Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Alliance high elf here
We are playable in game right now


But you’re not. Void Elves are something completely different than what people are asking for. I just want to stop seeing threads about it.

We are the exact same race. With customisation to match. Void elves are exactly what is being asked for.

Fully agree. The race is here. Its done.


There are two main arguments that people against giving Void Elves access to the Paladin class use.

First and foremost is that Void Elves can’t use the Light. This is a correct statement. Holy Priests and the Light aspect of Discipline Priests are non-canon to Void Elves. Their canon specialization for Priest is Shadow. However, what is truly being suggested is Void based Paladins rather than the traditional Light based ones we see most of the time. Although, we can’t ignore that it’s entirely within the realm of the lore that the Void within Void Elves can be withdrawn from them and kept as an external force and thus allow them to utilize the Light normally.

The second argument is that Blood Elves and High Elves that use and worship the Light wouldn’t be interested in joining the Void Elves. However, we know this is a worthless argument because it’s proven false. Through the very existence of Priests being available to Void Elves, this means that there were Holy and Discipline Priests from High Elf and Blood Elf society that did willingly choose to set aside their Light worship to participate in the research, studying, and worship of the Void. These individuals then modified their abilities to use the Void rather than the Light going forward, and becoming Shadow Priests.

Because of this fact that there were Light wielding High Elves and Blood Elves swapping to wielding the Void and joining the Void Elves, not only Priests would be doing this but also Paladin. Thus, it’s entirely justifiable that there are High Elf and Blood Elf Paladins joining the ranks of the Void Elves to become Void Paladins. Additionally, it’d be entirely possible that similar to how the original Human Paladins were created, rather than Holy Priests and Warriors coming together to form Paladins of the Light, Void Elves could have Shadow Priests and Warriors coming together to form Paladins of the Void.

And before someone says Void Paladins aren’t a thing, they actually exist within the Twilight’s Hammer. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Twilight_Vindicator

With all that in mind, Void based Paladins for Void Elves make sense. An important request to keep in mind though, not only for Void Elves in terms of RP Tools but also for all other Paladin players of other races, that Glyphs be created to modify Paladin abilities to swap back and forth between Light and Void ability skins and even others like Arcane and Fel.


You forgot to mention the belief they’d explode if they touch the light.

Well, void elves defeat the purpose of a paladin. So, there’s that.

Technically this is a correct belief, a standard Void Elf without doing anything to extract the Void from within them would explode if they handled the Light in a meaningful way like a Light-based Paladin or Priest would.

Alleria created an explosive reaction by touching the Sunwell. Since the explosion occurred at the point of contact, that being her hand and the surface of the Sunwells fluids, imagine the deadly result of a (Standard) Void Elf calling upon the Light to flow through them which would result in an infinite amount of contact points.

The original purpose of Paladins was to have a strong military unit capable of fighting toe-to-toe against the Orcs, Demons, and Undead. Those threats are effectively gone now that we have no further faction conflict, likely no further demonic conflict, and not much Scourge conflict.

The Paladins are now simply a unit like any other class, and are good to have militarily to diversify your forces with varied abilities. If we want to look to the future, Paladins (and Priests) should now be thought of as a method of “fighting fire with fire” as it’s all but confirmed that we will soon be going up against the Light and the Void. Similar to how we conscripted the Demon Hunters to join us against the Burning Legion, we will want more Paladins (and Priests but for the sake of this thread we’ll stick with Paladin) to help. What better way to do such a thing than by the Void Elves learning to become Void Paladins or extracting the Void from within them to simply be standard Light Paladins.


I definitely think the salt exists on both sides of the debate. I’m just here to bask in the nostalgia.


Same, I’m planning to do the odd pithy one liner every now and again but tbh I cannot fathom still getting worked up by this stuff.

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It honestly used to be a lot more important to me, but I’ve sort of found other things to be angry about. Like no white scales on my Drake. 🫣


Same for me but with purple/violet drake scales

This would make them Blood Elves though.
Regardless they would need to utilize the same methods as Blood Elves to be able to become Paladins unless blizzard does that thing where they made everyone able to be a rogue.

Same, I’m more interested in getting geared to get back into mythic raiding tbh

In a certain sort of way, but irrelevant.

Void Elves are already Blood Elves just as they are already high Elves. The same goes for Blood Elves in that they are already High Elves and if they wanted to could be Void Elves.

Being a Void Elf doesn’t require them to be infused with the Void, it merely means they study and harness it. Just by Alleria studying the Void with Locus Walker, that was enough for her to be considered a Void Elf. If a Blood Elf Priest started practicing and delving into Shadow fully, they’d also be capable of considering themselves a Void Elf.

Just because the Void isn’t inside them doesn’t mean they’re no longer or less of a Void Elf.

Again, not necessarily.
Blood Elves only had to drain a Naaru because their previous faith in the Light was shattered so they had to resort to an alternative. Since the Sunwell was restored, their faith was restored.
Void Elves would become Paladins like any other, through faith, which they already have. They’d also be capable of being trained to merge Priest and Warrior like the Humans did, especially since they’re on the same side as the Humans. Or, Blood Elf Paladins could simply teach the Void Elves how to be a Paladin. Or, Blood Elf Paladins would already exist and therefore be taught and would simply need to join the Void Elves which is already implied. By this I mean, we have Void Elf priests which means Blood Elf Priests joined, we have Void Elf Monks which means Blood Elf Monks joined, and therefore we could have Blood Elf Paladins joining.


Rogues should have been for everyone from the start since they use magic to stealth in the first place. Nothing was stopping any of the races missing that class from being rogues except Blizzard being weird.

Still mad we got Nightborne magic hands but not a darker skin for Lightforged.

…Well, a little mad. But also both my Nightborne have cool mana hands so… eh.

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True, except the taurens and the draenei are the kind of races that you’d expect to break stealth by creeping around or you can hear them coming.

Kind of really a preference thing in the end but still made some sense as to why they couldn’t be rogues. Paladins on the other hand have a lot of lore bound to them, each Paladin race has their own story behind how they became Paladins, sort of like if every race could be a Demon Hunter suddenly. When it comes to a race that is built on the Void, it’s hard to place a Paladin in their lore when their existing lore is against the nature of the class.

The magic to stealth doesn’t just make one invisible, it also nullifies their sound. Thus, having hooves wouldn’t matter.

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Do you think the stealth magic only makes you invisible? Thats a little ridiculous don’t you think? While we’re on hooves though, they’re actually really really quiet for the most part. Horses appear clippity cloppity mostly due to the Horseshoe.

Like really when a rogue casts their invisibility cloak thing that covers a party anyone wearing plate would be screwed if stealth didn’t hide the sound and also tauren and draenei could easily have just wore rubber horseshoes.

It was a stupid explanation for why they didn’t have rogues if there ever was one at all.

I’ve never heard that stealth magic nullifies sound. Based on the old rogue quest chain, it seemed as though to be able to stealth meant to also be able to maintain it without magic to make sure no one can hear you coming. Plus those stealth NPC’s that make a “wooossh” sound when you get near them sort of tells me something else. Then there is the fact you can find stealthed rogues who got to close. So the playstyle sort of tells me you have to be careful when sneaking around.