Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

I just wanna point out again if Alliance gets the Elf Paladin combo I hope the same is returned to Horde in the Druid Elf combo.

Blood Elf Druids w a passion for healing the land around Quel’thalas would be my goal.


“ELUNES BLESSINGS” Pops avenging wrath

That would be sick, I agree.


Again, the head dude literally gave an answer:


Does Alleria still consider herself a high elf? Can one be both a high elf and a void elf?

Characters in Azeroth don’t think in terms of customization options or gameplay choices.

Alleria is a child of Quel’Thalas and a solider of the Alliance. She returned after 1000 years to find most of her surviving kin switched political affiliation. Didn’t change who she is.-Steve Danuser

Again, you can be more then one thing in WoW. You are not limited to some binary thinking.

As shown, the question was not just about Alleria. Hence the whole “characters in Azeroth” response.


Posting these in regards to Elven Paladins for the Alliance, in the hope that we may see some unique and racially inclined aesthetics included with the eventual addition of the class to those races.

Class skins across the board would be amazing. In contrast to Elven Paladins on the Alliance, the Horde could be given a similar treatment with Druids.

The Blood Elf class skin could have a Solar/Fiery aesthetic in contrast to the Night Elves Lunar aesthetic.

The Nightborne class skin could have a more Arcane inclined aesthetic in line with the Arcan’dor, sharing similarities with High Botanist Tel’arn.

There’s so much that could be done with class skins for everyone as more class/race combinations open up. Here’s hoping :purple_heart::pray:


It just never ends with you people.


:sweat_smile: Hey there’s worse things in life than a strong loving community of an elf race in a fantasy mmo!


This is only true for the OG Void Elves from the quest line.
I do not think that new recruits will undergo the same event just to turn purple.

If Blizz will allow Tauren rogues then I’d wager anything is possible lol.

Anyone else find it funny how players tend to come up with more interesting stuff then Blizzard devs usually do?


Well that’s just speculation/opinion/anecdotal and until blizzard comes out and says it, that’s the way void elves are made.

It’s kind of weird how people will argue lore and make up their own stories/ideas when it’s literally right there… The ritual, the sunwell reacting badly against alleria’s presence etc.

not according to Steve Danuser:

So she still considers herself a high elf.

Right? I still have NO Idea where people are getting the idea that high elves were paladins… They literally didn’t become Paladins until they renamed themselves blood elves and began siphoning a Naaru but people just glaze over that whole fact cause blond hair blue eyed paladins.

Also, very well written explanation. I’m saving this for future reference.


At least Blood Elf Druids being added would make sense, Void Elf Paladin due with current lore for both Paladins and Void Elves makes it not work because basically they are dead in the water with the void infusing.


Exactly! Too many are too locked into just putting something into one box, Alleria after all left when the thalassian people only were called high elves. And now all of a sudden there’s this huge political split. She is still a child of Quel’thalas, we know she still sees the blood elves as her people too and most likely sees herself as a high elf and Ren’dorei, and is going by being called Ren’dorei at the moment (See void elf starting quest where she includes herself with being called children of the void aka the Ren’dorei, shadows rising where she is called a void elf, and as well in-game interactions where her going into void form is calling it void elf transformation, even if the last one is poor lore reasoning since naming game files and spell effects don’t always reflect the lore, but can give an indication of what the view/intent is.).

After all, these other names are to differentiate them from the other groups of thalassians, but they’re all still as much children of Quel’thalas as any of the others. And of course, there will be interesting individuals that are on the edges of these groups and even overlapping between them. Still, for discussion, it’s the easiest to put them in generic boxes referring to what the groups refer to themselves as, like by saying blood elves when talking about the Kingdom of Quel’thalas that’s part of the Horde, no matter if the members have gold, green or blue eyes. And high elves refer to those loyal to the Alliance that left/were exiled by the blood elves and refused draining living creatures and retained only calling themselves high elves, and void elves for those that are loyal to the Alliance and began to embrace the power of the void, and as far as we know at the moment, was changed by it. Since we don’t actually have any information on new generations outside of having both high elves and blood elves study the void from them.

They’re not really mutually exclusive. Since they are all thalassian groups, there are bound to be some overlap or even characters being able to switch sides/rejoining another group, etc. Especially since the split/s was so recent.

I’m glad you liked it, I do try. Even if at times I’m not too agreeable, and sometimes have a hard time explaining my reasoning.

It’s logical, if you think about it.
Do you really want the recruits getting tossed around by an Void entity again? What should they do, if Alleria isn’t there to safe their butts?

Oh agreed - I was only referencing night elf Paladin as the elf Paladin variant for Alliance to be specific

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Yes please, I want Night Elf Paladins, I don’t play Paladin but I really can’t wait until they are a thing so they can have a super cool racial summon mount. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I can has forsaken druid? OwO.
But in all seriousness belf druids have been in lore since warcraft 3 and have a passage somewhere about learning it from a group of trolls who rescued a group of belfs after Arthas invasion and taught it to them.
Im all for the “all races all classes” route. Let people play what they wanna play. Youd think living with each other for hundreds of years we’d have learned the classes from the other races.

The Alliance used to have High Elf paladins (Blood Elves ARE High Elves). Then the 3rd War happened and both Quel’Thalas and Gilneas left the Alliance when it was done over the matter of the internment camps for the orcs. Then after Arthas laid seige to Quel’Thalas they wanted to rejoin and were in negotiations to do just that. But between the racist General sending them on suicide missions be cause “F anyone that isn’t human”, and Tyrande actively sabotaging their defenses against the continuously remaining scourge threat present in their lands, they rightly said screw the Alliance. They then joined the Horde thanks to Sylvanas actually providing troops and REAL aid in defending Quel’Thalas (remember it’s her homeland and she used to be the Ranger General) and fighting the Scourge remnants allowing the reclaiming of the Ghostlands.

So yeah, Alliance HAD High Elf paladins, and went out of their way to piss them off and throw them away.


If Blizz follows through with the whole “race no longer being a limiter to class” thing then yea, Forsaken Druids will be a thing.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that when a class gets rolled out, it’s very likely going to be done for all races in one go, not some races get it and others don’t. So when it’s time for the Druid class to get proliferated, it’ll pretty much be every race that doesn’t have access to Druid currently getting it.

If I had to speculate, I’d imagine Forsaken Druids will have Druid forms not dissimilar to Kul Tirans, and likely a similar focus on the “death” aspect of nature.

As for Blood Elf Druids, yea, Blizz could easily just flip a switch and let them have access without much fanfare needed. They’d really just need racial specific Druid forms.


Give Paladin a Shadow Priest treatment, a Void Spec and it can happen then. Last thing anyone wants is another bomb in the form of a Void Elf taking in the Light.

Meh the lore can go to hell as far as I’m concerned. Just let people play what they want.