way. I think that the best way to do it is to just leave it up to the player to explain why they are one if that is important to them. We play characters who are heroic exemptions to their races. They step outside of the cultural norms for their race all the time, so just letting it be up to the player firstly removes the hurdle of them making lore (and excuses not to) but mainly it gives you way more control over your own story if that’s important to you.

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Speaking of another untapped class glyph/skin potential.

Warlocks have so many options.

Kul’tirans using drust magic.
Lightforged using summoned light creatures.
Void elves calling in void entities.

Not to mention just more demon options in general.


The way I’d go with it is to make it much more of a domination thing than a contractual thing. A warrior against demons binding them to their will and using them as a weapon against their own kind.

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Just like my mind changed on Shaman, my mind also changed on Warlock. I actually think Warlock may require more work than Shaman now. There’s certainly lore hurdles that have to be overcome for them to make sense on some races, but there may also be asset work needed as well if Blizzard wants to introduce Warlocks to certain races and have them make sense.

The one race that comes to mind as problematic for Warlock is Lightforged Draenei, and to a lesser extent, the standard Draenei. Culturally, using fel and summoning demons is a big issue for both groups. And while the “there are always outliers” excuse for opening access to the class can work in a lot of cases, including the standard Draenei, I think it would be a harder sell for the Lightforged.

Now for standard Draenei, Blizzard could simply add Man’ari customization and say some repentant members of the Burning Legion have sought reconciliation with their brethren. That alone could easily explain Draenei Warlocks (and Demon Hunters), but I am not sure that would really work for Lightforged (but who knows what ideas Blizzard could come up with). For Lightforged, I think it would be cool if they got a class skin for Warlock and Demon Hunter that made all their spells Light themed. Like instead of summoning a Voidwalker they summon a Lightspawn:

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It is past that already. They are not there anymore.

And yet, the mobs are still there!!!

Sure, I can see Thrall with the Doomhammer, Garrosh and even Tirion still there.

Even Varyan appears there too.

Wakeners Rise!


Id have it just be that a group of Draenei secretly kept up the Wakeners practice not bent it more to a fight fire with fire setup only recently feeling like they can reveal themselves.

Is it a great story? Nah but it could work.

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This whole debate comes down to the fact that Blizzard is incredibly inconsistent with their lore. One minute they’re telling us light and void can coexist in priests, and the next minute we see light and void exploding upon contact.

This is Blizzard’s fault, not ours, for being confused with the interpretations.


Preachin’ to the choir!


In priests.

They are very consistent with that.

Not in paladins.