Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

The only visual difference between a blood elf and high elf. The eyes.

Yes, as one person of the High Elf community, I am happy, but at the same time, also disappointed. Let me break it down to you, the Void Elves, sounds cool, would’ve been a very good idea, only if they were added in right, and properly. But no, Blizzard didn’t add them in right, or let alone properly. Because of these things:

  • Nobody has even heard of the Void Elves until there introduction with patch 7.3.5, and only to those who pre-ordered BfA.
  • No where in Argus, or with Argussian Reach reputation, even tied to the Void Elves, which unlocking them made completely no sense.
  • Blizzard still failed to expand upon them, especially when patch 8.3 was a very good patch to go further for the Void Elves.

Which leads to the Void Elves were actually a wasted slot when the best opportunity could’ve been High Elves. But this is what we got instead. Lazy design. Why does the Void Elves have the same skin tones, the same hair colours, etc, as the Blood Elves? Because of lazy design.

Could’ve made a few adjustments, even altered there poses as well to sort of make them unique, give them a proper story and all, but that is not what happened. The laziness coming from Blizzard, and how they have treated those who chose to be Alliance has been quite unacceptable. Oh yes, who could ever forget Alliance saw nothing but horses in BfA.

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… I thought we were passed this, apparently I was wrong.

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I agree, and I’m pretty sure Blizzard sees this now as well, which is why they’ve given so many helf customization options to the players. Which is why it’s odd to me that despite this revelation, they haven’t taken the next step and represented it beyond player options, but actually among the Void elf npcs.

A lot of people proposed this before their implementation as well. blood elf players were not happy with the idea of having a carbon copy of their race on the opposite faction, and many model - ideas, and unique designs were made to harken to them being High elves, without straight up ripping from the Blood elves.

But sadly, that’s where we’re at.

Passed what?

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The whole Blue eyes on Blood elves thing. When it was first released I swear people treated it like a cardinal sin. Was kind of hoping time would smooth this over and yet people are still going on about it.

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I don’t think it is because of the Blood Elf players that Blizzard took this road, it is just the experimenting and failing with Blizzard. You’d think they would’ve learnt that after adding in the Void Elves, but instead, look what Shadowlands bought for a very large example.

Blizzard just rather ignore the community, and only listen to the sound of a 5 cent piece spinning on a table.

They could’ve made the High Elf customizations look unique from each other on either faction, but they didn’t.

It’s not a sin at all, it’s just curious that after these customizations were added to both races, that only blood elves seem to be the race that actually use them on their NPCs, I’m curious as to what that is implying, and the purpose behind it. Because it certainly isn’t due to lack of opportunity.

It was at the height of controversy when the first images of blue eyed blood elves were datamined and the community went into an uproar. They didn’t put any serious work into it, they literally just copy and pasted the blood elf assets onto the Void elf. For a while the void elves were even wearing Blood elf underwear.

Yeah, and then at least unique customizations would serve as proof of their allegiance and existence. ei, an alliance high elf would have blue tattoos, and maybe a blood elf one would have red tattoos.

The Void Elves have yet to receive new customizations like the other Legion Allied Races.

Maybe these NPCs will be added as soon as the void elves receive their new “high elf” hairstyles and tattoos.

It would make more sense for these void elf NPCs to actually look like Alleria.


See the thing about the “HE” Customizations for Void Elves means that either:

  1. Void Elves can look exactly like that canonically, such as Alleria, but there haven’t been new NPC’s added with those options, so it’s just not represented in game, such as Female Krokul or Taunka.

  2. Inversely, if only the existence of NPC’s makes an appearance canonical, then all the HE skin tones are meant to represent High Elves for character customization of a race that exists and is represented in game.

I gotta go with the former though. They said all new customization options are canonical, and there’s precedent for things that exist in Lore not being in game. Plus Alleria is proof that a Void Elf can look exactly like a High Elf, which can serve as basis to explain any new VE and how they look -specially given how we do not know how VE can replicate the process that made them. Yet we do know Void Elves have been created two different ways by now.

Oh also there is a blonde Void Elf in DF but I don’t have any pic of her.


This argument can be used against the Wildhammer Dwarves too. There is no canonical explanation in-game or out of game why Bronzebeard Dwarves now have access to Wildhammer customizations.

They have addressed this already, Steve Danuser in particular. He mentioned how they are not able to canonically explain each and every addition of customization because otherwise we would not have had the ability to give so many races their customizations.

So this reasoning you are trying to make has already been discussed and settled by the WoW team. You can google it because you’re honestly rehashing discussion points that have been settled already.

I mean, only one faction has literal NPCs that include the name “High Elf _____” that are friendly and part of their faction and enemies to the other. It’s the High Elf Sorceresses that have been walking around with Void Elves since their inception.

That’s a definite example of 'High Elves who’ve patriated themselves to either group."

Also to the question posed there, again, it has been asked and settled already, this time by Morgan Day with Wowhead, He said High Elf customizations were given to both factions so that people could play that fantasy if they wished. Another discussion point that’s been settled that you can Google and doesn’t have to be rehased.

It’s pretty ironic you’re saying this tbh.

EDIT: Italicized the portion that is changed now seeing as Horde finally have NPCs reflecting ‘high elf customization’ in DF. So it seems like now both sides have what you want Lightcrown - NPCs reflecting the High Elf customizations for their faction.

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Blonde and tentacles off


There she is!


You love to see it. Like with most things in game, it just takes time :slight_smile:


I’m going to be honest I think Void Elves were due to a behest of a producer, I won’t name them but they were prolific around the reveal of Void Elves and even have an NPC named after them and their SO.

It almost felt like they were shoehorned in because of such a request, and then with the giving of High Elf customizations to VEs, Blizzard is sort of rectifying what had occurred in the past.

I do agree it is them experimenting, back when they tried to keep harping on about how Faction Identity matters, when now they’re clearly moving away from that.

So like most things, VEs were just a product of their times.


There’s a big difference here, a bronzebeard dwarf can choose to be a Wildhammer dwarf, but that is not the same as saying that the Wildhammer dwarves are joining the Bronzebeard dwarves. If someone chooses that their void elf is a High elf, that’s perfectly fine, just like if a Bronzebeard dwarf chooses that they’re a Wildhammer, that’s their choice, but that’s not the same as saying they are one, in the same.

if a forest troll decides to be a sandtroll with the sand troll customization, it doesn’t suddenly mean that the sand trolls are merging with the forest trolls. They are still separate groups, these customizations just allow players the option to choose them.

Danuser even clarified this when he said that you can choose the race you want to be, regardless of what your title, or quest text says, that is your choice, and the purpose of these customizations. The same thing was said about golden eyes for Blood elves, that canonically only light-wielding classes would have them, but if the player decided, for whatever reason that they too were purified by the sunwell and had golden eyes that choice was open to them.

Again, no, it hasn’t. You’ve pointed out that players can choose what race their character is with the use of customization, that is not the same as implying that two groups are merging, or co-exist. If this was the case, we’d see the same representation with these options among the Void elves that we’ve seen with the blood elves. But we haven’t.

A void elf, and High elf walking next to each other is not the same as a “void elf” with high elf customization. If anything this outlines that there are still very different, as one group still identifies, and looks like a standard High elf, and the other has been completely transformed by the Void and identifies as a Void elf.

No it isn’t, otherwise the High elves mingling with the Blood elves at the Sunwell have “patriated themselves to the Blood elves” which simply isn’t true. Even Auric sunchaser himself literally calls for the two groups to work together, referring to them all collectively as the “children of silvermoon”

Again, saying your character is a High elf, is not the same as saying that High elves are Void elves, it’s giving you the option to RP as one. If you cannot answer the question as to why there is absolutely zero examples of void elves using the full high elf customization, while myriads of blood elves are cropping up using them, then there’s some serious self-reflection needed.

So why the choice to make her still have void skin and void eyes? Why not just give her natural skin, or helf eyes? Like why such a half-measure? For what purpose? This is what is confusing me.

If anything, to me, its driving home the distinction between a regular high elf, and void elf.

Could you please quote the reference of this? I’d need it to shut up quite a few contrarian trolls.

You have many questions, but only Blizzard can answer them.


Ah I can’t recall where specifically was, but it was one of the SL interviews about expanded char customization.


What voice lines does she use? Velf or belf? Do we know?

I rather like the implication of a mix of Allerian and Umbrician velves.