Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Are you though?

Why would you assume I was old when you’re the one stuck in WC2 era.

That’s not really my vibe but yours. And that’s fine I didn’t judge you for it, bcz I am open minded.


I didn’t literally mean you’re old. I meant you’re stuck in your ways. Bring on the change maaaan.

The people who can’t get over WC2 are the ones not stuck in their ways.


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I mean Vareesa and the Silver Covenant are a faction in the game. I’d love to be considered part of that in game. Not really a WC2 only thing. And yes I do love the lore.


A neutral faction by virtue of their allegiance to the Kirin tor. As Dalaran is neutral.

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Even Undead paladins would make more sense than Void Elf ones.


Amen to that Ralecgos, heck I would love to see some screen time from Valeera Sanguinar, I feel that character was really neglected or given barely any lore. Only time I can recall her is during Legion for the rogue class hall.

I was hoping in BFA we would have seen more updates to Silvermoon but nope :frowning:

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They’re not neutral, they literally exist in Dalaran because they opposed the inclusion of the Horde in the city of Dalaran. Did you play Wrath? The Sunreavers were the Blood Elf (Horde) counterpart to the Silver Covenant (Alliance).


Vareesa and the Silver Covenant aided the alliance in MoP during the Isle of Thunder and that’s the last we seen of Silver Covenant I do believe and than a small amount of screen time from Vareesa during small bits of the 3 sisters in Shadowlands?


There’s a huge story during the Legion Suramar campaign where the High Elves, Blood Elves, and Night Elves are all three feuding.

There were also High Elf Silver Covenant aligned Battle-Mages in BfA that aid the 7th Legion against the Horde.

The Silver Covenant is alive and well :slight_smile:

Oh and yes Vareesa is a major Alliance character of course being a Windrunner sister.


If only Blizzard would just openly unite them to the alliance and get it over with now :sweat_smile:

So we can play High Elf or even make Void Elf have the choice between Void or High during the character creation.


They are neutral.
We know what side they would choose if they ever left dalaran. But until they do, they are neutral.

I wouldnt really call it huge.
It was a small part of the questline and mainly it was been blood elves and night elves.

Hmm but they aren’t, after the mana bomb blew up Theramore especially. They have no love for the Horde. (Though Dragonflight seems to have been lightening up on the faction tension).

Also, you seemed to miss the part where I said Silver Covenant Battle-Mages aided the ALLIANCE 7th Legion faction against the Horde in the 4th war.


No one is saying they love the Horde. They are simply a part of Dalaran and always have been.

So until that changes or until Dalaran isn’t neutral the point is moot.

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Matter of fact, It sort of bothers me personally that we got robot gnome skins allied race over high elves during start of the push of new allied races.

Nothing against the gnomes or anyone who likes them but I just feel more people wanted high elves. Same goes for Void elfs that popped out of no where :sweat_smile:


I mean… I don’t understand why you guys think the Silver Covenant has to be married to Dalaran. They can easily set up bases in other Alliance cities. They’re obviously Alliance aligned. (Dalaran was originally an Alliance human city by the way…)

Vereesa is literally there in BfA with Alleria. And the mana bomb in Theramore that killed a ton of people? Yeah that killed Rhonin. Vereesa’s husband.


If you remember in the book tides of war, a large part of the plot was trying to the kirin tor to agree to defend theramore and how not doing so was in fact taking sides. And in the end they did help.

In the 4th war, they helped when the horde and the alliance were working together to take down sylvanas.
Seems the same thing happened.
Its not really taking sides if both sides are working together.

Are you advocating for the Alliance and the Horde to denounce their factions and become one nation? Are you arguing that Stormwind could easily be a Horde city now?

I kind of don’t see your point here.

Absolutely none. Why would there be? New race/class combos are something announced ahead of time and added at the beginning or end of an expansion, and if they were to add more in the future, I think an aberration like void elf paladins would be at the very bottom of the list along with more DH races and non-dracthyr evokers.

Void elves don’t have paladins because such a combo is madness in its execution. Giving them regular paladins would require bastardizing the remaining lore to give them a combination that shouldn’t be physically possible for them to be, giving them void paladins would require warping the paladin class fantasy into edgelord garbage for people who don’t want to accept “just play a DK, it’s close enough” as an answer, and them getting non-canon paladins and a void elf/high elf nameplate toggle is a risible notion.

This is why I hate what happened to void elves. Blizzard invents a new blood elf offshoot to give the Alliance and avoid infringing on what blood elves have, they cave to the complaints about the race only coming in blue and purple, and then they get hijacked by people who would never play them otherwise and want them to be something they’re not.

Then there’s the fact that the high elf paladin power fantasy that people desperately cling to is, as I’ve said before, not actually a thing in this game. It’s a product of the pro high elf crowd wanting to apply more generic high fantasy tropes to a game in a franchise that actively avoids using those. Pretty much everything you want in a high elf paladin can already be achieved as a human paladin, but people will always cry “humans are boring” as if a race whose paladins would have nothing to make them stand out from the others (human paladins being actually central to the Alliance, blood elves having previously enslaved a naaru, Zandalari getting their powers from loa worship, etc.) would be any better.

And this is one of the main reasons I’ve opposed high elves being their own race ever since void elves came along. Any theme that the former can cover is already covered by another elf race:

  • Forest elves - Night elves
  • Ranger elves - Night elves and blood elves
  • Holy elves - Blood elves
  • Arcane elves - Blood elves and nightborne
  • Exile elves - Void elves
  • Elemental elves - Night elves (eventually)

High elves occupying a space on the character creation menu would rob an actually interesting race of their chance to be in the Alliance. As numb as I am to the cries of the people who wanted Alliance sethrak, at least that race was unique in appearance and theme. High elves are just pointless.


I dont see how you dont see my point.

My point was, in the times they helped the alliance, it was done in ways that did not break neutrality.
So saying they helped the alliance before doesnt change the fact they are neutral.

I wasnt saying anything about not having factions.

(Although in my ideal world i would have you be able to play any race on either faction)