I just realized how OP the void elf paladins would be with all that extra movement ability of the racial.
And how said it is that that is that big of an improvement to paladin movement.
I just realized how OP the void elf paladins would be with all that extra movement ability of the racial.
And how said it is that that is that big of an improvement to paladin movement.
And there’s various other “High Elves” around.
Those are communities. There were High Elves manning ships as well.
I’ve been around the block and the game world is not the whole world. If you think ALL “High Elves” sided with the Silver Covenant in Dalaran, you are not paying attention to the society or history around you in the real world, as an example.
I’m hoping when they add other races to Paladin and add their new mounts (since they said that’s why they’re holding off, along with lore) - that they update the Human Charger model and give the Blood Elves a Hawkstrider to replace the “corrupted Charger” model, since they no longer are forcibly stealing the Light.
Then make the old Blood Elf Chargers a mount any paladin can get as a drop from like, the Fel Paladin in Hellfire Citadel or something. (Since she would actually have a corrupted mount lol)
No see Lore:
“Many of the Sunreavers’ present-day members were Quel’Thalas citizens who had also lived and studied in Dalaran under the Kirin Tor’s banner at one point or another prior to the Third War, some having been members for over two thousand years (some of whom are said to have helped humans originally discover magic).” Wowpedia from In the Shadow of the Sun
I’d be a little hesitant to take away the horses from belves, just because it’s kinda unique on the horde side, and there is something knightish with a charger.
It’d be nice, but they kind of did that with the Legion mount
Whoever wrote that wiki article clearly doesn’t know the lore at all.
“Blood Elf” (Sin’Dorei) was a title the majority of High Elves gave themselves to honor the massive amount of their people who died in the Third War (somewhere like 80-90% of the High Elf population died between the 3rd War and Arthas laying siege to Quel’Thelas).
Being a Blood Elf has literally zero to do with magical addiction or how a High Elf chooses to feed that addiction. It’s nothing more than an ideological/political identifier for those High Elves who chose to remain loyal to Quel’Thelas.
To be fair, this was the original direction Blizzard was going to take them. They have since retconned and moved away from it.
If that was the direction they were planning, Blizz made the decision to move away from it even before TBC came out or any real lore was officially established in canon for it.
Because even during TBC Beta the in-game content followed the lore of them still being just regular High Elves who allied with the Horde after the Alliance ignored them and actively screwed them over/tried to engineer them being wiped out.
As I mentioned before, Tyrande’s active sabotage of Quel’Thelas’ defenses against the Scourge and working with the Dwarven ambassador from the Alliance to do it is literally a major starting level quest line in the BE zone that progresses through the Ghostlands. And that chain has been in the game since day 1 TBC was released.
The Night Elf efforts to weaken Quel’Thelas against the Scourge just made zero sense (especially given the Blood Elves were in active negotiations to attempt to rejoin the Alliance) outside of petty genocidal spite on the part of the Night Elves. But then again the Night Elves did commit literal genocide against the Dark Trolls (who ironically are the original ancestors of the Night Elves in the first place), so I guess it’s just par for the course from the NE’s.
Only the part about them being huge mana addicts and siphoning all over the place. As you know, the ability was a single target one when it first came out.
I know and remember the questlines. Tyrande sees them as Quel’Dorei of ole, like the Nightborne.
Everyone is welcome in this thread. But the fact that you, along with many others come to this thread to constantly harass others in there request, that is not a valid thing to do.
If you want your visual distinction, maybe go back to that Blood Elf thread, or go and do it on discord. This thread is about Paladins for the Alliance High Elves or AKA, the Void Elves, not the Blood Elves.
How about we play a game for all the Anti’s: Link me one High Elf thread where you guys have only posted once saying, “I disagree with this” and left the thread.
Idk what their deal is given
I’m glad that even if we disagree w people in the thread Naughty both you and I are able to discern what talking points we do want to focus on while being civil, and I think it’s so clear people who cry that that is somehow an issue and bothers them while they proceed to make excuses for their own behavior and conduct are the issue.
Hopefully they can learn to rise above <3
But to redirect I also agree w Avarie that VE paladins shouldn’t happen but rather NE paladins as the Alliance variant and BE Druids to offset that.
You do know that Blood Elves ARE High Elves right? Blood Elf is literally nothing more than a title the majority of High Elves gave themselves after the 3rd War. The only difference between Blood Elves and the other High Elves hanging out in Dalaran/still chilling with the Alliance is ideology and/or political affiliation.
Edit: The reason Blood Elves became part of the conversation is because people continue to either be unaware of or just plain stubbornly refuse to comprehend that literally every Elf in Warcraft other than the playable portion of Night Elves are High Elves.
Void Elves should never be able to be paladins.
I know all you lore-obsessed high elf fans would agree. Right?
As High Elf fan that plays the actual playable High Elf race I agree w you Akston!
What part of “Alliance High Elves” do you not see.
There is no such thing as an Alliance High Elven playable option.
So, I guess High Elven paladins aren’t going to happen. Since you cant play as a high elf.
Void Elves are High Elves in the same sense as Blood Elves are High Elves. Void Elves are the Alliance High Elves.
Nice attempt though.
The title of this thread states that void elves and high elves are different.
If you want void elves paladins, be honest and ask for void elven paladins.
Asking for high elven paladins is implying that you can play as the specific race known as “high elves”. Which you can not. Void elves are completely different from high elves. I get it. The WoW devs have bent over backwards for the high elven community and allowed void elven customization lacking any void. But lets be real here.
The race is void elves. Period. Pretending you are asking for “high elven paladins” is just a way to circumvent that the race that would be given paladins (void elves) makes absolutely no sense. Its a way to skirt the issue so it doesnt sound like you are asking for something completely ridiculous.
Belf Paladins have 4 other Horses via the Order Hall as well as a charger via Argent Tourney.
But giving Belf Paladins 4 unique mounts would not be acceptable. And enough Belf paladins have been screaming for a hawkstrider or something that isn’t a horse, I think a fair compromise would be give them a hawkstrider and move the old horse to another source for all pallies.