Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

As cool a concept as it was, Allied Races were just a mistake. Don’t get me wrong I love Void elves and new thematical racials. But the sheer mental gymnastics I gotta go through is something else.

Pretty much, I think a few worked well, but Horde especially was mostly stuff that would have been much better as added customizations to the core race since so little changed.

The ladies are nice. I do think that the Males could benefit from a Body Size slider like what Dracthyr got. A lot of races could benefit from a Body Size slider.

Also completely off topic but I guess I’ll have to find a new Tauren name Tarrok.

Why can’t this be easy?


Well this one came out of the fact that Blizz stole my old Tauren name in Wrath (they make a DK named Aurochs something and now no one can be Aurochs ) and then I basically worked through some alternatives like Arrachs and Aurok until I found one that stuck.

That’s kind of how I got Tarrok myself. Originally had Taurok (I know the pinnacle of creativity) and moving to a new server I’m sat here just trying different stuff out.

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Allied races are just fine for horde side. They didn’t want to give us brown orcs after TBC but then added the Mag’har from the AU Draenor. From a horde perspective, the allied races are very distinctive. Alliance is messy. The void elf makes me cringe and the mechagnomes… not to mention the lightforge Draeneis.

But at least they got the Kul’tiran and the best allied race, Dark Iron dwarf.

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Posting on my High Elf who has returned to Quel’Thalas.

He has no problem rejoining his people under the name Sin’Dorei. He just has an issue with using fel magic as a source, was a member of the Silver Covenant, but had not true love for the Alliance due to its history with the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas.

So please, join us as your High Elf and follow your Regentm the mad King is gone and the Sunwell is restored.


Well, don’t feel like you need to change it for my behalf.

Well, originally the direction they were going was that they couldn’t and were cut off. This was when Shadow Priests healed by doing damage though :slight_smile:

things change Go through the Forsaken lands and you’ll see they don’t have the Church of the Light. See Cult of Forgotten Shadows.

Of Light and Shadows:

A Forsaken priest is a curious beast, <his/her> path an unusual course.

<His/Her> shadowy rites cannot come from the Light, so <he/she> seeks a more sinister source.

Not only has the world forsaken us, … it seems the Light has left us as well. As the poem hints, however… we are not without power. Go, get more experience, grow your power. Return to me, and demonstrate what you have learned.

EDIT: This is why the Forsaken Priest for the Priest Class Hall is considered quite powerful too.

Since the Sunwell was restored, the usage of fel magic was not needed anymore (although the Warlocks still use it).

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Seconded !


That was my point.

They really are a cut above the rest.

That’s the thing, Blood elves most often then not actually never used fel magic to sate their hunger for magic. I mean Warlocks did but they were a special case. The fel green eyes were from crystals gifted to Quel’Thalas by Illidan if I’m remembering correctly. In fact Blood elves more or less took mana from living things which the High elves abhorred. God I’m kind of wanting to make that Blood Elf Warlock again. Stupid Bloodmage “Courting the powers of the Burning Legion” bit.

I might hold onto it until I find something better.

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That was my point. The High Elves are returning to Quel’Thalas most likely, as a lot of their reasons for straying from the banner are gone. A few radical folks (Vereesa EDIT: I.E. Human lover) are a distinct minority and we see those interested learning to transform in to Void Elves in the VE “home” area. Those who choose to go towards taking on the void are exiled.

With Tiger, Ox, and “Dragon” forms.

Crane flight? or Travel?

Doja Cat - Vegas (I get it)

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Mag’har should have been Blackrock Clan orcs fully done up like DID with burning hair etc prove me wrong (you can’t)

Eh, we’ve been asking for Brown orcs for years and we got not only that but Grey and Blackrock in one package. Granted I wish we got Shattered Hand completely chalk white Orcs.

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I just hate that they recycled all the WoD NPC skins with the 2d jewellery and stuff. The Mag’har with the facial piercings look so bad. We wouldn’t have gotten that with an entirely new skin.

I don’t think they’ve ever given a very clear explanation.

We know that we were being turned into void beings and that there were very clear physical changes down to our blood.

Personally I don’t think light based paladins make sense for us but a void variant through a class skin concept would be well within reason. At least as far as lore for void elves is concerned. I’m betting if Blizzard does go that route high elf folk will have access to light based ones regardless of if the lore says void elf paladins use the void or not.

Plus class skins have a great deal of benefit for character customizations for most if not all classes and races.

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Yeah, but after the success of the Greenfire scenario for the Warlocks back in MoP, and how much fun it was, Blizzard decided to say no more. Always trust the fun never to be added.