Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

:point_up_2: What is going to happen 100%. They don’t care for the petty talks here in this topic but sub numbers.


Pretty sure we already are a thing. :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry, meant to include paladins specifically in that ;p


It’s been pointed out before that this idea doesn’t make any sense. If that theory was true, why would they sit on a money making idea until the game is dying? There’s a really good chance all this would do would be rearranging chairs, it’d maybe get some race change money, but mostly would be people already playing making new alts.

It’d make some people happy, but of things driving people from the game, it’s probably pretty low on the list over larger issues (gameplay and larger story beats) And since frankly so much of the high elf wishlist seems to be story agnostic (or really, intent on ignoring or rewriting the actual lore of the game) would it bring people in over other games that offer the kind of elves already with potentially more features that they want (slider based character systems etc)


Why would they release shadowlands and obstinately refuse to change anything about it until it was too late?

The high elf wishlist was just to have playable high elves. That’s it. Not void elves. Not blood elves. Just the Silver Covenant high elves that have existed in the game since WOTLK.


Ok, gonna delete the snark and whatnot about the usual arguments as I wasn’t trying to get into that with my post.

Look, I’m not arguing against high elves here exactly, more just arguing against the idea they’re some silver bullet that will save the game if they’re added in, especially the idea that Blizz is sitting on it waiting for things to get to a certain level of bad before doing it.

It implies they have data that this is a surefire move that they would have solid data using professional stats backing up that it would be a huge help. If they had that, why wouldn’t they have pulled it out earlier?

As for the first point, I feel like this is an unpopular view I have, but I like that they try stuff like that to a degree (I mean, I skipped most of SL because I was still upset about BFA’s story abomination, and frankly none of the main plot held any interest to me at all.) I think that it’s a mistake to think that the best way to design a game is to basically just listen to your players as the top concern.

It’s definitely important to take feedback, true. But I feel like you just end up with a soulless mess if all you do is chase after player wants. A game is a huge collaborative work of art which requires a drive and control over what is left in and what gets cut, just like a book or a movie. And generally a big draw of something is enjoying the trip that a person or team takes us on with their creative process.

It doesn’t always work, and sounds like SL didn’t. But I have sympathy for the idea of the team wanting to stand their ground a bit if they feel something is worthwhile despite early views. They just have to know when to realize they need to turn back.


I would love it if character creation in WoW expanded to the point where you clicked a race on the character creation screen and then got sub-race options to further customize your character. The problem is the introduction of allied races really muddied the waters by, say, giving Dark Irons when the simpler option would’ve been to create a character, click ‘dwarf’ then have dark iron, wildhammer, and frostborn as sub-race customization options. Dark Irons being their own separate thing, you could still give Wildhammer and Frostborn…still. Wildhammers deserved so much more than some tattoo and feather in the hair options :frowning:

As for the blood/high/void elf debacle…at this point since they already gave the normal skin and hair tones to void elves (no matter your feelings on the topic) and it seems they’re further loosening the faction lines…sure, given ‘high elf’ as a sub race option when you choose to make a void elf, but only if the same is given to blood elves. If faction lines are being loosened you can justify high elves being both in the Alliance and those who chose to return to Silvermoon.

A little redundant since blood elves are the same race as high elves and the only difference in modern lore is political affiliation (especially now since both void elves and blood elves can run around with blue/purple eyes and normal skin tones). But if they really wanted to give that last carrot (having the actual ‘high elf’ racial tag available to players instead of ‘blood elf’ and ‘void elf’), it’s only fair to give it to both factions.


High Elves are exclusively an Alliance-feature at this point and that’s a good thing. If someone wants to play a (Silver Covenant) High Elf, then there is the Alliance “waiting for you” with all the tabard/mount vanity items you can ask for.

Blood Elves are a Horde-exclusive feature and it should also stay one.


It’s too bad Occam’s Razor doesn’t apply to human emotions. Pride. Arrogance, Hubris. We are talking about the same development team who nearly burned their own game to the ground because they were butthurt that someone was able to make all 20 stacks of stew, mount up, and fly away before the Hozen chef miniboss in Skyrange/Vot4W could aggro.


You should be, it would be dumb to add another elf race after already having Blood Elves/High Elves & Nightborne on Horde and Void Elves and Night Elves on the Alliance and I say that as an elf fan because Void Elves were already diluted to be bargain bin Blood Elves on the Alliance.

Realistically people that still take such issue with the fact Horde got the High Elves back in BC is nothing more than saltiness from salty people. :salt: :salt: :salt:


look whose talkin :rofl:

Don’t we all.

Well I was trying there to avoid that rabbit hole and just concentrate on the “If they had a known money maker that’d guarantee to bring a ton of people to the game why would they sit on it while sub numbers have been dropping and it could get them higher profits now instead of maybe bringing it back up to current profits later” argument.

But I see this is just more high elves are magic bullets that will blah blah blah


I have to agree. There is no such magic bullet. Anyone that thinks there’d be any kind of major shift in population numbers if High Elves were added as their own race is deluding themselves IMO. We didn’t see any significant movement when Void Elves were added, or after they got High Elf customization. I don’t believe a racial name change is going to be a “magic bullet” either.

High Elf customization for Void Elves is it. While I could always be proven wrong, I honestly don’t believe there’s even the slightest chance of Blizzard adding another Thalassian derivative. The best anyone looking for such can hope for at this point is more customization options and maybe an option to change how racial tags are displayed (but I think that’s a highly unlikely feature to be added).

I’m satisfied with the High Elf customization options on Void Elves. And while I can’t just tell anyone who isn’t to stop wanting what they want, I implore those people to think hard about the unlikelihood of getting another Thalassian derivative, that has largely the same High Elf customization that Void Elves already have, and wasting time and energy trying to get something that has next to no chance of being given.

It just wouldn’t make sense for Blizzard to waste the time and resources on that when Void Elves already fulfill that request for the most part. At best ask for more RP tools for Void Elves, but asking for a race slot to be devoted to another derivative is almost certainly going to be met with a “no” IMO.

And if those people are just looking for Blizzard to flat out copy/paste Blood Elves on to the Alliance and rename them High Elves instead of making custom assets for a “new” High Elf race, I’d say that’s just as unlikely if not more so. Blizzard has already copy/pasta’d a fair amount of Blood Elf assets to Void Elves. I’m hard pressed to believe that they’d copy the whole race and just rename them. I just don’t think that has any chance of happening.


Im sure you guys will cry enough that it will eventually happen.

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Sure, why not? I’m sure if they made an astromancer skin you’d suddenly change your tune. But that’s the ridiculous “my team” mentality your types love so much.


Exactly the same can be said for the san’layn darkfallen thread, too many elven races…:disappointed_relieved:

Luckily, they can be added as RP customizations alongside the dark ranger to BE, VE, and NE.


It would be easier if they deleted void elves, that would make a lot of people happy including me


Only Void Elf players are entitled enough to believe it reasonable for the developers to create tailormade void-themed spell and ability effects for the entire Paladin class just to circumvent lore that is inherent to them.


I mean many people want class skins. I’d rather the void paladin skin be a skin for all pallies, not just velves. Also class skins when??