Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

That’s a non-cited claim in a wiki. the only citation that follows it is for the translation of quel’dorei. There’s nothing saying that’s what the highborne referred to themselves as.

I mean, they have actually physically changed. I’m having trouble finding the one story or quest that made it sound like the changes started while they were at sea, but it should be fairly obvious that they are physically different now. And that it’s those physically different elves that we’re talking about here, not Kal’dorei groups.

You mean the group that was formed in Wrath for the sole purpose of opposing letting the horde in in that expansion?


You, I really like you. :clap:t5: :clap:t5: :clap:t5:

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I know that. And my very first post I said this was all semantics. Tarrok wanted to be right and I just went with it. All elves are Kaldorei. Not all High Elves are Sindorei. But all Sindorei are High elves. :studio_microphone: :droplet:

I believe just Quel’lithien was actually exiled. Like I said earlier, Vereesa was considering returning and learning to mana tap, so she clearly didn’t think they’d turn her away.

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Yes! And I love the idea of the other druid orders being a little put off but like…

The Velf ones(and maybe some other allies?) are literally tending to it and not going insane so they’re like…

It keeps us safe but we’re watching you…

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And all elves are good for is heating my home.


Good talk. Least you and I on the same page. Sort of. Time for lunch for real now though.

Did I not say in my first post this was all semantics? Ok, for real x2 this time. Lunch time.

Yes, that could mean it was formed after Kael/the portal was reopened/slightly before it. It doesn’t specifically say it was formed in Wrath.

Since we are the same person, what are we having for dinner?

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What I’m getting from this is High Elves are so prideful they’d rather die then accept a method that would help with arcane withdrawal or work with former enemies such as the Horde.

I mean, it’s not wrong, but you’re the one playing with semantics

So let’s help them with that deathwish.

But that’s simply not true we’ve had Lanesh since MOP when blue eyes were the recognizing aspect of a High Elf and he’s been flagged as a BE the entire time.

That suggests HEs are returning to the fold taking the BE name. Which makes sense because BEs are the playable high elf race that is reinforced not once but twice in our heritage quest.

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Probably only because Blood elves are no longer forced to steal mana from living creatures to sate their arcane thirst.

Probably just me but was playing FFXIV and finishing up the MSQ for the new patch, remembered it takes story from FFIV I think, where we essentially have a Moon Paladin and thought that was a cool concept.

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Really would love this class skin for night elf paladins.

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There’s no such thing as playable helves. Just diluted velves with no identity.

Am I a velf?

Am I a helf?

Am I a dark ranger?

I think I might be nobody…

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I’m a bit torn between an arcane paladin class skin or an entirely new class that uses arcane to melee and tank

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Magic Knight urge intensifies.