Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

I think you’re ignoring what others have been saying. I get where you’re coming from, but I also get what others are requesting. They are requesting for Void Elf Paladins that utilize the void, instead of the light. Something which is possible, considering there is also NPC’s in Telogrus Rift to suggest there are Void Elf Paladins, also known as Riftblades, though more explanation are needed with these NPC’s.


That’s the hope


No. These were just a regiment of the worst crap that existed in Quel’thalas.
The Sin’dorei saw the horrendous results of touching the void and how twisted they became, to the point of joining the same alliance that actually abandoned them. So no one is going to touch mess with void anymore. They prefer the warmth and the good of the light that overflows from the Sunwell.

So, no, not happening. There will not be enough void elves, they will always be those tentacles that were Banished from Silvermoon and will never come back. And yes, no more Elves touching the void. Maybe those not-evolved Elves that were left in Stormwind with Veressa may have touched the void too…


Clearly you have never been to Telargus Rift:

So again, new blood elves that were not part of the original void elves, are joining the void elves now.


Nop, that was a one time thing.

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Nope, if anything it is the lore that new void elves are being created from new high and blood elven recruits.

Your whole “it was a one time thing” is just your head canon.


You’re referring to a one time event that happened as something ongoing.
That is a big cope.

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I’m still looking forward to Blizzard reorganizing their races.

Example: You pick “Dwarf”, THEN you pick “Ironforge”, “Dark Iron”, or “Wildhammer”.

So you’d pick “High Elf”, THEN pick “Original”, “Void Elf”, “Blood Elf”, etc.

Tons of players want to canonically be “high elves”, not just RP as one.


I am refering to the fact new elves are trying to learn about the void/joining the void elves.

The fact we have elves that no longer have void features should tell you there are new void elves that were not part of the initial group.


Theres evidence in game and through an interview with Steve Danuser that High Elves and Blood Elves are joining the Void Elves. You’d really just be better off just accepting that you’re wrong and trolling, it’s not going to do you any favors to continue.

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I think the problem with that is if there’s any low level class specific quests, then Blizzard would have to add new NPC’s (and versions of any low level quests) to the old Worgen and Goblin starting experiences for Monk characters. It seems like a relatively small effort, but it’s even easier just to make them start in Exile’s Reach and not do any work at all. Whatever Blizzard decides to do is fine by me, I just wanted to point out that there’s really few if any barriers preventing Worgen, Goblins, and Lightforged from getting access to the Monk class. Frankly, I am surprised it didn’t happen with Mage/Priest/Rogue proliferation.

They’re “Silvermoon” Scholars dude.

Actually if you sit there you can see them arrive and even leave and others go deeper into the void rifts.

Its pretty clearly meant to indicate more Silvermoon Scholars are arriving to study along with the High Elf Wayfarers.

What we don’t have there is a clear explanation for how new void elves go from Scholars and Wayfarers to full void elves. Which we have a little more evidence to suggest is happening with some void elves now showing up with natural hair colors and even different eye options.

I’ve heard, though I can’t find her myself, that there is even one who appears for all intents and purposes like a high elf but has void elf speaking lines indicating a potential “Allerian” style one has come to be.


They were.
Not anymore.

They are.

You can go watch them yourself.

I mean if you’d like to play this game we can look at every event and action going on throughout wow and count how often when we do return to an area the same thing that was there before still is?

Like for instance that the Argent Tournament Ground is still operating as a tournament ground with support from the SC and Sunreavers despite a great many years passing between Wrath and SLs.

Blizzard has almost always operated on the assumption that what is there is there until they change it, and at this time they have not changed it.


So are you saying because “they are” there they are “still” there?

OK just go to Draenor right now, you’ll see that it is still there. But wait, it is not there anymore actually because the Mag’har escaped that reality. The access to it is merely because they will not shutdown a whole “expansion” because canonically we had to escape there because the crazy draenei zealots of the light wanted to purge everyone.

Also, you might want to go check The Warsong Hold in Borean Tundra… I heard Garrosh and Saurfang are still there.

So, based on your 5head argument, they’re alive and there too.



Sure hope it doesn’t.

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Their comments in this thread unfortunately appears to show a lack of interest in discussing in good faith. We’ve explained quite concisely but they are stiff in their ways.

No lore event has occurred to change it.

I’m sorry if you didn’t understand that from what I said above I don’t explain it very well.

Draenor (Alternate Timeline) is actually an excellent example of one of the times blizzard had directly shifted what something is now.

In most places that exist in wow however we when we go back little changes.

Until blizzard does change it. It exists. This is standard.

They’re directly ignoring what people say just to throw up tired one lines mostly.


Posters like that are what the ignore list is for :+1: They are just trying to stir the pot.


I feel actually flattered when someone puts me on the ignore. :joy:
It only means they are not ready to have an actual RL, where people are far more nastier and you are getting easier put in your place. Especially as a woman.