Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

I said I get told that all the time, I never said you said it to me, you should really read replies a couple times before replying.


Saying you people means multiple people, I still didn’t say you or are you still bothered from what I said in other thread that you followed me here?

Yeah uh maybe we should get back to the topic ?


Here is the thing Naughtymoon, do we really know who is a “real” Horde player or who is a “real” Alliance player? Do we know who owns which toons at the other end of a computer screen or who plays what? As I said to Blastkrizzle, and I’ll say the same thing to you, in the end, we’re just human beings on the other end of a computer screen… (Or phone screen if on the phone). Point is, it doesn’t matter if you chose to roll Horde or roll Alliance. There is no such thing as a real Horde player or a real Alliance player. And yes, I am contradicting myself a bit when I said earlier a real horde player rolls an Orc.


if u gonna try to gasligjt people u shuld try harder honestly

i been posting here before interacting with you

u end ur arrogant friend are the ones who keep following the helf end velf topics to derail tjem with nonsence

I wasn’t aware I was derailing when I have posted that I support things if they make sense and that I’m already on board with Night Elf Paladin since Legion but thanks so much for the heads up, I’ll try and take into consideration that I’m not supposed to have an opinion differing from the level 10 classic alt.

You’re not and the logic that they who frequent the same threads are valid and those of us who value visual distinction / uniqueness for the actual playable High Elf race on Horde somehow aren’t valid in the threads is incredibly weird logic.

And like I said earlier there is no reason to be so insulting though I notice it only comes from one side and we’re experiencing it rn unfortunately ): it seems that is how they are choosing to argue and all they have to offer the conversation which I hope they do better in the future for sure.

Same :hugs:


We know the lore, the people who continue to remain high elves(most of them anyway) remained Alliance because 1) these were the ones who were most invested in the Alliance/had good rapport with them(ie Alleria/Vereesa) and 2) were in turned screwed over by the blood elves(hence why quite a few of them were willing to outright throw blood elves to sharks during the Purge)


Blood elf druids and night elf pallies would make me so happy.


Yes, I support both highly despite the fact I’d never play either due to being Warlock obsessed. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Speak for yourself!

I speak for humans on Earth. Not a sponge living in a pineapple under the sea.


Personally I’m not a supporter of opening up all classes for all races, but thankfully the lore justifies Paladins for Void Elves. The same can’t be said for Druids for Blood Elves.

You also don’t support Worgen tails is that correct

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I don’t see how that is relevant to this thread.

I disagree with this.

Blood elves would be among the easiest races to add druid to right up there with dwarves.

Blood elves already have a strong tie to their forests, came from a society that knew well druidism by the time they left it, have the entire Farstrider organization which would easily take in both druids and shaman without any fuss and even have old lore that could be rekindled without much to any trouble with the lore.

They also have had years alongside races like the trolls and tauren both of which are druid capable and more than willing to teach.


I was just asking a wow related side bar question I thought you were listing things you were and weren’t supportive of.

But then theres our answer.

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Personally I disagree, but I respect your opinion. There are very few classes that can easily be given without further justification. I don’t believe that Druid Blood Elves are one such case.

They don’t really have a tie to it in a druidic sense. They twist nature against its will using arcane, not nature, to force it to stay the way it is forever. It’s honestly an abomination to druidism. They also don’t have an existing tie to a wild god or the emerald dream which is quite important for one to gain access to being a Druid. Being buddy buddy with animals like a hunter isn’t enough.

Yes, but we need to think about if the culture even allows Blood Elves to have a desire to learn to become one. They don’t show an interest in it at this point in time. And the druidism that once existed with them was long ago reconned to enshrine them as purely/almost entirely arcane. They did come from the arcane users of the Highborne, not those that dabbled in nature like the Night Elves.

We got completely off topic so here’s a rainbow

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