Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

I’ve been wanting a Night Elf Paladin since I started playing in TBC and I saw a Night Elf NPC acting akin to a Paladin in a quest. She wields a sword radiating Holy Light energy.

It’s just a shame how many combinations there are. I am not a huge fan of alts, particularly if it’s alts of the same class. It’d be nice if someday race changing became as simple and affordable as speaking to the barber. This way I could be a Night Elf Paladin one week and a Void Elf Paladin another.


I feel like blizzard would never go for it but once they’ve finished giving all classes to all races, which I think they’re mulling over, I’d love to see that happen.

Race and class really only amount to toolsets gameplay wise. All differences are really based more in the culture and setup for those classes within the race.

Being able to just change would be neat.

Not sure if this has been posted already, but apparently a new elf paladin NPC has been added to the Paladin Order Hall:

He has blue eyes, can someone check his voice lines and see if he’s a blood or high elf?


Just make a cool dwarf paladin. No one has one

I thought they checked them and it was the standard high elf “cut out the blood elf specific lines” type.

Could be wrong. I haven’t visited him yet.

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He has the Night Elf male lines but the night elf stuff cut out apparently. Just checked him. Hes got very pretty armor. Also I never knew that sword had a little spinning light animation.

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One of my brothers has one… but you need to unlock the BOP-weapon/shield transmog to match it their Paladin mount, so it’s a bit undertaking to look lore-accurate.

Farming Troll-Shaman stuff is much easier at this point than going through this.

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Thank you! So basically like every other high elf NPC.

Strange, why would they add this NPC during DF?


Not sure. I kinda wonder if he’ll be included in some quest?

Maybe he’s just some character a developer liked and wanted to add?

Maybe blizzard is trying to establish more high elf paladins in general?

Not much to speculate on.


I also wonder why this high elf paladin was randomly added ?:thinking:

Maybe he’s just there to remind us that high elf paladins exist.:sweat_smile:


What? You can literally make your Void Elf look like a High Elf by changing skin to fair, eyes to blue and getting rid of the hair tentacles and glowing hands. Have you not played around with the character customization screen?

Plus the so-called “High Elves” are just prideful fools who spit on those who perished in the Scourge attack and would rather endanger themselves and others by not sating their arcane hunger.

Oddly enough this reminds me of the Dark Ranger lore. Risen Rangers of Quel’thalas having lost their connection to the natural world, delve into their dark natures to utilize shadowy powers.

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I really hope whatever setup they do go for in the end that they add lore and story.

Well if Blizzard actually follows through with the whole class proliferation thing, I think it’s very likely all the races that don’t have access to Paladin will get it at the same time (core or allied). I’m doubtful that Blizzard will dole out classes to individual races piecemeal at this point. My guess is that they will work on one or two classes to proliferate at a time (depending on the work involved).

Only three races are missing access to Monk and the only thing holding it back for two of them is starting experience chronology (Worgen and Goblin starting experiences occur before Pandaria was revealed). And that issue is easily addressed by simply forcing Worgen and Goblin Monks to start in Exile’s Reach. There’s absolutely nothing to prevent Lightforged from becoming Monks now that they’ve been on Azeroth for several years, and all three races already have all the Monk specific animations so it’s probably a given for Monk to be the next class to be proliferated.

After Monk I’d say Shaman has a pretty good shot due to Dragonflight’s elemental focused thematics. Blizzard could easily tout “all races get access to Monk and Shaman!” as a pre-patch feature for the next expansion, and kick the can for any more proliferation down the road another 2 years. Paladins, Warlocks, Druids, and Demon Hunters would all require a significant amount of work in either animations, assets, lore, or all of the above.


Don’t even need to do that. Could just say that the Worgen and Goblin were pugilists back in Gilneas or Kezan, fist fighting on the streets and after they came to the Horde a Pandaren from their respective faction saw them and decided to teach them to refine their arts.
Like how Harvest Witches were ultimately taught by Night elf druids more refined ways of druidism.

I would love for them to make Void Zealots (Void Paladins), but also allow for High Elf Paladins.

I want void elves to get more VOID customization options, and more Blood Elf options.

Especially male void elves have really no hairstyles that look high elven. They’re all “bald” in some way or "wicked’ looking.

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That’s ridiculous.

If undead can be druids, why can’t they be evokers?

What logic are they trying to hold on to with their “play whatever you like” mentality?

I was thinking they’d just use our Rift Blades. But calling them Rift Zealots to separate out warriors and paladins would be neat.

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We have way too many people that behave this way due to political and society reasons when they can get up on their feet and go outside and do something within their lives.

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