Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Just wait, high elven racials means you can equip any armor class with the same bonus. Boom, OP racial.

Inferior to our healing racial.

Damn, imagine getting outdone by goats.

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Yes it does. The blood elves hadn’t decided whether they were even going to send elves to rejoin the Kirin Tor at the time of Shadow of the Sun (which Rommath in particular opposed for their complicity in Garithos’s actions), which takes place in the run-up to Wrath.

Uhhh que? Ner’zhul only led the orcs on Draenor, ie those who later became Illidan’s Fel Horde. The destruction of Draenor is literally how Ner’zhul became Lich King. The Horde has never been under Ner’zhul’s leadership. There are however living Draenei who lived under Kil’Jaedon’s rule. Sooo…

That’s a negative proposition. The assumption is that something hasn’t happened until there is evidence that it did. If nothing happens there is no evidence.

You cannot prove a negative proposition. The burden of proof is on the person making the positive proposition.

Say I said unicorns are real and I asked you to disprove them. How can you do that? The only possible way is to point to the fact that there are no unicorns because there’s no evidence of there being unicorns.

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I’m not sure I like that idea. Paladin orcs and undead? Lightforged Draenei warlocks? Some things just don’t go together. I get that fun trumps all but there has to be a certain point where worldbuilding consistency and story coherence gets a vote.

Orc and undead paladins are canon things that exist.

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I’m gonna need to see your receipts on that. You mean like Green Orcs? The kind that have demon blood inside them?

Nah, brown ones.

But green orcs have priests now, so there’s nothing to suggest they’re any less capable of using the Light.

Except the SC was setup to stop ALL blood elves, including Aethas, from rejoining. Who is to say the SC didn’t form just at about that point especially if Aethas has been planning/trying to get the Blood elves to rejoin long before this?

Ner’zhul lead ALL of surviving Horde, including those who stayed in Azeroth. He got Grom and the Bleeding Hollow to rejoin him once the portal opened. And even before that, he was the leader of the Horde pre-Blackhand.

And again, those living draenei were only under Kil’jaeden rules when he wasn’t a genocidal maniac. The Horde followed Ner’zhul both as its first leader(during the genocide of the draenei) and as its leader after Doomhammer. So yeah.

And that is not how WoW lore works. Because of how convoluted lore is, so many things are simply not talked about and making a claim one way or the other is effectively head canon unless you have proof. Saying that the Dalaran elves and the Hinterland elves had no contact/or had contact is just headcanon unless you actually have something to back it up.

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The kind of power given to a priest and the kind given to a paladin have always been different, or at least it seemed that way. But keep in mind, just because something “can” happen doesn’t mean it should or that it works. Garrosh Hellscream could come back to life as a gnome and become a failed standup comedian, if they found enough excuses for it. But that doesn’t make it a good idea that doesn’t break your investment in the story.

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If we use the same argument utilized for Void Elf Priests, it could be argued that the Orcs are canonically Shadow Priests rather than actually utilizing the Light. Remains to be seen though, I can’t recall what the new NPCs are. The playable ones that is. The Lightbound could be actually using Light through Light-infusion.

In the past it has been implied through the Curse of Sethe and the copying of it for the creation of the Red Pox could have made Orcs incapable of tapping into the Light. Arguing against that being the case for the Alternate Draenor population being that the timeline isn’t 1:1.

Regardless, given the Shadowmoon Clan it wouldn’t have made sense to not allow Orcs that ability to resemble them simply because Priest has Light based specs/abilities. Just as it wouldn’t have made sense for Void Elves to be locked out of Priest because half of the spec is Light based.

I’m not saying they could definitely be paladins. It’s entirely possibly they’re only capable of using the Void. But since they can be priests and there’s nothing suggesting that’s actually the case I would say there’s more evidence that they can than they can’t.

I’m coming at this from an orc fan rather than as a fan of say, human paladins. I would really like it to happen since it doesn’t break any lore, it would be a fantastic chance to bring back Garrosh as a faction leader for the orcs in charge of orcish zealots (which tbh i think could be really cool).

Also I think orcs actually fit a lot of the discipline and order themes of paladin quite well. Orcs kind of love martial discipline.

As I have already stated it before in a discussion with another person, which is why it makes no sense for Blood Elves to call themselves High Elves.

In the end, it’s super simple.
High Elves = Alliance
Blood Elves = Horde

Should Void Elves get Paladins, then it’s for both the Void- and High Elf fantasy.


Thank you for your reply :hugs:

I agree with that view, I think it would be rather offensive to a Blood Elf to disregard their name change, specially considering the context behind the name change, and simply call them high elf after all that happened.

To me it’s logical and straightforward, but if there is no direct canon source, it is what it is.

But then suggesting high elves are returning to Quel’thalas without a direct canon source is the same, a logical hypothesis without a direct canon source.

Compared to the statement we have from Danuser that there is a flow of Blood Elves that are actually leaving Quel’thalas to join the Void Elves. Along with the proof in game of High Elves and Blood Elves going to the Rift.

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I think it’s silly to accept the likely potential that blood and high elves journeying to the Rift are becoming void elves and not to consider the possibility of high elves returning to Quel’thalas given the Blood Elves very canonically reaching out for that end.

Both are entirely logical assumptions to draw based on what we see or have in lore. And I wouldn’t begrudge any player whose story that is.

However that’s kinda besides what I originally said which was that blood elves probably don’t worry too much about a returned high elf not taking up the name blood elf nor have I seen blood elves be particularly upset at anyone for calling them a high elf.

I think that’s a player made thought that hasn’t really been seen in lore to my knowledge. Though again I can see where it comes from.


And wrong.

Except for the ones in game like Captain Brightsun who are very much not Alliance

Or ones like Valeera who are not loyal to the Horde.

The Blood Elf/High Elf divide seems way more centered on the politics of Silvermoon than the Horde/Alliance divide. That may be how they usually end up, but it’s not the cause of the name change, or completely reliable.


I do think it’s possible and of course I don’t begrudge anyone with that story. I only find it silly that the other side clings to the absence of a direct source of canon to ‘disprove’ arguments or paint helfers as “players who force headcanon into the game” while they are doing the exact same thing, which is drawing logical assumptions from lore bits and in game assets and characters and expanding lore possibilities based on those assumptions. Nothing wrong with that, be it with high elves, blood elves or cats.

It is logical to assume that at least some blood elves would take offense in being named a high elf. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible that high elves return to Quel’thalas while keeping their high elf racial name. Personally I don’t think it makes much sense, but I don’t make the rules and there’s nothing in current lore against that story if any player chooses it as their roleplaying background, of course. Same with high elf players, there is nothing in lore contradicting the possibility of a blood or high elf (in this case, a paladin) becoming a void elf. We have seen in the past mages turning into warlocks, or holy priests switching to void.

I insist that having Arator become the first Void Knight and that way introducing the class skin would be the best scenario. Arator, the son of Light and Shadow. The Twilight Paladin.



Let me start by reiterating that I am helf pro though I am more velf pro overall and that Belves do hold a special place in my heart. All three are true of me.

I pretty much agree with this though. Not a single person here over the several years I’ve been on the forums has really shown me any less or more capacity to pull minor lore bits and draw whatever logical conclusion they can from it. And honestly thats probably intentional, especially these days, on Blizzards part. Our characters were always meant to be what we want them to be and the lore was only meant to guide it. Very little has ever actually been set in stone.


It wouldn’t be hard for Blizzard to canonize any of those things and bothering to argue about it is really moot most days. Though it is often fun to dither about this bit of lore over that one and how it would affect this or that.

Void Elves are written into a particularly oddly rigid area with the Light vs. Void bit but at the same time while we know large amounts of void and light can create, lets say aggressive reshufflings of the local area, we’ve also seen plenty of examples (priests and some little bits of active use throughout WoW) of the Light and Void being combined without major hiccups.

But like, Blizzard could change all of that tomorrow.

Also I am entirely for a paladin of the Light through some means becoming a void elf and becoming a void based paladin as a result. That still hits all the bits I’m personally concerned about. That being that I want more VOID based lore rather than just willy nilly adding paladin and saying its for high elves alone. (Or just saying nothing at all)

But thats just me.

I find I’m torn on this one because honestly its a cool idea and theres nothing wrong with it at all in my opinion. It adds a lot to the concept of paladins and links them better with what we see with priests.

That said I don’t think such an effort is needed exactly. The original paladins were made by warriors and priests who simply combined their abilities in service to the Light and their people.

Why couldn’t a void elf or any shadow priest or void based warrior group just do the same?

Void Knights could be given to more than just void elves as well through that method and still add to void elf lore. More people get something neat that might better fit than just tossing paladin around like a hot cake.

It would help I think for more than just void elves racial identities.

Both of which I think would work well but I do favor one over the other. Now I think on it Both could be done at the same time anyways.

Also I like the ring of that last bit… The Twilight Paladin.

Don’t worry so much about “sides” in all this. They’re silly things bound up in a long standing conflict over pixels. Its moot.


Not too far off from what we’ve seen in-game


Id still rather have all vanilla Alliance races to have paladin before allied races.

But at this point, Blizzard needs to decide if void elves are their identity or if its just a placeholder for high elves.