Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I can post on my ally character if you’d like, but everything I said was objectively true. Do you have a counter? Why should they be on the alliance?

I’ve been in Tanaris for hours now where are you

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Because they are.

And the developers decided it was a good idea to give us the option to look like them!

It’s okay. The great elf wars are over. We can all move on.


lol it’s always the most trivial things

Because they are on Alliance. We have High Elves on the Alliance, who actually call themselves High Elves. Maybe think first before making such a claim of “they make no sense”.


I’m aboutta post this beating on world star in the name of Alleria wya meet me in the octagan it’s getting hot out here (Tanaris is hot) but that’s not the point my blood is boiling (the high temperature of this climate is increasing my internal body termperature to the point of being unsustainable for life)

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I addressed those elves in my comment if you read it? Said something like “they are explicitly elven outcasts”

True story – I’m tanking a heroic right now on my dwarf monk, and my party is 2 night elves and 2 void elves (one of each flavor).

I feel like I’m paying for the marmot joke.


ya precisely


Me & Anan have finished up in Tanaris. Anan lays lifeless (in WoW) and had renounced her anti-void elf sentiments

Strength over Brain has reigned victorious once again, may we all rejoice

I cannot post the link to our world star video due to TOS

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Nobody cares for this anymore.
It’s a done deal, Alliance High Elves are here. The majority of players worldwide have spoken and you will accept this. If you want to know how they gauged the interest, feel free to watch the 1h interview documentation from Preach and how Lore goes into the detail about feedback.


Remember, kids, you don’t always need to change hearts and minds through the application of blunt force trauma.

I know it’s a done deal. I’m just expressing my opinion about a game I play on a thread specifically about void elves. It’s not a big deal, it’s a recreational thing, but players are up in arms about some perceived insult to their void elves. My beef is that they are identical now to a horde race, which cheapens said horde race a bit. If they introduced “Void Dwarves” and had appearances that made them indistinguishable from reg dwarves, I’m sure plenty ally would share the same opinion

Watched the preach interview too and void elves weren’t addressed, and the tenor of that interview was changes at blizzard so, while they do talk about feedback, I don’t think it’s a good source for how void elves were introduced years ago.


I get where you are coming from but why should anyone care? Quel’dorei should have been playable since Legion, with the Void Elves being a hero class for the upcoming expansion.

The way things went ruined it for everyone. And all because of Ion Hazzikostas and his team’s pride in doing the right thing. The damage is done, nobody won in the end but the Alliance players, who truly deserved this so, so much. The Void Elves will always be a shadow from now on.

I think it would be for the very best to make Void Elves available for both sides in the future, with High Elves staying playable at the Alliance side.

I never said anything about how they got addressed but that they do read the feedback. If you want an actual insider knowledge, then you have to listen to Bellular who addressed that most 9.1.5 changes came from the new developers who wanted to set things right.

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Me and my friends were actually hard-hoping Dark Iron Dwarves were gonna be Horde and High Mountain Tauren Alliance, woulda been really cool story wise.

Intraracial conflicts are so much more interesting, cuz instead of it just being one race against another for very vague reasons, instead its two diff ideologies against one another.

It’s that type of conflict I wish woulda been explored more with Pandaren. Yes they’rd buddy buddy with eachother, but they came from different philosophical houses and chose diff sides during an ongoing war. Really reminds me of the Void Elf v Blood Elf conflict.


I want us to have the Visage hair from the dracthyr.

Pandaren have a complete different philosophy and aren’t hard-locked in bad writing, thankfully. It’s actual a blessing that Danuser’s team had no chance to ruin them too.


That’s fair

No one’s up in arms really, it’s just funny to people to still see those who didn’t want High Elf aesthetic playable on Alliance to keep spouting the same tired ol thing over and over again.

It shows that nothing was ever going to placate y’alls minds and means Blizzard did right by not listening to y’all and just gave High Elf customizations to Alliance and Horde groups.

Just so you’re aware, which I’m sure you are, those High Elf fans did request for different models akin to Night Elf vs Nightborne but again there was no compromise coming from Blood Elf fans.

So now it’s great hilarity imo to see the upset lurkers that a 1:1 Thalassian model exists on Alliance.


The number of comments I’ve gotten from posting my light-hearted “wish” that void elves would be removed from the game shows that plenty of people are up in arms. Void elves are a copy-paste job