Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

You typing this out on your Horde Night Elf character is peek irony.


I was counting the seconds until someone said this. It’s not an apt comparison: 1. Night elf is literally a different race than Nightborne. Different appearances, whereas your character’s face, eyes, ears, skin tone, etc. are pixel-for-pixel identical to that of a horde race. 2. Night elf and nightborne are actually ethnically different too. They aren’t supposed to be the same race. Void elf and blood elf are literally the same race narratively. 3. No horde have been whining to get night elves. Never made a night elf, no interest.


You counted 780 seconds just to barf out your perceived justification for why your version of cross-faction elf “doesn’t count.” Rent Free

You’re a Horde Night Elf with shriveled polygons, stop with your self hatred.

Next time post from an Orc alt.


Lol I didn’t actually count it was a turn of phrase

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1v1 me in Tanaris

***actually don’t, i’m in bed rn lmao

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No the new expansion is out and I don’t think I’m taking this as seriously as you

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i’m only lvl 61, I wanna play so bad but I literally don’t have time :disappointed_relieved:, miss the high school days

have fun with it all

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Awe…that sucks for you I guess. Anyways, I’ma keep enjoying my High Elf :hugs: she’s looking mighty pretty in this new Red-dragonflight inspired Mog I’m working on


It is for this reason that they share “high elf” customizations.:person_shrugging:


okay i’m awake now 1v1 me in Tanaris wya


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Lmao I do love all the people that keep lurking this thread full of salt, giving it a like :rofl:


For real like it’s been months we are in a whole new expac right now go have fun dragonriding and stop being so grumpy :sob:


I would welcome the change. Humans and Elves are the most overused races in any RPG, they are nothing special and should have something most people can associate with as the beginner’s entry for playable races.

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I’ll only agree, if, we remove Blood Elves from the Horde and give the Alliance the High Elves that we had since Vanilla.

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Remove elves; replace them all with MOP era puntable marmots. Complete with sound effects.

It’s the only way to be safe.

Clearly to make everyone happy, we need to go back to the thematic roots of what void elves were meant to be.

Replace us with only void tentacles. We will be the writhing mass.



High elves are in the game already, they are (virtually all) on the horde. “Blood elf” is a political designation. It would make zero sense narratively for them to be on the alliance—i know most fantasy has humans, dwarves, high elves on the same team, but that ain’t the case in wow: the alliance cut the high elves (later known as blood elves) loose and allowed them to be decimated by the scourge. Just like lordaeron (aka the Forsaken), whose shared experience can partly explain why the blood elves are horde. Great buddies going way back in the lore, the undead and blood elves. And the forsaken leader was a blood elf ranger general for a long time. Also, the high elves you speak of are explicitly elven outcasts, not the bulk of high elven society.

It’s wishful thinking that Quel’Thalas, aka the High Elves—now blood elves—ever would be on the alliance. It seems like a generic fantasy thing for them to be on the alliance but that ain’t the case in WoW and there is 17+ years of lore to back up the blood elves’ place on the horde.
But yeah your comment is the exact type of sentiment that led to you guys getting Void Elves. People felt, for whatever non-lore-based reason, that alliance should get the new elf race, and they reminded blizzard of that for a decade and a half until bliz gave in and created Void Elves.


Someone here have never even played Alliance to say they’d make zero sense on Alliance.


I agree with this. Make Void Elves more distinct. Respect to the true purple-ish Void Elves


And the sound made would still be less annoying then female blood elf melee!