Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Oh man, that is a hilarious line.


Indeed, I think I recall they even find it offensive to be referred as such.

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Hate to break it to ya folks, but high elves are in the game and have been since TBC. They are a horde race.

“Blood Elf” is a political term. They are literally, physiologically high elves. Quel Thalas is the homeland of the high elves. They called themselves high elves until the scourge. They are the high elves.

Lotta comments like “wait until bliz adds high elves, I want high elves” just kind of assuming high elf is some alliance race. I know other fantasy games have elves with the humans and dwarves, but in WoW the high elves are on the horde.

[Yes I know about the high elves on the alliance, such as Northrend… all 20 of them… who are specifically referred to as outcasts, a band of people who randomly weren’t in Silvermoon when it was attacked by the scourge]

But people are talking like “high elves” are some race that’s out there that bliz just hasn’t added to the game yet, like ogres. That isn’t the case. High elves are in the game.


You think so? Can you explain also why?

That’s exactly right and why High Elves are only available to the Alliance at the moment. Political change, otherwise it’s thrown out lore for Horde-players.

Reading through wiki makes it clear that there are several settlements. Don’t know why this needs to be brought up again.

Have a source for that? I’ve seen it mentioned, but it seems to be more an rp convention than something that’s explicitly stated.

Because the high elf request is all about changing the lore to get something that was not actually a part of Warcraft lore. Changing a remnant of a remnant into something that could field troops and so on and fulfilled a fantasy trope that prior to Wrath Blizzard had toyed with to make their own take on it. Catering to players who do not wish to engage with the story as told, but would rather a boring trope be added because that’s what they’re used to.

It was a lack of confidence in their storytelling that led them to leave that loophole from the story that they started to tell, and they keep backing down from defending their story and instead cave in to pressure in various areas in a way that weakens it. If an author is trying to create something that stands on its own you tell the story you believe in, not just taking opinion polls to find out what the plot should be.


I don’t think I’ve actually seen evidence of this. Mind I’d be happy to. But it just seems this is an assumption by most folk. The assumption being logical makes sense but I’m not sure we’ve seen much about it actually occurring.

Like we assume the wayfarers are becoming void elves in some capacity but have little else to go on than they’re there and it makes logical sense.

That said I don’t doubt peoples reasoning on both sides for this but I also think the blood elves are more willing to accept their brethren back to Silvermoon without necessarily forcing them to claim the name Sin’dorei, though I bet it comes with at least some stigma.

I did too but I kind of had an epiphany that it will never stop. First it’ll be High elves (which we have) then it’ll be Paladin because that is intrinsic to their race identity for some reason, then people will demand Blood elves be removed from Horde because how dare they copy the image of High Elves.

In short I don’t think it’ll ever end with just a name change. Better to unlock additional hairstyles for both Void and Blood elves and add some additional void themes for the Void elves like star-cursed hair or something.

As for Paladin, either a class skin that resembles Void Knights for those that desire the Void elf fantasy and regular for the High elf lovers or fan wank an explanation of how Void denizens can wield the Light with the same gusto as Paladins.

Old God’s I do like that Starcursed hair concept.

Assuming they do a skin at all for the void I doubt they won’t in some capacity give the option to use the Light for high elf folk.

Honestly just want my Rift Blade to have void abilities.

A shame they cannot simply isolate themselves from that energy like a protective magical barrier or something, like how one has to wear special gloves and equipment to handle Liquid Nitrogen.

Simply giving a compromise so all parties can have something.

It’s most likely going to be how it goes.

Personally I don’t mind, so long as there is void I’m happy, you know?

I just want the lore to reflect the race. What options exist otherwise for player choice is good overall in my opinion.

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I hear ya and that’s what I’m trying to aim for.

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Strongly disagree. Player wants to play the remnant splinter group who are a mainstay in the story and there is nothing wrong with it. And they did the same with the Dark Iron Dwarves, where a part of them is playable in the Alliance while the others left.

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We have had high elves long before the blood elves were part of Burning Crusade. Or did you forget places like: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Quel'Danil_Lodge


Personally I think they should revamp the character select and can easily apply more sub races.

You select horde or alliance, then you taken to race selection.

Example I select Alliance then Dwarf then I get the option for Bronzebeard, Wildhammer or Dark Iron.

You select Elf, you get Night Elf, High Elf or Void Elf.

Horde Side, Tauren then goes to Highmountain or Bloodhoof and so on.

Cleans up character creation, allows heaps of future sub races.


I don’t know, actually. Let’s ask the lore guy.

Hey Lore! Is there a source for the affirmation that blood elves find it offensive to be regarded or referred to as high elves?

I know there is one high elf NPC who tells you off for confusing her with a blood elf, but I don’t know if the inverse is true.

I mean, Blood Elves did literally kick out the High Elves that refused Fel Magic and we’re very antagonistic towards the Silver Covenant


You mean the Silver Covenant that a) exists solely to oppose blood elf membership in the Kirin Tor and b) did an ethnic cleansing against blood elves in MoP?

Can’t imagine why.

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That is not a reliable source.


I’m torn. How I lean really depends on stipulations.

  1. No more Elves of any kind of anything or anyway.
  2. I will be alright with this idea if the ceremony involves all graduates to be sentenced to a horrific death. I’m envisioning something with molten lava or metal, so we can make their fancy new plate armor bond with their skin.
  3. I would like a special crowbar to use to peel them from their molten armor.
  4. I will make fun of your horribly disfigured faces. “Oh look! Your nose is still seared onto the inside of your helmet.”

This topic went to 1k. That being said, I’d like high elf pallies.

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