Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

As a huge void elf fan, you dunno what you’re talking about. I despise helf customizations and would much rather void elves actually get void customizations, as was intended from the get-go. Not this nonsense where void elves have become a catch-all for elf themes because Alliance are never happy.


Clearly supportive of stuff they want not what others want, the post above about there’s lore to support Void Elf Paladin but not Blood Elf Druid speaks volumes because it’s actually the opposite and that’s the whole problem most people including myself have with Void Elf Paladin being a class option unless lore is changed or added to support it.


Lore supports belf druids more than velf pallies.


The Farstriders are very tied to nature as it is. They more than have enough connection to it to be interested in such learnings.

Also a wild god is not needed directly. Blessings from such do tend to follow but the Gilneans didn’t have any and easily utilized proto-druidism.

With the aid of the Tauren or the Trolls the favor of a wild god or loa would easily be attainable to finish out the blessings.

And while they do (as a general people) use magic to keep their lands eternally spring this doesn’t keep their race as a whole unable to learn and use druidism. Otherwise night elves would have a problem as well.

Their culture has three main pillars these days; magisters, blood knights and Farstriders. While the Farstriders do lean heavily on military concepts they are still rooted strongly in their nature aspects. They protect their people, their home and their forests.

I still see them very much being willing to learn both druidism and shamanism to help in protecting their, apparently to this day, still healing land.

I respect that others may see only the parts of blood elf society that blizzard tends to focus on, magisters and blood knights, but they have not withdrawn what the Farstriders are. They’re still very in line with nature.

While I think many void elf fans are unhappy to be lacking in lore and customizations focused on the void and are often a little miffed that we’ve been made to be three separate Elven groups in one, I wouldn’t lump everyone together. Void elf fans are wide ranging overall and many, at least that I’ve talked to, are entirely fine with high elf folk being able to play as they want, and others not so much.

We’re not a monolith.

And either way regardless of how you or anyone else may feel what’s done is done. There isn’t any way to go back now.

To quote my hubby…

“don’t yuck others yums”

I assume they got that from someplace but I’m societally inept…


They would just be under the Sin’Dorei banner and are as High Elven as their bretheren who had stayed with Keal’thas.

If your hang up is they are not Alliance, that is not the same thing. Those Quel’Dorei who stayed with Dalaran never joined them, the pirates we saw, etc.

Alleria endangers the Sunwell, it makes sense, so do all the other Void Elves. Hence, their exile.

All you’re doing is twisting words without a reality check.


No offense but what is there even to discuss anymore? What’s been said on the topic has already been said and repeated ad nauseum and there’s nothing new that can be brought to the table that hasn’t already been covered.


I wasn’t aware that High Elves were playable?

They are now known as Sin’Dorei. Thalassian Elves are just that. When British Colonies renamed themselves, did they somehow change races?

There’s a whole WC3 game going in to why and how it happened.


I am a High Elf that became a Blood Elf after a horrific event occurred to my people who then later become a Undead Blood Elf after joining the Noble Counts and Countesses of Revendreth.

But at my very core, I am still a High Elf.


Void Elves and Blood Elves are both High Elves and thus are playable on both factions.


Been awhile but I’m pretty sure in the Eversong questline it’s said the Wardstones are druidic in origin.

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Used to be so. They did retcon it but it would be a trifle to undo that. It barely effected the lore.

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It’s literally the lore… High Elves are not allowed in Quel’thalas unless it’s to complete their pilgrimage. That’s it.

Why would non-horde be allowed to live in a horde city? That makes no sense.

If they were under the Sin’Dorei banner they would be horde because the Sin’Dorei belong to the horde.

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Because they’re returning to their people so they would be assimilating to Blood Elf society.

Lanesh predates the blue eye customization and would suggest High Elves returning to the fold and Blood Elves are the continuation of the High Elf narrative.

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If they were assimilating back into blood elf society they would be Sin’Dorei. Which means they would be horde but again, there’s no lore backing this up yet and anything else anyone says… it’s just fabricated.

Okay so there’s no story about him yet then which means you’re making that up entirely.

He’s also listed as a Blood Elf NPC.

As far as the lore goes, High Elves are not allowed in Quel’thalas. Just to complete their pilgrimage. Other than that they are not allowed there.

Making what up entirely that his blue eyes pre date BEs receiving the option back when blue eyes were the determining factor for High Elves even prior to VEs existing?

What an odd thing to accuse some of making up that fact when it is a fact he has existed since that time. And he is a BE NPC which has implications.

Implications that may one day be elaborated on but that the devs acknowledge that his blue eyes at a time that blue eyes was a determining factor of a High Elf was in fact not a mistake that is sufficient for now. Unless you are you who somehow dismisses facts and statements from devs.

That’s the point though isn’t it. He was added during MOP at a time where Dalaran had just had the purge and isle of thunder was flooded w Dalaran Aligned SC High Elves. And blue eyes at the time of his addition was still a main deciding factor on High Elf status. And yet he joined the Blood Elves.

Hence people making note of those implications that you are currently acting like you don’t know where that could come from.

From what I read… He’s a Sunreaver.


The Sunreavers are a of blood elves who represented the Horde in Dalaran. Named for their leader, Archmage Aethas Sunreaver the Sunreavers sought to have their people readmitted as members of the Kirin Tor a plight they were successful in.

They also joined the Horde Expedition in Northrend. Their Alliance counterpart is the Alliance Vanguard

The Sunreavers were eventually from the some time after Jaina Proudmoore came into power, and those remaining returned to Quel’Thalas The Alliance equivalent of the Sunreavers is the Silver Covenant.

If he was an alliance high elf, he would be part of the Silver Covenant but here, it clearly says he is a Blood Elf.

In the entire time ive known them, ive not seen them say 1 single positive thing about the horde.
The only time they mention the faction is to say how it deserves bad things.

All of their posts are about ways to give alliance players nice things. And i dont just mean on these threads. I mean all threads.

I think at the very best, we can say that they play the horde against their will because thats where their friends are.
At worst, they never play the faction at all.

There is no doubt in my mind that they are alliance through and through.

I know its not relevant to the topic, but yeah.
Not a chance in hell that theyre a hordie XD


So you’re saying it’s the Dalaran group of High Elves adopting the Blood Elf name.

Either way the story has implications.