Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Sentences like these makes me wish Horde got Ogres instead that could have been a thing.
Put the Blood elves on the alliance where they want to be and have the Nightborne join them there, give the Horde Ogres and Mok’Nathal.


Blood elves saved the horde population wise. Not having a pretty race back in the day while also having the weaker raid class was negatively harming their numbers directly. the BE/Dranei thing was intended to add a ‘monstrous’ race to the alliance while giving a pretty one to the horde to sort of balance the numbers out a bit.

Also the lore for HEs during WC3 was that they got screwed by the alliance as a nation and as a people several times since WC2 ended. Basically they were intentionally fracturing them.

I also dream of ogres for the horde though. Pretty sure we got jipped in WoD because the devs couldn’t think of anything ‘cool enough’ to give to the alliance Edit : and because they didnt have time to build a female rigging

I know I know, still all things considering the Horde screwed over the Blood elves back in WC2/WC3 as well. Regardless it’s all been said and done and nothing short of a reality reset is going to change it.


If a micro essay of proof isn’t enough to persuade someone, they’ll just continue to believe in the falsehood no matter what unfortunately.

In terms of the thread topic at hand, yes I very much would appreciate Void Elf Paladins. Specifically in the sense of them being Void based with the option for all Paladins to have Glyphs of various cosmic forces.


void elf paladins please


Since they’ve been in these threads they haven’t so I wouldn’t worry about it.

I think what you said definitely made sense.

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being insane because of the whole agression driven by fel magic thing while also having them kill said demon and help defend the world would probably earn them cookies too though.

The elves have a history with the legion and finding another race that lost said fight (instead of winning like they did vs Elisande and her legion stooges) then later on killing said ‘slavers’ and effectively ‘winning’ would probably draw some pity and understanding. maybe a few cookies… The orcs fighting with the NEs would probably further push the orcs further into a favorable position because those jerks kicked them out of their home in the first place.

Blood elves always struck me as the unforgiving sort. Exceptionally haughty bordering on arrogant. The only reason the Night elves banished them in the first place was because the High elves didn’t want to give up their arcane magic and they were told it’s either death or banishment. If memory serves many Night elves called for their deaths but ultimately Malfurion and Tyrande decided banishment was enough.

Honestly it’d probably make more sense for Blood elves to not join any faction being such staunch isolationists. It was only when they were at their lowest, most desperate that they had to relent and offer themselves to the Horde.

Course this is all just me fanwanking a theory out.


Fen said it better.

Oh that is strong coming from one of the many people who follow every Alliance High Elf thread to troll it with the same comment over and over: “I hope Blood Elves get more and Void Elves miss out”.


Blizzard isn’t going to agree with that anymore than any other reasonable person would. Its rather obvious the meaning behind those spells back then and a scattered few that still exist today.

Void Elves are infused with the void. Paladins are not at all infused with the Light. They use it to empower their attacks and their bodies. Paladins lose their connection to the Light from their own loss of faith just like priests of the Light do. Thats the Lights thing. Your doubts and faith affect your ability to use it.

The Lightforged however are literally imbued and infused with the Light.

Except they’re flat out wrong about that lore.

Human paladins of the Silver Hand follow a tradition of blessing their members and empowering their abilities through the Light. They’re the only group that we have any information on and its entirely subjective to a single character and minor mentions from two others.

Those who have lost those powers had them stripped either via another special ritual to cut it off, a curse*, or a loss of faith specifically.

Even other evil characters have held onto their powers by faith alone. Arthas losing his is either a matter of his faith and belief in the Light faltering or has been retconned by later information through the Scarlets.

The Light works off of faith and so even priests will lose it if they lose their faith but we don’t assume they’re infused with it.

We have a plethora of data that suggests the opposite of Paladins being infused and three specific subjective narrators in books saying otherwise and even that is suspect.

The Lightforged themselves also greatly suggest otherwise by their own existence.

Not only that but that poster supports the erroneous concept that Blood Elves were added to put a pretty race on the Horde so their own grasp on the situation seems very much more about their “side” than it is about lore.

(* The Worgen Curse may or may not have cut off its paladins from the Light but this has been somewhat retconned as far as I can tell.)


Ogres and mok’nathal would be cool af ngl.

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Horde would still be the ones to get High Elves renamed Blood Elves, there’s no reason Alliance would get them after screwing them over and them allying with Undead because Undead is also Horde.

Exactly makes sense to me.


I’ve never really understood the anti BE posters pov but they certainly seem to think they have points and I think that’s great if they enjoy the game and RP the lore and story as they choose.

I still think it’s safe to say that Blizzard opening up most classes or more classes won’t end up meaning all and they could very well just say well that’s that we did what we intended.


Me either given that the lore is the lore and yes it can be changed but I find it unlikely they’ll change all Paladin lore for one class for one race when the class and race is already there on Horde side not once but twice over now with the classic versions of WoW.

Also yeah, I support more race/class combos big time and there’s even some combos I really want like Lightforged Draenei Warlock and Draenei Warlock that I find unlikely to happen because it’s lore breaking and no matter how they try to spin it, it wouldn’t make sense like sense.

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Wait, because words have definitions that should be followed and when two different words have similar definitions to the point of using some of the exact same words they should mean the same thing right? How does that work exactly? Please explain how it is double speak and that they are magically different.

Either way VEs are loaded with void magic and that literally explodes when it even gets near light magic as per the Void Elf recruitment quest. We ignoring that elephant in the room? Priests are already noted to be special little lore breakers for gameplay purposes as per blizzard like 18 years ago when asked why the undead could use it even though it actually hurts them. Alonsus and that horseman were supposed to be special but even then it was noted that using their holy magic harmed them. If there was some sort of new retcon for that please provide it.

In the end? Let’s be real, if we want to give VEs paladins they should promptly be retconned out of the alliance and just folded into the BEs because their entire recruitment scenario collapses in on itself. Why they joined the alliance to begin with literally vanishes.


I’d be okay with this because then they wouldn’t have been diluted into bargain bin Blood Elves and would have lots more cool void customizations and stuff instead of being whatever RPing mess they are currently for most people on Alliance.

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No, because no one is asking for Void Elves to get Light based Paladins by default. It’s always been requested as a class skin with the addition of other cosmic forces options through glyphs for all Paladins. Other suggestions have also been put forward that allows a Void Elf even standard Light paladins with the use of some obscure lore mechanics.

No, priests don’t break the lore. They utilize Light and Void separately, never together.

Never broke the lore, Undead Priests have always been able to wield the light. It hurts them, but doesn’t actually cause physical damage.


Why would light adhering elves choose the void is so odd.

Not only are Blood Elves the playable High Elf race for actual High Elf fans but… if an elf is going to adhere to the light and be a Paladin they aren’t choosing VEs. That’s for sure.


uhh. how did healing damage the undead in games for years beforehand then?

The way it is described in one of the books is that the light brings the soul closer to the body allowing them to feel what their decayed body does better while also attacking/damaging the magical tether that ties the soul to said corpse.

So yes it does hurt/damage them from a technical standpoint because it eats away at that bond keeping them undead. (edit : this doesn’t mean that the damage is irrecoverable but it does mean that it does deal damage)


I agree with you, like legit I’ve always thought that’s the whole reason Void Elves didn’t get Paladin class from the get go is that it’s lore breaking and they’d blow up because void and light doesn’t mix and they are void infused that’s why they sound weird, glow blue, bleed blue, etc.