That response was a bit refreshing from them as it was a rare occasion where they weren’t pretending to be the all knowing font of knowledge past, present and future like usual.
Hes talking about Alleria still being a child of Quel’thalas. She wanted to see the Sunwell, Rommanth said no. Lor’thrmar said she should be allowed because shes still a daughter of quel’thalas.
I’m confused why you would post this as shes now literally banned/exiled from Silvermoon and shes a void elf. Not a high elf.
To show the Regent of Quel’Thalas has no problem welcoming those who left under Kael’thas back in to the fold under the banner of Sin’Dorei to Silvermoon (Quel’Thalas). It’s the same welcome he’d given to the Nightborne. They’d still be Quel’Dorei. It’s like Southerners saying they are Confederates in the United States.
But it has more to do with they want to play a fantasy that doesn’t exist so strongly in the WoW world. They can play their High Elf, just they want to play on Alliance where the High Elves (Blood Elves) are not.
Blizzard has moved away from the darker elements they even were giving Blood Elves shrugs
True, I just see them like Fel Tainted Orcs (the main Orcs). They’ve mutated.
Like true Quel’Dorei are Night Elves (and a few of them are still around) that later mutated to what we see in the Sin’Dorei and Shal’Dorei. And now a new form in the Ren’Dorei. The Ren’Dorei are most likely going to be much different on there own, culturally, given time due to not being able to be linked to the Sunwell.
Kael’thas is the one who renamed the blood elves to the Sin’dorei so those blood elves who had left with him to Outland were already Sin’dorei blood elves.
I think it’s just the time frame, that the other elves left while Kael was still in charge, since that went up to the patch in BC where he stole the windchime out of Silvermoon.
That must be why Blood Elves become actual High Elf children and why Void Elves become abominations when they use the experimental anima cell toy and choose inner child.
Right, I’m just saying that I think the person you responded to wasn’t talking about the elves that traveled with Kael, but the elves that left Silvermoon etc while Kael was still the ruler.
Pretty sure Tyrande is alive and not human. She ordered the sabotage of the Blood Elf sanctums that were helping hold back the Scourge during negotiations to rejoin the Alliance.
Also, the ambassador sent to negotiate was a Dwarf, and he was in communication and cooperating with Tyrande to mislead the Blood Elves.
There has been a low level quest chain in the Blood Elf starting zone through the Ghostlands since Blood Elves became playable for Horde back in TBC.
I’ve been a Horde player since Vanilla and I think of High Elves when I look at my BE characters. But that’s because I understand the lore and how species and history work.
Which is ironic since Void Elves are just Blood Elves banished from Quel’Thalas for experimenting with the Void. Anyone can wear blue and silver livery if they want to. Changing clothes/political affiliation again doesn’t change race.
Blood Elves, Nightborne and Void Elves (the playable ones) ARE LITERALLY High Elves. People not liking that fact doesn’t make stop being true.
That toy turns Worgen into a tiny Worgen which isn’t actually what a Worgen child is, and it turns Mechagnomes into Alarm-o-bots which doesn’t even make sense.
It’s just a toy for fun and has no basis for any lore arguments.
If it was based on actual canon, Worgen would use the human child model, Mechagnomes the gnome child model, and Void Elves the High Elf child model.
Also not one but both of our heritage quests re affirm Blood Elves as the playable High Elf race w the progression of that narrative and honoring the past. Even for some parts of it playing as a High Elf during the invasion.
Meanwhile ARs obviously not having heritage quests to attain their armor they were given their armor default by virtue of leveling however they had introductory quests so in comparison to the heritage quest to unlock our armor on BEs, VEs had an introductory quest to unlock VEs and their introductory quest affirms a void deviation and the implications that will have proceeding forward w them.
From what I understand, those elves who left and went to Quel’Lithien Lodge either all died or were turned into wretched.
As for the Quel’danil Highvale elves, I coildnt find anything to confirm that theyre now a part of Silvermoon. I thought they were still allied with the Wildhammer. The only thing i could find is that Lor’themar was allowong them to complete their pilgrimage to the sunwell.
Was there something mentioned recently about that, that I missed?