Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I think the blonde hair goes really well with the void skin on that model too. Gives her a cool ethereal look.

It’s the same as Void Elf NPCs. She has the VE greetings/talks, with the BE combat wound/crit/death sounds etc. Which I believe is the same for every Void Elf NPC?

This link shows it.


Apparently all Void Elf NPCs have VE and BE voices.


A blood elf with blue eyes NPC does not mean the high elves joined the blood elves, just like if we see Bronzebeard dwarf NPCs with Wildhammer tattoos or Darkspear NPCs with sandtroll customizations as you have explained. That seems to be the point you’re making but it’s not true at all.

The character customizations have not had canonical lore explanations because again per Danuser it would take time and resources away from adding them in.

I mean he does take Twitter questions so why not simply ask the question if High Elves have joined the Blood Elves/Void Elves with the additional customizations added in, I’m sure he is the best person to give you an answer on the topic since he’s part of the development team.

I think if this is so confusing to you then take Allerio’s advice and ask the developers themselves.

You seem to be having trouble understanding that customization options are meant to offer a variety of depictions, in both NPCs and players.

You seem to be continuing the splitting of hairs each time, until you see an NPC that has fair skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, and is part of the Alliance? It’s funny because the Alliance has had several of those NPCs already from the High Elf Mage trainer in SW, to those that walk around with Void Elves, and even those High Elf NPCs that serve in the 7th Legion.

Maybe they have not made a full on ‘VE NPC with HE customization’ simply because there are already HE NPCs present among Alliance lands/groups and the purpose of these NPC customizations is to give variety to the NPCs, not ‘canonize character customizations’.

As you have already discussed, Danuser has stated they are all canon.

I’m going to take a page from Blastkrizzle and not spend anymore time discussing why green is green or why the developers haven’t explicitly added explanations for all the character customizations they’ve since added to players, in-game.

Seems like you’ll only be satisfied if an explicit explanation comes from the developers so you should get to Twitter and ask them on there, good luck!


Well they’re the same race afterall


Have we seen Bronzebeard dwarf npcs with Wildhammer tattoos, or Darkspear troll npcs with Sandtroll customizations? Wouldn’t those just respectfully be Wildhammer dwarves, and sandtrolls? There’s no way of knowing what race these npcs are unless it’s in their name, but if they’re using those customizations its likely implied that they are that race, since that was the whole purpose of allowing players to use those customizations as well.

But it wouldn’t even require a canonical lore explanation, it could literally be done in the same way they’ve done it with blood elves. Just show us void elves using the high elf customization. Like that drakerider, that was a perfect opportunity to make a void elf with natural skin, high elf eyes, and blond hair, and it would’ve been such an awesome example to represent to players that those options are canonical to void elves as well.

I just don’t get why we get this for blood elves and not void elves? Why make that effort for blood elf npcs, but still act so reluctant to to demonstrate it with a void elf? Even the drakerider feels like a half-measure, like they wanted to play with the idea but decided that blonde hair was enough. That’s so annoying.

but like I said, these customizations only seem to be reflected among the blood elf npcs, while void elf npcs seem restricted to being primarily void. NPCs can be useful tools to world build, and flesh out a race, and showing void elves with less corruption would be an awesome way to affirm this diversity among players.

Except those NPCs are High elves, they are not High elves who’ve joined the Void elves simply because they are walking along side each other in the mage district. That’s not splitting hairs, that’s simply not convincing evidence to overall community, not only myself. I’ve seen that argument pitched a dozen times, and every time it’s shot down because at the end of the day, it doesn’t really tell us anything.

No one’s arguing whether or not there are high elves on the alliance, we’re arguing about whether or not High elves have officially joined the void elf ranks, because of now Void elves are merely former blood elves that followed umbric. It is that reason they are mutated so drastically by the void.

And yet that feels like exactly what is happening with the Blood elves, there was no reason to add npcs on either side utilizing these customizations if it were purely for offering variety to the player. I think it’s only fair that both sides get to express these customizations equally, that we see npcs on both sides utilizing the options available to them.

Again, I never said there needs to be an explicit explanation, it would be more than enough to simply add Void elves fully using their High elf customizations to be convincing, in the same manner they’re doing with the Blood elves.

Still thinking about elven warpaint :frowning:




Oh god yes. Time to get more customizations for the Void Elves.


I’m going to attempt one last time to explain why for some reason your seemingly intense desire of seeing a Void Elf NPC as fair skin, blue eyes, blonde hair etc has not come about.

  1. Alleria is the literal depiction of a Void Elf that fits your criteria.
  2. The customizations given to newly made NPCS is to give variety aka something that does not already exist amongst the NPCs.
  3. A Void Elf NPC with fair skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair is already represented among the High Elf NPCs that have existed for Alliance. This includes the Silvermoon Scholars and High Elf Wayfarers.

If you can understand point 2 and 3 especially you’ll realize why no Void Elf NPC fitting your personal criteria has been created yet. Because it wouldn’t add to the variety that already exists for Alliance NPCs.

Whereas for instance the new Paladin blood elf NPCs in dragonflight got blue eyes because of increasing variety among blood elf NPCs. Cause otherwise “per canon” every Blood Elf Paladin and/or Priest NPC should have the Golden Eyes customization.

So I feel you should let it be, because you’re not understanding the purpose of why different customizations are put on NPCs in the first place: to increase diversity among them.

And I’m surprised you seem to not get that as you appear to be familiar with all the customization talks from Blizzard.

They’ve said as such why we will start seeing diversity among the NPCs around the time the Shadowlands customizations came out.


Not entirely related to New Customization ideas (but I am working on making my warpaing concepts into model assets ;D) But FINALLY there will be a mog available on Dragonflight that works with the Silver Covenant palette, and it’s a match to Vereesa’s outfit.


Let’s go Silver Covenant Rangers!!!



People just love to relive their grudges in their childish boredom because they don’t enjoy the game the play or are triggered in their entitled secure life which grants them the illusion of being invincible.


It’s always time to get more customizations for the Void Elves according to some posters on the forums :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Alleria is guiding them yes, but she was not transformed in the way that the Void elves as a race were. She does not reflect the appearance of a Void elf in either her normal form, or void form, and is not an accurate representation of how Void elves are represented through the game.

Golden eyes isn’t just given to all elves who use the light, Danuser said himself that it wasn’t going to change all their eyes, only that of the most devout and penitent. Even as of Shadowlands we’ve had green eyed Blood elf paladin npcs.

That’s really the point. This diversity could equally be applied to both Void elves and Blood elves, but it’s clear that there’s a certain restricted “vision” being used when the devs create Void elves npcs, than when they’re creating Blood elf npcs.

Even the blond haired Void elf npc asks more questions than it answers. Is that a void elf using Helf customizations? And does that imply that they’re being similarly transformed into Void elves as the Blood elves did?

Except you’re trying to imply that Alliance Void elves are the same as the Alliance High elves, which… they’re not. And that would also require the representation of actual non-void High elves to be present, which sadly to say, they’re not either.

Trying to say that because a Void elf player can identify as a High elf, that the entire Alliance High elf population fully represents the Void elves as well is very presumptuous. If this was the case, we’d be seeing a much healthy mix of normal High elves with Void elves than than one case of them walking through the garden in the Mage’s district.

I’m not entirely convinced on the perspective you’re trying to pitch, no.

Diversity that makes sense for the race it’s being used on, yes. Which is why the Void elves have remained exclusively as appearing “voided out” despite having excess to other natural options while Blood elves have been given more diversity fitting to their race, which seems to include the High elf customization.

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Not every Void Elf was transformed the way Umbric’s group was in the scenario. That’s a big piece you’re missing. What happened to them was against their will and painful. We see no evidence of that occurring with VE NPCs post-recruitment scenario.

This isn’t what I or anyone is trying to say, what I’m trying to explain is, if your goal is to increase the diversity of NPCs found/littered among the factions, then a Void Elf that just looks like a High Elf serves no purpose as there already exist full on High Elf NPCs.

Having various blue eyes and gold eyes as well as the skin tone colors on Blood Elf NPCs is what differentiates them and are the only ways to break up the monotony of Blood Elf NPCs that have all had the same-ish looks until Shadowlands customizations aka green eyed blonde haired fair skin elves.

You keep not understanding that and I’m not sure why.


If we’re interpreting the Void elf with Blonde hair, or blue eyes as “high elf customizations” then it would also imply that the new recruits undergo a similar transformation as well.

Except they’re not represented at all on the Alliance side as of late, especially not to the same degree as the other playable races. Seeing a Void elf with natural skin tone, and high elf eyes with void elf hair would be a a long time coming for many High elf fans.

Except they’re not adding these customizations for the hell of it, or to simply break up the “monotony” , they’re doing it because they’re appropriate for that race, just as Void elves remaining “voided” is appropriate for their race.

That is, until we see separately.

Me not agreeing with you, is not me misunderstanding.

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I think Lightcrown was just pointing out that the void elf npcs to date have been limited to the Umbrician type rather than any new showing of significance involving the high elven customizations.

Effectively we’ve only (so far) seen specifically void elves as the blue skinned variety though we now have at least a little bit of suggestion that the “natural” hair colors are available to them canonically.

I don’t think they’re refuting that the options are available or telling anyone using them for their void elf that they’re wrong or anything. They just seem to want to talk about the, in my opinion very fair, topic of void elves only being shown so far as the Umbrician kind.

And just to reiterate so that folk don’t get the wrong impression from me, I specifically want them to make the Allerian style ones obviously canon to void elves so that no one has to wonder. (Along with of course some suggestion that they are making more Umbrician style ones and that new ones are being made that might be a mix of the two. In short I want all our options to be represented as canon to void elves within the game. Obviously so no one can argue.)

We can also do an analysis concerning the high elves of the Alliance.:face_with_monocle:

Blizzard hasn’t added or updated any High Elf Alliance NPCs with black skin, I haven’t seen any with the new customizations.

However a new high elf paladin has been added but he is white, blond with blue eyes.

There was an opportunity to add a high elf with “diversity” but they didn’t.:person_shrugging:

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Fair though they haven’t had a great deal of high elves to add overall either. I imagine we’ll be waiting until the SC does something to see much there. Void Elves as just base units of the Alliance now means we’re going to see more of them for awhile until Blizzard decides the high elves of the Alliance are more relevant again.

I do wish they’d expand the options that show up on older npcs for that reason as well. Be real nice to see some darker skin toned high elves wandering round just as much as I want to see the new options on Void Elves.

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