Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

High Elves didn’t become paladins until they became blood elves and began siphoning from a Naaru… why why why do people just keep ignoring that? Elf Paladins were literally not a thing until they joined the horde. It’s a HUGE plot/lore point.


There may have been one or two high elf paladins, but it pretty clearly wasn’t a very common thing for them as a culture and people.

The Blood Elves made an entire order by siphoning the Naaru. I think the high elf paladins before that were just a scattered few members who joined the Silver Hand at best.

All that said there are a fair few high elf paladins nowadays given how common they are in the Paladin order hall and that newer High Elf Paladin they added just recently to that same order hall. So regardless of if they had them or not, currently there are plenty.

Also all that said I personally wanna see void knights for void elves. I don’t know how likely it actually will be but its a nice dream to see Void Elf Rift Blades wielding the void like a paladin does.


That is not true: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Mehlar_Dawnblade

Mehlar was once a paladin pupil of the legendary Uther the Lightbringer, the leader of the Order of the Silver Hand, and a veteran of many battles against the Scourge.


There’s always one offs and special cases. One High Elf Paladin does not make an entire race of high elf paladins. Sir Zeilek is an undead paladin but that doesn’t mean there’s a whole army of undead paladins rollin’ around somewhere. He was a special case just like Mehlar was.

You can argue as much as you want but the lore is right there in your face and the story goes that High Elves were not paladins until they left the alliance.

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It means that there were high elf paladins before the blood knights. And now some of those same high elf paladins are now either part of the Argent Crusade/Silver Covenant.


Ok so list all of the other high elf paladins that existed before they left the alliance?

There are none because the high elves were members of the church of light. Many of them were priests and some of them became Blood Knights. That’s where Blood Elf Paladins came from.

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We have a literal high elf(that did not leave the Alliance) as a paladin trainer:


That’s a random game NPC. Show me some actual lore characters that exist besides Mehlar.

(and not Arator because he’s half human/half elf)

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Show me a lore character of a priest goblin as well. The fact is these NPC tell us these classes were available to them long before they were playable.


They haven’t created any yet since Goblin Priests are somewhat new.

I haven’t seen any other high elf paladins either? Like I said, a few small cases does not mean a whole race was available. Like Sir Zeilek or Alonsus Faol. He’s an undead priest who lorewise, can still use holy magic when NO other undead can do that. It doesn’t mean there’s a whole race of undead holy priests out there (the only reason they can be holy in game is mechanics wise - blizz already said this)

Look like I said, you can argue all you want but the fact is lorewise and canonically, High Elves did not become Paladins until they left the horde. Until Blizzard comes out and says it, you’re just making stuff up\ and pulling it out of the air to somehow justify it.

Also, this is a silly argument. Goblin Priests are a playable class. High Elf Paladins are not.

Ah so they left the Horde



Haha oops! Typo! I mean to say alliance… It is late :smiley:

From the recent wow interview:

The thing that differentiates writing from narrative design is the gameplay. The writing is important, but the world that you play in and travel through also needs to be able to tell it, so that you can see what’s happening and pick up on visual cues of the story before you read anything. This comes through in the environment, the creatures, the art, all of that helps the story and the world come to life. It’s an interactive process from day one, and down the line, the actual words start to come into play.

Having high elf paladin trainer was not accident. It was suppose to help tell its own story, namely that high elves can be paladins and they do not need/have any connection to the blood knight ones.


Probably not. But, do we know the exact specifics of what that story is?

Right now you’re defending someone who basically made something up (that paladins were a thing in general for high elves before they became blood elves) which is not true, because there’s one paladin with that story (and if I’m not mistaken, hasn’t that one gone on to join the Blood elves?) Yes, that means that it is possible, however it does not mean it was a feature of the culture, just that an out of the ordinary elf existed who joined a paladin order. This is a good framing as it also works for PCs and opening up classes to races that don’t have a cultural tie to those classes.

From the page on the trainer, doesn’t look like there’s much story to go on. So could be another out of the ordinary elf who has been one for a while or could be a sign of new interests in those high elves. This stuff does not need to rewrite the lore where paladins becoming a part of the elven society only happened when the Blood Knights were formed.

(and in case a stupid argument is about to start from other people, I am not against elves getting paladins, only against it being an elf only thing, all classes for all races, no picking and choosing winners and losers for classes)


I still feel being able to have the original High Elves with the choice of a paladin on alliance would still be amazing but idk who knows maybe we will get a Void Elf storyline based around cleansing the void by entering a rehab and force the High back into them :sweat_smile:

Also what others said I would love to see Night Elf Elune paladins and Blood Elf nature Ritual tribe blood elve practicing the druid maybe the Wildhammer dwarves taught em a thing or two hahaha.

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This is true.

Mehlar is listed on the wiki page as a Blood Elf and he became a member of the Blood Knight order…

He became a member of the Blood Knight Order and was known for following a strict code of conduct and his strong moral rectitude. He worked well in tandem with other knights.

Mehlar also harbored deep hatred toward his former mentor, the late [Uther the Lightbringer] for teaching Prince Arthas in the way of the paladin believing Uther’s “mishandling” of the young prince’s training was responsible for Arthas’ betrayal and the subsequent destruction of Quel’Thalas. Mehlar tasked Horde agents with defiling the late Uther’s tomb, which compelled Uther’s spirit to confront the adventurer. Uther’s spirit expressed sorrow that Mehlar’s heart had turned so dark, and hoped that his former pupil would see the Lightagain and turn his efforts to restoring Quel’Thalas.

As of the end of BFA, he is no longer a member of the Silver Hand and in Shadowlands, he’s in Farstrider square (That’s Quel’halas - The blood elf city) congratulating the Sin’Dorei on their victory in Deadholme.

So, there goes that argument.

Lorwise, it seems he was never even a part of the Silver Hand until The Blood Knights joint them in Legion. He just trained under Uther.


They were a “thing” in the in the same vein as the goblin priests and the new priest/mage/rogue combo added recently are a “thing”. In that they were not prominent in the culture but ENOUGH of them exist that they are capable of being playable.


Does that need to be a thing? I mean, prior to the Blood Knights there was one.

The player characters are heroic characters who are not standards of their race. I don’t feel they need any sort of excuse from the story to do something out of the ordinary. Frankly, I feel like for PCs the lore should just get out of the way and if the player wants to create their own backstory that’s all that’s needed for that one extraordinary example of a member of that race.

There’s nothing wrong with cultural outliers, but they’re one offs. If you rp or just come up with stories for your characters it opens up different hooks, stuff like how that character’s culture reacts to this out of the ordinary member, is it positive or negative. Just to me it feels that needing there to be some sort of cultural link to the class would risk some ham-fisted attempts to shoehorn things in if they keep going through with opening up the classes, when all they need to do is let one offs be one offs and let people come up with their own stories for how their character trained.


Lorewise Void Elves channeling the Light would probably implode.

Just make a blue eyed Blood Elf.

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Ion has said that Void elf paladins could be a possibility in the future.

i.e if more players quit, they will bust it out to reinforce sub numbers like they did when they took off High elf restrictions from Void elves.

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