Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Shadow of the Sun does. When the Kirin Tor reached out to Quel’Thalas for support against Malygos.

So just prior to Wrath.

I mean by that metric Ner’zhul was just Kil’Jaedon’s patsy and if we’re saying the Horde is responsible for Ner’zhul then the Draenei are responsible for him, sooo…

The burden on proof isn’t on me to provide evidence that something didn’t happen, it’s on you to show that it did.

I just remember seeing a Blood Elf in Thousand Needles that had a bit of throwaway dialogue in her flavor greeting text badmouthing people that confuse her with a High Elf.

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May be so yet. Just not recorded anywhere I can currently find it.

I’m not high enough in classic sadly… Lol

I mean, if I really hated myself I could make a character on classic real quick and run to Thousand Needles to verify.

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No need. I’ll do that later. Lol

Wait I have a death knight! I’m definitely do it later.

Sure you’re not confusing them with the High Elf somewhere in Outland that says something about not being a blood elf and she won’t drain your mana or such?


She is in terrokar at a small camp I think dealing with some enemy blood elves and some ogres. I don’t remember her name. But I remember her well.

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It still makes 0 sense to me that they’d take offense to being called high elves while also having their country basically called highelf’land in Thalassian.


It definitely makes more sense to me for the other elves to take offense at being called blood elves than for a blood elf to take offense at being called a high elf, unless someone’s trying to be a jerk about it


Ah well I wish I read that before doing what I did. Which is run the entire trek from Valley of Trials to Thousand Needles only to discover she won’t talk to me because I guess I’m not high enough level.

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They’re too fragile to be paladins.


Sorry about that. Its good to check these things though. I wouldn’t put it past blizzard to have nearly identical wordings from two elves like that so…

It’s fine, it was kind of nice running through the old world.


That still does mean it was just prior to Wrath, for all we know it was setup the moment Aethas set foot in Dalaran, which we don’t exactly when that happened.

The difference between the two is the moment the draenei learned of Kil’jaeden plan they left asap, where as the Horde followed him until he eventually ended up destroying their kingdom.

You are the one making the statement that theire is no relationship between the two when their is no proof, positive or negative regarding that. Not to mention as a diaspora group I doubt the few remaining high elves would not try and be in contact with one another.

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Dude’s wearing cloth.
He’s a bad paladin in the modern age.

Another reason why elves shouldn’t be them. Sodding knife ears can’t even dress properly.

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I have no idea why you think he is wearing cloth.

Shoulders are cloth.
They’re mage pvp cloth shoulders from TBC.

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I see, regardless that means he doesn’t need plate to still whoop some blood elven behind.

Nah it just means he eats the floor faster because the idiot doesn’t know how to dress for his class.

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