Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

You must not have been around when Void Elves came out.

People lost it, like, lost their minds drooling from a seizure lost it. It was all over about not being able to be a “High Elf” TM.

I think Blizzard should have had a spine and kept with that High Elves exist already on the Horde side. Alleria’s introduction is what crept it in really and they lost being a small elite group that could have a fleshed out story. They’ll go the way of the Pandaren I bet. After the new colorations and removing the voidy bits, the Void Elf population exploded with “High Elves”.

Blizzard doesn’t need to enter into it.

People were RPing high elves with night elves or humans for a long time. Character RP is a wonderful place for DIY work. Get TRP or something, write up your backstory, no need for blizz. Maybe you don’t look the way you want, but you can make your own story, just like people can make their character be a dragon in visage form even though they can’t transform into a dragon. Or play a vampire without any mechanics, or a Yaungol or Taunka without the right head.

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It makes sense to use the same/similar character models for the Elven character choices because they are the same species.

You remove the Void taint from a Void Elf and you’d be left with a standard issue High Elf (See Alleria before and after fully embracing the powers of the Void). Remove the fel taint from the elves up on the Throne of Kil’Jaaden in Outland and you have a stock standard issue High Elf.

Just like the Mag’Har orcs, the OG WoW orcs, and all of the various NPC orc groups (The Dragonmaw, the WoD orc clans, etc) all use the same character model. Same species, just different coloration and ideology/cultural structures.

Just like the OG Dwarves and the Dark Iron use the same models. Same species just different coloration and affiliations.
OG Gnomes & Mechagnomes. Same species, just one with and one without cybernetic augmentation.
Draneai, Erredar & LF Draneai. Same species, just infused (or not) with different types of magical energy and with different ideological devotions or levels of devotion.

Horde Goblins & all of the neutral faction goblin cartels. Same species just with different political affiliations.

If folks want High Elf Alliance Paladins, Blizz can just add it as a class option for Night Elves in the same way and for the exact same reasons they added Mage as a class option to Night Elf.

That would just give players a Night Elf/Highborne Paladin, not a High Elf Paladin. Night Elf Mage wasn’t to give Alliance a High Elf Mage, it was to show Highborne rejoining Night Elf society.

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And you’re aware basically all Highborne are also High Elves/Blood Elves and Void Elves? If you want to split hairs :sweat_smile:

I forgot the guy who sailed them there to found Quel’Thalas but there’s a plaque in the starter zone about it.

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Rightfully so. At least some of them.

If people want to RP then more power to them. Have fun, and im glad that void elves can provide you with what you want.

But things that should never be compromised upon and any requests for it act as a direct attack on the race itself are: the races name. The racials. Lore breaking combos like holy paladins (void reskins are fine). Blood elf options (at least until blood elves have their own thing going on again. Right now void elves kinda dominate in all elven aspects)

If youre a person asking for any of that, then i do blame you and not blizzard.


I don’t like Draenei for the simple reason how awful they look to me. One of the weirdest races the game has.

It is funny that you mention Chen, because my brother has been working on a Visual Novel idea with him in a starring role in an alternative universe, where Anduin succumbs to his wounds in MoP. The late Brigante and we four were his beta readers, so we made sure the race is accurate to the lore because it cover 1/4 of the story, expect when the story differs greatly.

I just really do not care what funny theories you throw around.

Blood Elves are High Elves but they do not represent themselves as High Elves anymore. That’s the point I make here. I never said that they aren’t High Elves but the the classic High Elf fantasy is an Alliance-feature these days and I do not associate them with Blood Elves at all, despite being the same species. And that’s why you have a “High Elf”-NPC around in Stormwind next to the Void Elves, where they can be either political side nowadays. The problem solves itself the moment every race can pick their own faction and this is the most likely scenario they will allow to happen.

I mean, fine that’s your prerogative, but seems more constructive to just skip over them than rail against them. We’ve all got different tastes, and an MMO needs to cater to a range, so you’re not gonna like everything there, just gotta hope they stick enough in that you do like.



Well that’s going to haunt my nightmares.


Imagine the current Sethrak-design having a human face and human hands and you’ll get how awkward I feel playing them. Even the Broken look better than them.

It’s a classic fantasy trope to me… Halflings, Gnomes, it’s all the same. Blizzard had enough chances to change their perception and give them some great moments, but same could be also said about Goblins. Every race can be made decent looking.


Now, THIS is a nice idea. It never occurred to me void Paladins could use a warpstalker as a mount


Except the request were never a direct attacked towards the Blood Elf players. When the customizations were first announced for the Blood Elves and Void Elves in regards to the skin tones for the Void Elves and the Eye Colours for the Blood Elves, that was caused from an outright tamtrum caused by Blood Elf players after Ion said that the Blood Elves will not be getting blue eyes as the Blood Elves have “evolved beyond them”.

As for hair colours, they don’t belong to the Blood Elves when there is several other races who have the exact same hair colour, most of which are on Alliance. And for Darkfallen, I never even requested for them, nor did I want them.

But considering Blood Elves still have green and golden eyes, where Void Elves don’t, and hopefully will never recieve them either, as well as 14 year old hair styles, and hopefully never either, along with many new customizations such as new hair styles too, it is not my fault that the so called “Blood Elf fans” who don’t even know the lore of the Blood Elves with there constant bickering, and constant harassment towards the High Elf community, are ungrateful for what they had and what they received.

And considering it is actually Blizzard that implemented the changes, don’t blame the High Elf community either.

And also Lann, since you’re still stalking this thread with the likes that I see, next time you want to tell 100 lies to the Anti’s about me, make sure the lies are good, and you have evidence of it all.

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I was on about it being an attack on void elves, not blood elves

But have I or any of the members of the High Elf community ever made an actual attack on the Void Elves, Moritz?

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The drama of the thread clearly.

But that’s neither here nor there it’s why I ignore certain individuals. I find it pertinent to argue my stance but there’s no reason to be unhinged or unkind, arguing in good faith as opposed to not gets one further lol.

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Any time there is a request to change the name to high elves, yes.
Any time there is a request to change their racials, yes.
Any time there is a request for them to be light using paladins, yes.

All of those are an attack upon void elves.


[quote=“Chromathal-proudmoore, post:886, topic:1480614”]
People lost it, like, lost their minds drooling from a seizure lost it. It was all over about not being able to be a “High Elf” TM.
[/quote] Yeah, and even more people lost it that the blood elf character model was available to Alliance. Fun times all around.

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Replies to people who have replied to me, and yes, I am the toxic troll in your own books. Maybe I dunno, stop with the constant harassment that you actually have for me, and the trolling you have against an entire community that actually did you no wrong.

I’m going to speak on for my own self here, and not on behalf of what others have done.

  1. I never requested for the name of the Void Elves to be changed to High Elves.
  2. I have requested for options on customizing Entropic Embrace, but not to completely change the racial. Yes, that purple glow when the racial procs still hurts my eyes.
  3. I have never requested for Paladins on Void Elves. In fact, I have been against the idea.

And what a couple of individuals do doesn’t not mean it is the entire community.

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Sure but I don’t get why you’re wasting your time when Blizzard has already said they’re going to open up class/race combos.


I would say this was what was suggested, and we’re still waiting on heritage armors they promised in BFA and a plethora of other things.

At best I can see them opening up most to all and calling it a day and never looking back, so it really depends I suppose.

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