Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Not sure which AR you’re referring to but they did re-do Worgen again the 3rd time so yeah it’s not out of the realm of possibility - technically nothing is.

But there’s context that needs to be understood: Worgen players had been complaining for years about the final looks Worgen were given during Cataclysm.

You do not see High Elf threads ‘plaguing General Discussion’ anymore. Because the fans of such race are quite happy with what’s been given after so much time and campaigning.

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I just wish I could get the 7th legion warfront mail armor on my Velf hunter. But sadly that mog seems inaccessible now.

Ignore the user.

Most 7th legion people we have on our server use the low level set you can buy with mark of honors. Especially mages.

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Hes saying those options are for players to be able to be those things, not that those things are canon to those races stories or not.

In the case of void elves we don’t see them adding these options, rather filling in more of the umbrician style void elves. Sorry I want that to change…

I don’t think you’re taking what they’re saying the way they mean it honestly. They want players to be able to choose whatever the heck they want to be and not hold them back. It doesn’t mean those things are expressly canon.

Do we need to reach a common ground?

I want them to make the options canon you may not see that as needed. I don’t really see that as needing either of us to change our opinion there.

I don’t want a sub group I just want void elves to have their lore expanded by showing them gaining Allerian void elves along with the Umbrician/Mixed ones rather than the vague annoyance of not knowing now. Its important to know how we expand our numbers, like actually knowing. Otherwise its all just random headcanon.

Though you’re sure right its probably low on their priorities. I can’t really say I disagree with that. I just wish it weren’t so low.

This! All I really want now are a few more hairstyles that work for both Helves and Velves, and then I’m really content with everything else being Void-focused tbh


I’m gonna save this for the Anti’s for when I say my Void Elf is a High Elf.

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Hm, I think we have been saying similar things in different ways.

I was always of the opinion that just because you see a Darkspear NPC with Sand Troll customization it doesn’t mean that is canon that Sand Troll tribe joined the Darkspears, or seeing Blood Elves with blue eyes means there are High Elves that recently joined their ranks. Darkspear NPCs are all still jungle trolls, Blood Elf NPCs are all still Blood Elves. Void Elf NPCs are all still Void Elves.

Lightcrown’s presentation is different from that, they state that seeing Blood Elves with “High Elf customizations” is canonizing that High Elves have then since joined Blood Elves. This was my disagreement with their proposition and why their ask for a Void Elf NPC with High Elf aesthetic makes no sense.

If you are expressing understanding in those player options not being canon to the race stories then we both have an agreement and understanding there.


For me it’s that plus Alleria’s tattoos. If we can get those I will be completely satisfied. The ability to look like your faction leader should always be a thing, like it is on several races (humans, orcs, blood elves, pandaren, worgen, just to name a few).

I’d like a Paladin class availability but that’s more so from it being my main and is completely optional/brownie points.




I was reviewing our conversation and I think that is kinda true too.

Ah, I see.

The part I disliked about your response to Lightcrown was that from my perspective of the conversation it appeared that they were interested only in seeing, like I am, the high elf options being added to the void elves like in the story and expressing some frustration that they hadn’t been adding it yet, especially since there has been some vaguely conflicting info going around that might be the result of Blizzard bugs than something intentional, but it appeared to me that you were simply disregarding that and claiming they were being disingenuous.

If they were trying to claim the high elves are joining the blood elves, then we have about as much lore for that as we do that high elf wayfarers and blood elf scholars are joining the void elves. Theres some suggestion that it is or could be happening but we don’t have anything extremely solid for it. (Which is another thing I’d actually like to see for Blood Elves while we’re on that topic.)

I think we do.

It seems we veered off due to probably some form of misunderstanding along the way.

I’m always a fan of more hairstyles for all races, but this is a big one I think for both void elves and high elves. (And Blood Elves honestly).

Alleria having those tattoos is a big draw I think for people, and its definitely something you see wanted in the high elf community, not to mention void elves would obviously love it as well. It works for both of them without much issue for anyone.

Blood Elves meanwhile should get these things for the Farstrider angle since its a whole third of their themeing.

That one! I’ve seen that one a few times. Do we know their voicelines?

I thought it would be modified but it is indeed a void elf with a blood elf hairstyle.


Very interesting. Wonder if we’re going to see hairstyles copied between both or if its just going to remain some random npc thing.

I’d kill for the void elf hairstyles on blood elves… I’m honestly not really into most of the blood elf hairstyles for void elves (or my blood elves for that matter…)


This may be a bug not fixed before the release of DF.

anyone find the drakerider with blonde hair since release? I haven’t had the pleasure of reaching that far yet. She still have velf lines?

EDIT: I found her! She does have velf lines!


All elves should have a “ghost” form. All elves, even allied elves, are best when dead.

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I do have a ghost elf form.

Where is she at/what’s her name?

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Shes just labeled as a Drakerider up at the Skytop Observatory. Shes a randomly spawning npc. Blue skin, blonde hair though. (no tentacles)

She does in fact use the velf voicelines so its not some mistake.

Velf hairstyle too? I love that!

Also interesting that the one Velf NPC has a Belf hairstyle but with Velf hair texture/color…

Wonder when the next customization pass is, and hoping it includes unique hairstyles and Void-y stuff too not just Belf copy-paste


If I had a wish for wow it would just be to remove void elves from the game entirely. They are the product of a decade+ of whining that alliance didn’t get high elves, aka blood elves