It’s not really something to debate. High Elves are on the Alliance, and Vereesa is/has Alliance bias. We could go in circles about it forever.
Also I’m pretty sure helping the Alliance or the Horde makes no difference. The Alliance and Horde worked together to stop many threats and they would never become one.
Also, the Silver Covenant murdering Horde in the 4th war doesn’t feel super neutral to me
Not really doing that though, just giving my thoughts and opinions and stand by them. I think the Alliance deserves better than a copy paste race. Especially another elf race.
Well my question is this why not just make it so it’s a choice within the Void Elf creation screen to be a High Elf or Void Elf just like how Pandas was given the choice to be Alliance or Horde.
I hear you and I’d agree if this was 2014. But at this point there’s literally SO many race choices. How many Mechagnomes or even just regular Gnomes do you see players playing in game? Not many I’d wager.
The fact is Mechagnomes are unique, but people do not like how they look. I say let players play what they want to identify with.
Players already have that choice.
Its between picking a void elf or a blood elf.
Being able to choose their racial name within the same faction, and on the same race is completely different to what the pandaren have. Its not something that exists in this game at all.
Why are you so against traditional High Elves on the Alliance? Do you actually believe this will take away from future races being added to the game? Like do you actually fully believe this?
But High Elves and Blood Elves are literally the same thing. The crux of it all is that the politics of the two Elf factions matter to us.
We want the High Elves that remained on the Alliance and turned away from their Blood Elf brethren. It’s not just about “looking pretty” on the blue team. This means something to us too.
or on the other faction because their king said ‘later nerds’ when the alliance decided to not assist them with the trolls that were eating their kin after the orcs were beaten and put in camps.
The fact that part isn’t really highlighted in wow always amused me to no end
When the political problems culminated, Terenas realized that the Alliance would crumble. The first ally to secede were the elves of Quel’Thalas, as they blamed the humans for not being able to save their burned forests. Terenas tactfully reminded them that it was the Alliance that saved them from being annihilated entirely.
Also the Alliance did help them with their troll problems, Exhibit A: