Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

I do not care of your petty and childish internet warfare games.
My offer stands, if anyone of you need help and want somebody listen to.


If you don’t care, why do you defend helfers when they act badly?


Their arrogance and condescension shines through everything they say.
I find it best to keep engagement to a minimum with them.
When someone believes they are superior to everyone else like they do, reasonable discussion can never be achieved.
I have them on ignore for this reason.



High Elves are already in the game and can already be paladins…


And? Still this proves the high elves as a race have had ties just as long and deep as the blood elves have with the Horde, hence why people want them playable.

Their future is their own, that doesn’t mean the blood elves suddenly get to claim all of their history, especially considering a good chunk of high elven history that we know about was more about its ties to humanity and later the Alliance. In fact, that is what makes it so the high elven story is more Alliance then Horde because of that link.


That was just the Sunfury. Also Illidan, as we found out in Legion, was good and right all along.

Which had at that point had helped save Azeroth from the apocalypse.

Because you’ve just made that up.

The Silver Covenant consists of elves from Dalaran opposed to blood elven re-admission into the Kirin Tor.

They have no connection to the elves of Quel’Lithien.

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No, technically all of them were allied to Illidan by proxy of the fact their king was allied to Illidan.

Pretty sure they had a hand in causing said apocalypse. You know with Ner’zhul being the Lich King and all.

All the high elves who refused to suck magic were banished. Which means they were banished as well/could not return had they wanted to.


Yes, but as I said it’s all semantical. Yes they are High Elves, but they don’t call themselves nor carry on their legacy.

Likely due to Azshara and the Highborns part in what led up to the War of the Ancients and the destruction of the Well of Eternity.

I would think the simple fact that they are referred to as Blood Elves while High Elves still exist would suggest they do not consider themselves the ‘same’ no more than they would consider themselves the same as the Kaldorei.


In reference to me or someone else?

They did it to honor the fallen and while I do think there was more animosity towards Thalassians that went by high elf early on and clearly still issues with the SC ones, we see blood elves being more interested in seeking out their people ala Lor’themar trying to mend things with the Exiled lodge and allowing high elves regardless of political affiliation to visit their Sunwell.

The logic for the “blood elves hate being called high elves and would hate anyone using that title” I can see but I don’t know that it’s shown in game or exactly canonically true is all. Especially since blood elves speak on their heritage and legacy in their heritage quest line. I think it’s an assumption by players overall based on faction conflict more than anything but based in easily identifiable and reasonable points while potentially simultaneously missing some of the nuance Blizzard has slipped in to what is effectively a very delicate political situation between high and blood elves (and now also with void elves thrown in).

In short I don’t think it’s that simple.

Also as an aside, I like Quel’danil. The Hinterlands has always been one of my favorite spots to quest on both sides. But there’s literally one draenei there, one dwarf, and a handful of helf NPCS that are all male and identical to each other.

As for Quel’Lithien, they declined to return to Silvermoon, albeit for good reason, but the majority of them are now wretched. One guy is a rare who can be killed by either side, there are I think two others who survived maybe and are elsewhere.

As for mana tapping, Vereesa actually nearly gave in and went back to learn how to. If she planned to, it seems as though she at least thinks she would have been allowed back in in order to do so.

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Someone else. That lore guy.

Yea the Elf tree is quite diverse. But all in all, Blood Elves are High Elves, but they don’t call themselves High Elves.


I mean, Dalaran is a thing, and I’ll give you that, but that seems more of an academic venture shared by multiple races than a strong diplomatic tie (like would visiting professors at a university be more than a sign of strong diplomatic ties or more that a shared interest in knowledge.) But for the government wasn’t it very much a few mutual problems and ages of disinterest in humans?

I’m just saying that for the people of QT the blood elves are the story right now, the high elves are their own separate thing by their choice. This isn’t meant as a slight to them, I think their story is more interesting as a scattering of unique characters than as a shoehorned mirror faction. But that’s my taste.


This was prior to their re-establishment of contact that occurred in the run up to BC with the re-opening of the Dark Portal. So no, they weren’t. They had no contact with Kael.

I wasn’t aware Ner’zhul was a member of the Horde at that point. Of course, dare I bring up Arthas?

Cool, that doesn’t change the fact that Quel’lithien and Dalaran are two different places with no contact.

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I still feel you’re saying this backwards. Blood Elves branched off from High Elves, not the other way around. Every other Elvish group after Kaldorei are simply societally different than the others. IE: Sin’dorei (Blood Elves), Quel’dorei (High Elves)

How could they be the ones that branched off? They still live in Quel’thalas and are the majority.

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I disagree.

All of high elf society renamed itself to honor their dead, but they still have continuation of the government and basically all the society. If you want to think of it like a tree, the blood elves are still the trunk, the ‘high elves’ are a scattering of branches sticking off of it.

The “high elves” are the ones who do not honor the fallen, and the ones who are cut off (mostly voluntarily) from the homeland.


Pretty sure there’s a Blood elf NPC in Thousand Needles that tells you off for confusing her as a High Elf.


Okay I get what you’re saying. All I am saying is Sin’dorei came after Quel’dorei, regardless if they occupy Quel’thalas.

Quel’dorei aren’t extinct, so Sin’dorei are still the junior in this legacy, not the other way around. Numbers and geographical location does not change this fact.

And this is where you are incorrect.

There were 3 elements that splintered from the High Elves (Quel’dorei). The Naga (Zin-Azshari), The Shal’dorei Highborn (Those elves living in Dire Maul that gave Night Elves Mages), and the Sin’Dorei.

So no, they are not ‘all of High Elves’. That’s where you’re making the mistake. It would be the same of suggesting that all Frostwolf Clan carry on the legacy of the orcs when there’s still several other clans that exist.

You can’t claim one sect of that race carries on the legacy. They carry on their own Legacy.

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It seems like the opposite. Lor’themar went to Quel’Lithien Lodge to let them know he could give them aid but they basically said any blood elves who tried to bring supplies would be sent back dead.

Which I guess you can’t really blame them since Lor’themar was the one who kicked them out of Quel’thalas in the first place for not wanting Rommanth’s teaching to siphon magic.

That and the horde (that the blood elves were apart of) snuck in and stole some High Elf documents and killed some rangers in the process under the command of Nathanos.

Hawkspear wanted to kill Lor’themar and send his head back to Sylvanas.

It seems like Blood Elves WANT to mend fences but it looks like most of the high elves, at least in the lodge, don’t want anything to do with em