Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Got a source for that?

MrGM: Any new class/race combos coming at all?

Holinka: Yeah, you know, we kinda have this broad direction. I don’t wanna make any huge promises but we kinda feel like we want to move towards a world where the race of a character is not a limiter for what they can or what they can’t become in the world of Warcraft.

We’re working towards that but not all classes have the same kinda content requirements. More of this will come over time, but immediately in 10.0 we’re gonna be making Rogues, Mages and Priests available for all races, so everyone will be able to go out and make their sneaky Tauren Rogue tiptoeing on their hooves all around.

These will be introduced in 10.0, with general intentions for us to look at more options down the line, but immediately in 10.0, you’ll be able to change your Rogue, Mage and Priest to any race combinations.


That explains a lot about your posting style.


You can’t enjoy your life truly if you just spend it all eternity in misery in battling for some pixels on the screen. China’s WoW servers have been shut down permanently for the moment and it really puts into perspective what a big waste it is to fight with others, when everything can be taken away any moment from you. That’s why I’m pretty much happy that I also focus on RL.

So hilarious to think about it, how much time is wasted in these forum topics. Perhaps I will stop posting soon. I have a feeling even better times are ahead for me in RL. I’m actually thrilled.


Or, with this topic, as it is just pixels on a screen I can disagree with people about it and still get along just fine with them, I have my opinion, they have theirs, but as it’s just pixel elves, that’s all it needs to be. I don’t internet stalk people who have a different opinion than I do and then barge into those discussions to explain how morally wrong they are in real life because they have different preferences, unlike you.


Ahahaha. :joy: I’m sorry for losing my composure but this is ironically so funny!

But I do wish the best for your life. And in all honesty, you will need it with this bitter attitude! The closing of the China-servers helped me to gain a better understanding of this hobby and what’s even more important than a stupid MMO-game. I want something in RL so, so much and I better start working for this right now. This is our power as humans. We are allowed and it is expected from us to change any given moment.

That’s why I’m going to graduate from the forums and focus on RL and something, I really, really, really want to have. And I’m extremely motivated to reach it! Good bye, everyone. It was fun!


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Combine velf/belf already into high elves and just be done w/ it.


Nah. That poster Henceforth that Fen was replying to wasn’t worth engaging with. They didn’t want to have a real conversation. They just wanted to make BS posts. Better to put them in the ignore box where they belong and not allow them to waste your time or get their kicks.

If getting ignored flatters you or them… well more power to ya I guess? If it makes you think you’ve won something, that’s great.


Asking for Void Paladin is like asking for Fel Mage. Warlocks are the fel mages, and surely a void-infused warrior deserve a proper class, not a Paladin class skin

Not exactly, but in a certain sort of way.
What’s being requested is for an alternate theme of an existing class.

If someone wants to play a Paladin but due to the circumstances of their race are unable to, they shouldn’t be forced off of that ambition and play something that isn’t the class they want. That’s especially so when new classes are very rare to come by and the chances of you getting the new class you want is close to 0%.

A more proper analogy would be calling the request for Void Paladin the same as asking for Fel Destruction Warlock but instead of just a “spec skin” it’s a class wide skin. Warlocks got green fire which gave them the option to be more Fel aligned outside of just the summoning and use of Demons.

Asking for a Fel Mage would be similar in that you could theoretically give Mage a Fel themed skin/theme. The point though is that it’s to maintain the original class as it is so that those players can continue playing what they like rather than having to play something they don’t have an interest in.

We also have to keep in mind that technically class skins not functioning as new classes is already precedent. There’s a boss in Hellfire Citadel that is a Paladin and after siding with the Burning Legion all of her abilities were essentially reskinned to be Fel themed while still maintaining the Paladin style/inspiration.

So while I do agree that we should get a new class that does use the Void in ways not yet seen officially through the use of Shadow and Discipline Priests (i.e. Void aligned healing, melee, tanking), that doesn’t mean you couldn’t give existing classes (Paladin in this case) a reskin through glyphs to allow it while also letting Paladin players keep their same gameplay/play style.

I for one would love a class that uses a resource similar to the sun-moon eclipse system of Balance Druid but it’s Light and Void and has Naaru inspirations.


I wouldn’t mind a proper class. In fact I’d love void classes for a lot of setups. I’m also a big fan of necromancer as a class.

That said it would only fix one of the reasons people request the class for velves.

I also kinda wonder how different it would be vs. the bother of balancing another plate class? I imagine just a reskin would work just as well and not require near as much work.

I’m also interested in class skins for other classes. Just related to Void options alone I really like a void skin for mage, paladin, hunter and warlocks.

I see a lot of utility that could be granted from a class skin system vs what a new void only plate class could add.

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Oooh, I love winning :grin:

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Character creation also needs this reorganization to add other races (forest trolls, dragonmaw, taunka, frostborn…).


Whelp… looks like I was right, but even sooner than I expected!

Now let’s see if my guess of Shaman being next is on point…


I also think the next class available to all races could be shaman.


I was kinda figuring Shaman being one of the ones taking longer as they have to make totems for each one


Druids, shammies, and pallies are going to take the longest because of the new assets they need to create for the forms, totems, and chargers. Hoping they add them in by the end of this expac!


I thought so too when they first mentioned the whole “race not being a limiter to class” thing, but I figure that with all the elemental themes and various “not normally shaman” race npc’s we are seeing in Dragonflight, it ends up setting the stage lorewise for those races to get access to playable Shaman, though I don’t expect that till the end of this expansion.

Totems also don’t have to be entirely unique for each race. Consider Lightforged Draenei. They could use the same totems as regular Draenei, perhaps with a few Light-centric extra glowy bits. A similar repurposing of existing assets could be done in other cases where Blizzard feels they could get away with just doing a minor recolor or vfx addition.

Considering the above, I’ve come to think that Shaman may actually not be as much work as previously thought.


That is true. I’m just purely going with the amount of effort, although I figure Shaman will probably be the first of the classes that has race based cosmetics as the totems aren’t that big an effort compared to say druid forms, or hopefully DH model changes.

Also hoping even if they keep evoker dracthyr based that they basically give you the ability to choose any race for visage form at some point down the line.

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