Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Dark/tanned skin, short ears, blue eyes, silver jewelleries - given to both sides, blizz did the homogenization

Then gave them some of the proposed mockups, blue eyes, dark skin, and short ears. Wouldn’t be surprised if braids come next

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This is why I cannot take Ion seriously anymore and when it comes to FOMO-discussions. They will give the players everything they want when nobody plays the game.

It was a stupid concept to begin with. Void Elves sounds more like a hero class to me these days… and given that the request for playable High Elves were known, it left a very negative mark on the game in general. The past years I have read so many discussions about this and how it helped to put a nail on the Alliance’s coffin.

The damage was done and people suffer because of it. “The Rule of Cool” cannot apply to something like this, they knew about the request for years now and we all could see how the backlash imploded. Nobody can tell me that they didn’t saw this coming. That’s likely why they got fearful and did not an actual Void Elf update but rather a High Elf subrace update to silencing the constant discussions (!) which went on for four years that time. Four years without any break. Does anyone realize how long this is? This alone should already tell anyone that something went wrong.



All is said then.

  • Give high elf fans paladins for void elves + a void knight class skin for void elf fans
  • Share some hairstyles across blood and void elves, and create some new ones as well that appease everyone, giving priority to void fans too.


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I made a Draenei Mage for this very reason and give her red/purple color scheme. Can’t wait for red skin to fully embrace the eredar that she is.


only point I disagree on is the hair . . . make us some fresh hairstyles like everyone else got, because we’re worth it . . . both natural AND void.

edit: I absolutely R E F U S E to let them be lazy about this . . .


I would like to see the Eredar on the Horde-side, rather being Alliance. Would also make more sense with Velen’s group.

Sooner or later they will come, for both sides.


I’d say that is subjective.

I didn’t think the concept was stupid (as presented through Alleria’s story arc on Argus, not the shoddy Void Elf unlock scenario), I just think the execution (the fact that Void Elves as a potential allied race were completely absent in Legion prior to their unlock scenario, looked completely different from Alleria at release, and the unlock scenario itself).

something went wrong.

Oh absolutely. And Blizzard’s only recourse was to add High Elf customization options to Void Elves (which I am incredibly grateful for). And whether one likes or doesn’t like Void Elves as originally presented, they are here now and part of the game. Blizzard isn’t just going to rewrite their story. At best, we can hope that they flesh out their story far more.

For the most part, I have tried to keep my participation in Elf topics to a minimum since we got the hair colors added to Void Elves since that let me complete the fantasy I wanted. I’m not asking for anything for Void Elves beyond what I am asking for all races at this point. More customization options for everyone. I’m not really gung ho about getting this or that class for Void Elves. About the only class I have any real interest in seeing proliferated at this point is Demon Hunters so players can actually have NON-ELF Demon Hunters, but it’ll happen when it happens.

Paladins aren’t infused with the light. There is no fundamental difference between a paladin and priest other than how they use the light in the field. The Silver Hand ceremony is that of a blessing (akin to giving someone a buff), not an infusion.

Of Blood and Honor (Chapter 2):

  1. “Archbishop: In the Light, we gather to empower our brother. In its grace, he will be made anew. In its power, he shall educate the masses. In its strength, he shall combat the shadow. And, in its wisdom, he shall lead his brethren to the eternal rewards of paradise.”
  2. “Archbishop: Clerics of the Northshire, if you deem this man worthy, place your blessings upon him.
    One of the clerics comes with a blessed dark blue embroidered stole in his hands, which he placed reverently around Tirion’s neck. Then, he dipped his thumb in a small vial of sacred oil and anointed Tirion’s forehead.”
  3. “Archbishop: Knights of the Silver Hand, if you deem this man worthy, place your blessings upon him.
    Two of the armored men comes, the first laid the warhammer before Tirion’s feet. The second, Saidan Dathrohan, placed the silver plates upon Tirion’s shoulders.”
  4. “Each of the clerics and knights raised their right hands and pointed toward Tirion, empowered him with the holy light.”

Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (Part 1: Chapter 5):

  1. “In the Light, we gather to empower our brother.”
  2. & 3) are similar to the 2) & 3) from above
  3. “Sweat broke out on Arthas’s brow. What was going wrong? Why wasn’t the Light wrapping itself around him in blessing and benediction?”

The rest of the book makes a point that the light flows through him or he’s channeling it etc. Same as priests.

  1. Chapter 8 … “Maybe if he focused on fighting, on learning how to accept, and channel and direct the Light, he could get the hell over her. Over the girl he himself had broken up with”

Had he been infused, why would he need to learn to accept, channel, and direct the light? Seems like it’d only be directing.

  • This ceremony is exclusive to the Order of the Silver Hand, which not all Paladins are a part of. There is no evidence to support that other Paladin individuals/races/organizations undergo the same process nor is it explicitly mentioned that it’s needed to become a Paladin.
    This is just a fact. Silver Hand was originally just Humans and Dwarves.
    Draenei became Paladins through the Naaru teaching them about the Light.
    High Elves had Paladins through normal worship of the Light, but briefly lost in after most of them renamed to Blood Elves and had to drain it from Naaru. With the Sunwell restored, the Blood Knights returned to embracing the Light like the originally did.
    Sunwalkers get the Light from basic worship of An’she, which is just a different form of the Draenei worshipping it through the Naaru and Humans/Dwarves through the Light itself.

The first Human Paladins were literally just Warrior + Priest
Tides of Darkness (Chapter 5)

  1. “I will establish a new branch of the Church, the paladins. I have already selected the first candidates for this order. Some were knights before but others were priests. I chose these men for both their piety and their martial prowess. They will be trained, not only in war but in prayer and in healing. And each of these valient fighters will possess both martial and spiritual power, particularly in blessing themselves and other with the strength of the Holy Light.”

And just so you’re aware there is zero statement about the ORIGINAL paladins of the Church, mentioned above, having gone through the ceremony mentioned twice earlier. This implying that the ceremony was created afterwards, and that again it isn’t necessary for one to be a Paladin.

Wielding the light is a matter of faith. Paladins don’t have the light within them. It answers their call just like with a Priest. The only Light infused mortals are Lightforged Draenei.

And before you mention the ceremony that supposedly “removed the light infusion from tirion”, that ceremony is literally just a gaslighting ceremony to make the Paladin believe they aren’t worthy and therefore their faith (and thus ability to call to the light) is disrupted. It’s why it didn’t actually succeed as he was able to rekindle his faith later after a self discovery/reflection journey.


you mean the same person that said after his ritual to become infused with the light stated that his incredibly heavy (to the point it was hard to move, let alone lift) became much lighter? and then the same person who lost faith in the light and thus couldn’t call upon anymore after murdering an entire city? Arthas lost faith same as Thrall did.

paladins are fundamentally different from a priest otherwise there wouldn’t even be a paladin class and it would just be a subspec of Priests. but priests also have a connection to the Void through Shadow spec, whereas Paladins are only connected to the Light.

this is also evident in how general undead can’t be paladins as they would feel unimaginable pain and suffering as they are constantly burned from the inside due to their infusion of Light. undead can temporarily wield the Light as priests, but everytime they do it is pure agony for them. Sir Zeliak of the Four Horsemen is the only known undead paladin and is only kept “alive” thanks to the dark power of Kel’Thuzad (until we kill him in Naxx).

all void elf priests are shadow, just like all Lightforged Draenei priests are Holy. since paladins do not use a different power (regardless of which order of paladin, all of them use the Light), a void elf has no way of actually being a paladin, even if player void elves are able to cast holy spells since that is purely a game mechanic since they can’t just lock multiple specs off of a single class based on what race you are


Liadrin was a priest and also lost her ability to use the Light after the loss of her faith did she not?

The light empowering people in its way is common. Doesn’t mean it’s infused them. They’re not Lightforged.


The concept is stupid for me because they ignored the on-going request for High Elves. What they did not anticipate was the massive backlash and the damage it did to the faction. I mean, for sure they anticipated some resistance but not at this scale. And now they paddled back, instead simply doing the right thing and give the Alliance an exclusive race on their own, with ignoring us (the Horde) for once or shove in the Alliance Allied Race experience™ with a low quality race, perhaps Leapergnomes or Gilgoblins.

Everything about it was and still is lackluster, offensive and damaging. It begins with greasy hair styles, continues with peak widows for the males, followed by skin/hair colors and ends with missing mounts. Who comes up with such a concept? Does this mean every Alliance-player is a fat and greasy person? Was it really so hard to copy more Blood Elf styles over? They are the same species. And if you want to have a recent Void-based flying mount, then it has to be from the FOMO staple. They are an after-thought, only made to shut the people up. And then we have the community who fought for four years without a break (!) for their rights or reveled in the misery of others.


Blizzard said, or you said? Last time I checked, Blizzard said they were going to work on for the ones that never originally made sense for them to actually make sense, such as Warlocks and Paladins being 2 of the biggest classes with strong lore.

You need to really learn your lore if you believe in this. Paladins are by no means infused with the light. They channel it, just like how priest also channel the light. Only difference between a Paladin and a Priest is a Paladin took extra training to use the light to damage foes, where priest uses the light to heal allies.


The moon blade concept is so cool. We need more racial influence on spells.


I wanna see some class skins for all paladins.

Ranging from minor like changing the hammer from judgement to a ransuer for blood elves…

To something major like an entire palette change for void elves so they’re using the void.

There is a lot of potential with a system like that.


I’d like to see that for Priests as well. I really feel like Night Elf Priests using Holy magic should at least have the option to have a soft blue-white light of Elune instead of the typical yellow we have currently.


Wish they would just do this. The class/race restrictions are an outdated and archaic concept. Just let ppl play whatever race/class combo they want. I also wish i could play an alliance high elf paladin. Instead im forced onto my least favorite faction to play my favorite race.

Its the singular part of the lore i just dont care about. That and they already broke lore with undead priests. In WC3 every undead unit could be killed by holy light and healing spells. So whatever nonsense they came up with for forsaken priests makes zero sense at all.


Man when you read out the flavor text to the old school paladin seals you might be disappointed…

Edit : They fill themselves with holy light btw… infusing yourself is an apt description. Maybe you should read your lore?


You can fill yourself with any of the powers to empower yourself.

Doesn’t mean you’re infused with it.

Paladins are not Lightforged.


one of the literal definitions to infuse is to fill; pervade

one of the literal definitions to fill is become an overwhelming presence in; pervade

so, it sort of does.

I’m not the one who writes definitions

Edit : forgot to put the definition of pervade in there too but I think you get the point?