Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Don’t see anyone who is wrong here but you.

Then again, helf simps tend to be deranged and lack logical reasoning.


Or you could just not get so mad that people don’t agree with your take on this. The remaining elves that call themselves high elves are small and scattered groups no longer living in Quel’thalas. They barely even have any stories at this point. If you feel they are the high elf story over the elves that remain in the home of the high elves and didn’t change into a new race physically, then that’s up to you.

But I disagree with that take or the notion that the ones who stayed put and carried on in their home are somehow the ones that branched off. They changed their name to honor their fallen people, something the people calling themselves high elves still did not do.


They both have the legacy.

The main government, country/kingdom, and organizational groups remained and changed their name, in honor of the fallen, to blood elf.

Those who refused to do so or were not involved for whatever reason didn’t and have since had to rely on the government or organizational structure of where they were or establish their own.

A name change doesn’t really affect anything. They’re the same people still.

Neither group was unaffected through all of this. Blood elves became more willing to do what they needed to survive loosening some of their old restrictions in the name of rebuilding and surviving and found new allies in the Horde. High elves had to rebuild their own organizational structures and concepts from what they had available to them in their situations, like say the SC creating a Farstrider like militant group or the Quel’danil gathering around their lodge (which for some reason is night Elven) and finding allies in the Wildhammer and later a few draenei.

They all continue their versions of that legacy but both sides are changed at least a little from this schism.

Then you get into void elves but I’m tired.


I feel like you’re almost there. So they weren’t Kaldorei anymore because they were exiled which is a societal thing. So they aren’t Kaldorei anymore, by your logic and reasoning.

That being said, societally, they agreed to shed the Quel’dorei name and adopt the Sin’dorei name. Which means, by your logic, they aren’t High Elves anymore.

If High Elves aren’t Kaldorei because of exile (a societal removal) then Blood Elves aren’t Quel’dorei because of a societal agreement to be referred to as such.

At this point I’m arguing for arguments sake. I said long ago it’s all semantics. But the other guy just wants to be right.

They aren’t Kaldorei because they changed physically into Quel’dorei.


The Highborne (or quel’dorei, meaning “children of noble birth” in Darnassian), were the upper class and asect of the ancient night elf civlization

Tell me. How does one physically change being exiled to another continent when they were literally part of the Kaldorei?

underwent an actual physical change to their bodies while travelling to the EK.


I’m either thinking you and Avarie are the same person or comparing bad notes. What physical change occurs by simply being exiled? They literally went from one continent to the other.

Quel’dorei exist BEFORE the War of the Ancients and BEFORE those High Elves were exiled to the EK.

Tarrok and Avarie respond at the same time! :smiley:


The change didn’t come from being exiled, it came from magic. They grew shorter and you may have noticed less purple.

I’m flattered you think I’m Tarrok though. He’s more reasonable than I am.


Man this Ginzo guy is great.


Totally agree.


Oh me too! Man this is a hoot. It’s like posting on twitter except you forget to switch to your alt account.


:open_mouth: Tarrok is typing now but not Avarie. :thinking:

Aight the troll wars is over. Maybe this was really the legacy of the trolls and not the elves. At least I can post on my alts that share the same name. Sheesh.

‘These two people disagree with me, they must be a singular person and their alt.’


Clearly I have 3 other people who agree with me too that happen to share the same name :smiley:

What? Tarrok didn’t like this too?

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Right!? It would be such a great lore-origin story

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Dude probably went to do stuff irl.
Your obsession is a touch concerning.