Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

They kicked out the blood elves before Illidan returned on our side. Illidan also isnt without fault and admits that he did mess up a lot and was bad at communication.

I feel like this is where you get overly pedantic about the lore and go back prior to the exile to the EK when the elves that settled QT and which in these threads are referred to as the High Elves became what they are just so you can diminish what the blood elves are to that section of the elf tree.


But nevertheless he was right the whole time. We just didn’t know it.

Therefore anyone who judged the blood elves poorly for siding with Illidan were, in fact, on the wrong side of history.

Nothing pedantic about reciting lore. Do you consider Elves as Trolls then?

Unfortunately I’m 100% sure we will see night elf paladins before we see an entirely new race be added AND that race just happens to get paladins.

On that note blizzard said they want to open up more class race combos for players but certain classes, druid/paladins/dh/shaman take extra work, so we will see what happens in the long run. Essentially they have to make whole new assets for druid forms, pallys need new mounts specific to that race, dh will require model work, and animations and shaman need new totems.

This is the answer they have given us, they want more options available but its dev time so they have to weigh how they spend that time.

I’d say that’s more the equivalent of what you’re doing, swapping the discussion of a current group into their ancestral groups.

I’m holding out hope that it’ll be a repeat of rogue/mage and they’ll be given to all the races missing it, and not some sort of pick and choose any more.

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I know i’m probably gonna get flack for this but I feel like Void Elf Druids make more sense than Void Elf Paladins. Nightmare Druids are already a thing so it wouldn’t be much of a stretch for void elves to tap into it.

Night elf paladins I would actually love to see.

As of BFA, apparently the emerald nightmare is still active so I mean, it could be a possibility.


You are saying Blood Elves carry on the legacy of High Elves and claimed ‘All High Elves’ changed to Blood Elves.

By your logic, All Night Elves carry on Troll legacy simply because of evolutionary change. That is literally what you are saying despite the fact that these other races exist.

Just because they are Horde and are a larger group than the remaining High Elves doesn’t suddenly mean they get claim on carrying on a races legacy. >_>;

I’ll put it in a simpler example. It would be like saying white people in the US carry on the legacy of humans because there’s more of them that exist…

The high elves, not the high borne.

You know, the group of high borne who were exiled to the EK and physically changed to the form we call high elves now on the way there?


There is a night elf paladin in the legion pally class order hall, even a whole questline where they use the light of elune to channel and empower their holy spells. Its pretty cool and already in lore!

I think you need to go back and look at the different Kaldorei societies before carrying on.

High Borne elves existed before the War of the Ancients.

Are not what we are talking about here.


Also why are we acting like blood elves aren’t literally high elves, you can actually be a high elf paladin in game right now lol

All it takes is a creative mind for xmog/character customization and some roleplaying…

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Now that I do see a lot of but in the same vein I see a lot of high elves standing neutral or at least staying out of it as well.

And mostly where we see these things is where there would be pushback.

The quelithien lodge has a reason to hate the blood elves, the sc clearly hates them. The Void elves are hated by blood elves and the feeling is mutual.

But I do see the blood elves looking to mend canonically and mostly being rejected which would suggest it is reversed, but again those elves they’re often reaching out to have reasons they might refuse the offer that are more than ideological.

You’re talking about Blood Elves being the elvish society that carries on High Elf legacy…

You’re talking about the group that Descended from the Night Elf HIGH BORNE who migrated to EK and founded Quel’thalas.

You’re talking about the ones who no longer call themselves High Elves (Quel’dorei) and refer to themselves as Blood Elves (Sin’dorei).

They left behind High Elf name to become their own society.

They are not carrying on the High Elf legacy.

Please try not to condescend when you have no idea how many different branches of the Kaldorei exist and assume others are wrong because you want to be right.

Sin’dorei do not consider themselves as High Elves (Quel’dorei) anymore. Therefore, how can they carry on the High Elf name? :thinking:

The Naga, Nightborne and the like 20 Dire Maul highborne split off before the high elves existed.

And the blood elves never split off because they’re not a new race. It’s just a new name for the same race they always were.


It’s a different sect of the elvish society. They do not consider themselves as High Elves anymore.

This is really rich coming from someone who keeps bringing in the high borne to try and make a point about the high elves, ignoring the lore of the high elves.


I think it would be at least easier to do in the lore without having to do something on the side like a class skin.

I love the idea of nightmare druids who take up the role of tending the nightmare that remains keeping it in check and in balance with the rest of the emerald dream.

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Night Elf Highborne were the Quel’dorei… who were the High Elves that founded Quel’thalas… holy moly read a book.


Void lords take us all.