Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

I’m kind of surprised it’s still so bitter tbh.

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I’m not. We see people still bitter over things that happened 15+ years ago, like Blood Elves even being added to the Horde :stuck_out_tongue:


I think there are few like those who have not yet digested high elf customizations for void elves.


I get being bitter at blizzard. I’m still incredibly salty that they abandoned primal trolls or whatever.


ye but don worry, as u see the houbds were already sennd

wher is cezol when u need him

I kinda meant like with Mechagnomes and goblins and gnomes having mechanical pet training already.

Void elves would start with it unlocked along with maybe a few others like Forsaken, worgen, Orcs and maghar.

Other races would be able to unlock it through maybe a quest or a book drop someplace.

Other skins also being available to unlock.

Personally want necromancer as it’s own class but these are all good suggestions for class skins!

Even better if they’re unlockable for other races as well.

I kinda hope when shaman hits void elves it’s them proving to the elements that not all the void is just going to force them into servitude.

Kinda along the lines of void elves proving that the void need not be corrupting and controlling.

I’ve always felt their point was to show that the dogma of the denizens of Azeroth was always colored by the Old God’s and/or Titan propaganda. That not all the void is… Inherently evil.

I think having them be Dark Shaman would detract from that… But uh it’s still a cool concept and I’d never begrudge someone making that their toons story.

It could if it’s framed along with a skin setup as a group of Shadow Priests choosing to use the void in a similar way to paladins. The lore could work well so long as it’s not really a paladin but a void knight setup.

This honestly.


Honestly we have the RP tools to play high elves. I think that’s enough.

And I was one of the people who argued for these RP tools (hair colors, skin colors, etc.) to be implemented for 2 years.


I agree with your post entirely, even this bit here, but I feel a nuance is missing. The fact void elves can be holy priests (which we all know it’s only game mechanics, I haven’t heard of any dev saying they were canon) makes certain people itchy about paladins. And I do understand their stance too: “If void elves can use holy spells in game, why can’t I fulfil my high elf paladin fighting for the Alliance dream? Why are game mechanics valid for holy priests but not for paladins?”

I am not saying I agree with that stance (not that I disagree with it either, though), but I do find it reasonable for people to ask for (light) paladins for void elves given their current situation with the priest class.

I just hope developers come up with something witty, something that both void elf and high elf fans like somehow. I think Fenelon’s idea of void class skin + normal paladin class for void elves for game mechanics would be the best solution.


The houbds were sennd?? It’s about time

They aren’t RP tools.

They weren’t RP tools when they were first introduced, and they most certainly aren’t RP tools to a second degree now that Void Elf NPCs throughout Dragonflight utilize them.

They’re canon options.


There could also be a Void Knight trainer NPC to be able to change the skin of our spells, for other races.

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They could go that route but I’d like it more if it’s attached to the spellbook or something. Make it easier to change whenever you’d like.

Though I tend to err towards that sort of quick change system. An npc would help world building potentially.


I think Guzzle meant more that people who got what they wanted have more than they ever had before yet are somehow more mad and bothered in threads today than they have ever been and it’s very ???

But to each their own.

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Canonically they likely are just Shadow Priests?
Or are there any Holy/Discipline Void Elves NPCs out there?

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Blah I knoow it sucks. Didn’t they hire that Proletariat studio? Hopefully with them around as well they can cook up some emergency skins maybe :smiley: Otherwise, I’ve been suggesting the idea of artists being allowed to make art submissions, maybe even along with a code if given the proper instructions by Blizz on how to make it. Just have a separate inbox for submissions, have someone to approve them and a small team to add them in. But I think Blizz would need to share some tips about how they’d like the code to look like to be compatible with their systems. Either way I really think they should allow external parties to assist in making new customizations and transmogs for WoW. And ofc all submissions will be added to the in-game shop and everytime someone buys one the artist should get a considerable commission for it. I’d rather pay for customization and transmogs (we’ve been doing this for transmogs already) than having to wait years for customization.

Ooh I like that! Getting to see a more positive side of the Void. Aren’t the Ethereals basically Void / Arcane beings who are at the very least neutral and non-hostile? I mean, Locus Walker has really been assisting Alleria with training the other recruits to learn to control their Void power. So there could be other Void beings out there who’re more inclined to work alongside us than destroy us.

Core abilities to recolour:
Avenger’s Wrath
Divine Storm (Void Storm?)
Holly Light (Corrupted Light)

It’s not like they have to recolour everything, but I’ve no idea if and how far they’re prepared to go to ensure this lore friendly option. I’d love that to happen as I think it would be super cool but we’ve gotta wait and see

Hmm I still want customization and some more class availability :smiley:

If we were to get Pala I’d mostly just play retri and if we got Shaman I’d main enhancement for the rest of eternity!! Draenei are good but I’ve had enough of them frankly LOLLL


I figure ? No idea tbh. As I said, I don’t recall any developer confirming (or disproving) that void elf holy priests are not canon.

I guess time will tell, but yes I do think they are only shadow priests in lore.

Oh! I don’t know, that would be a good place to start searching.

It would be perfect for me if we could change skin with the spellbook or an NPC.
Void Knight NPCs would be added for lore.


Beyond more unique looks for everyone and cranking pvp burst/cc down a notch, my standing serious request is the by-our-lady dance studio.

Which also works for blood/void elves because those dances make me sad.

I see the anti-Blood Elf people are back in the saddle with their war on Blood Elves.


Folks must have run out of content to do in game.


I feel like there’s a simple solution. Just give the Alliance High Elves, people are never going to shut up about it. To balance things with the Horde, give them Eredar. Alliance Elf players are happy, and Horde gets another race that isn’t a unique model. There’d be very little to figure out as all the models and customizations already exist.

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