Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Q:“When undead use or are healed by the Holy Light, does it cause them any actual damage or harm, or does it only cause them pain (in addition to the intended effects of the spell)?”

A:“Channeling the Light in any way, or receiving healing from the Light, only causes pain.”

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It’s almost like good game mechanics > lore ones for gameplay purposes…

You can literally heal the undead to death in WC3. Can i get sauce for that statement?

Interviews done with the help from Chris Metzen and Alex Afrasiabi


I’ve kind of been wondering about that actually. Just how infused are we talking? Cause we did interrupt the ritual before completion resulting in what the Void elves are. I mean are they infused head to toe with energy or is it a mark like what Orcs had with the Demon Blood? If Infused then ya Paladin makes no sense, if marked I dunno, maybe? Could go a long way to explaining how Holy Priest Void Elves function.

The days when all you needed in a graveyard full of Undead was a Phoenix Down.

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While it’s only a suggestion, and I agree that yes it’s not a popular one but I’ll explain merely as an example of what’s possible:

We know extracting magic from a creature/entity/object is a canonical aspect of the lore. High Elves have drained magic from creatures and objects, and Warlocks do the same.

It’s entirely within the confines of the lore for Void Elves to have the Void extracted from within them and allow it to be simply an outer feature. This would technically allow a Void Elf to wield the Light while still adhering to what a Void Elf is, that being a High Elf that dabbles in the Void.

This could provide a host of Void based customization for the representation of the extracted Void. Examples could be crystalized Void floating behind the Void Elf resembling the appearance of a Naaru, or floating Void orbs circling the individual, etc.

By the Void being an external aspect, there’d be nothing stopping a Void Elf from using the Light as it wouldn’t be mixing with the Void.


This whole argument over Paladins is a waste of time IMO. Blizzard is going to do what Blizzard wants to do. If that means following through with the whole " we believe that everything is possible. So we don’t want to close the doors of a certain class to a certain race, and end up opening up the Paladin class to everyone that doesn’t have it yet at some point (whether they have recolored spells or not), there’s not much any of us can do about it. But if it does happen, I’d like there to be some effort made, however small, to explain it in game and have it fit into the world.

If that means recolored spells and Void Elves (and perhaps other races like Forsaken & Orcs/Mag’har) are mimicking Paladins with void magic? Fine I can live with that. But make sure it’s stated somewhere via NPC text, and if possible have Light wielding Paladins have some “choice words” for any Void-wielding Paladins that speak with them (like say in the Paladin class Hall for example).

If Blizzard doesn’t want to recolor the spells, and just wants us to assume any Alliance Thalassian Paladins are regular High Elves fighting under the banner of the Ren’dorei? I can live with that too, but again, have it stated somewhere via NPC text so we’re not just left in limbo wondering about it, like we’ve wondering for years just how new members of the Ren’dorei are coming into their mastery of the void.

Lastly, consider this. If a Naaru, a being I would assume is far more connected to the Light than any Paladin could ever hope to be, can go all Void, and even go back to Light under the right circumstances, then I’d say maybe the whole Void+Light=Boom theory may not be as solid as people think it is.

Alleria and Turalyon don’t explode when they touch. Sure there’s pain when they are using their respective powers while touching, but no one is going to convince me that the two of them don’t get “intimate” anymore during their down time.

At the end of the day, Blizzard can retcon existing lore or create new lore to explain whatever they want, so as Ion said in that French interview: “we believe that everything is possible”. But also remember that just because it’s possible, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Class proliferation could get left by the wayside at the drop of a dime. And even if it does happen, it could be multiple expansions away for all we know.


agreed with a lot but one bit.

It’s stated in an audio book that the moment they came in contact they were blown apart by the conflicting energies they emitted. Now that was then so who knows, maybe they’ve learned to tone down said energy. Or the audio book is retconned as is the favorite past time.

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Wasn’t there a later book (Shadows Rising?) that addressed this and said she is only unable to touch him when she’s in void form. When she’s not in void form it’s basically fine.


Maybe, I dunno. Blizzard likes to play hopscotch with their lore.


Can’t argue with that! :stuck_out_tongue:

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It would be nice to see glyphs to modify all the existing spell effects for a class. As a blood elf paladin I wish my spells were red-hued to keep it inline with being a Blood Knight.

I also think the simplest solution would just be to change the definition of paladin to a magic infused warrior. So it could encompass all different magics of WoW. It’s not like we haven’t seen fel paladins or void infused warriors.


I’d definitely like to see different faiths being represented through different magic for the Void, Elune, Sunwell, Loa, and more. Class skins would definitely help elevate identity and player agency :purple_heart:


Won’t lie, Magic Knight has always been a personal favorite trope of mine. Especially in Anime. Doesn’t even have to be infused. A warrior trained in mystic arts be it Light, Void, Arcane.

Ah, sorry I tend to get ahead of myself when I start thinking of Magic Swordsmen.

so basicly like the house lannister

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Well that and a woman who had been one of the big heroes of their people who died trying to protect them and came around to help them out when the Alliance was FA in their lands.


I keep forgetting that Sylvanas was their foot in the door for the Horde and that the circumstances at the time were… troublesome.

I’m sorry it’s been a long time since I last went through the Ghostlands starting experience so I sometimes forget that technically they weren’t part of the Horde during the starter experience and it was only after having Sylvanas and the Forsaken help them in the Ghostlands and going to Orgrimmar to have the Blood elves formally be accepted in the ranks.

Much as I love Exile’s Reach sometimes I forget we do live through the storylines of why things are what they are and not everything is in the books.

Now that I’m really thinking about it, during Burning Crusade it was probably well known among the Alliance about the Blood elves Fel dealings, the Dwarf in the starter area was the Blood elf’s attempt at rejoining the Alliance but the Alliance had no interest and really just sought to monitor a dangerous element and dispose of it if needed. The Dwarf ambassador was the face while the Night elf spy was the hand.

Oh god I am the biggest moron that has walked the face of the damn planet.

The biggest damage done to the game, just because my fellow Asians want to play a beautiful race.

The Draenei were a last moment addition because they couldn’t secure the rights for Pandaren back then. And it shows. The Draenei are anything but aesthetically pleasant figures. Human face + human hands + squid hair + hooves? Should have made them to goats back then.

The good thing is that they could recycle all the finished assets back then and continue working on a whole expansion based around them, which was more worth it in the long run.

Void Elves never made sense going forward, no matter how harsh it sounds. They just released a low quality race with no real story attached to them. Blizzard dug their own grave with this awful player experience and how everyone else wants to play “the good elves which are supposed to be on the Alliance”. Shouldn’t have teased them all day long in the game as part of the Alliance either. Pretty stupid company and game director choices if anyone asks me.

They will add both choices, because otherwise they will be eaten alive for their incompetence on every community and social media platform.

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The internet would beg to differ with you there.

That phrase does not mean “They did something I really don’t like”


Honestly Void elves should have been Horde. It’d have given the Horde a race who would be ideal to confront the Light-centric Alliance. Nightborne should have also been Alliance because then that’d have given the Alliance a Arcane Elf race on par with the Blood elves. Of course how they would have written that is anyone’s guess as the Nightborne simply had more in common with Blood elves.

God, Horde really is turning into the Elf faction.

Ooof, not another basically duplicate allied race. Although that would have given us something with particle effects, and since we have blood elves they could have left them as cool void things.

Eh, think the elf rot goes farther than the horde

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