Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Yeah, that doesn’t sound convincing at all to me, honestly. And that still wouldn’t be them utilizing high elf customizations, especially since they still have blue skin. And the ones I saw in pictures were standing under Blood elven tents, and suffered a lot of errors in their skin and texturing.

As of now, I haven’t seen any Void elf using their High elven customizations, and have remained primarily void-formed. This tells me that not only is Blizzard not changing their stance on the canonical nature of the Void elves (yet), but that they’re reinforcing it. Just look at all the Void elves at the prepatch vendors for instance, and then compare them to the Blood elves standing at their prepatch vendors. The blood elves utilize many of their customization options, while the void elves really only utilize the void look.


You don’t need some affirmations or acknowledgements if you have already two NPCs going around in the mage quarter (Void + High Elf). That’s all what’s you should care for. It’s a done deal by now. Just hope that the void customizations deliver something special.

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Two NPCs walking together doesn’t confirm that Void elves have High elves, and the proof is in inconsistency in canonical customizations making it into the game in the form of world-building NPCs for these races. Blood elf NPCs have utilized all of the possible customization options in-game even now in dragonflight, while Void elves have been consistently portrayed as entirely void-infused despite Blizzard clearly having no problem sharing all the customizations between the two races. That seems pretty deliberate to me.

Now for roleplay purposes, I think if a Void elf player wants to identify their character as a High elf, they are by all intents and purposes a High elf, regardless of what their race title says in quests or mouseover, but that’s as far as that implication goes until we learn, or see more. Or else people will always question its legitimacy, and poke holes in it’s canonical integrity.

Personally, I won’t be satisfied until I see a natural skin-toned Void elf with High elf eyes in-game, like we have with the Blood elves.


Fair enough, but we really don’t need to look for evidence anymore though. You’re free to do this for your own sake, but in my opinion it’s just a waste of time.

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Just stop already and take your essay to customer service

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We don’t need NPC’s when we know within the lore that Void Elves are High Elves.


If by High elves, you mean previously blood elves, sure.

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Blood elves previously known as high elves, previously known as night elves previously known as trolls. Trolls can never catch a break….

A void elf is a high elf, just like a blood elf is a high elf. Neither group/race calls each other high elves though so I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

They’re both still high elves. Every high elf is a high elf. Not every high elf is a blood elf and/or void elf.

I think you’re getting into the weeds of things that don’t really matter.

High Elf customization is available to both VE and BE and any future High Elf customization per Blizzard will be allowed on both of them as well. We saw this ring true when Dark Ranger customization was added to VE.


It’s nice to see void elves in DF teasers ! :purple_heart:



The thing is, there is no canonical explanation for why Blood elves or Void elves would look like High elves at this point. There are theories, but nothing concrete, and that will always lead skepticism from players, and myself.

As of now, it appears that only Blood elves canonically use High elf customizations through their NPCs, among other customizations like varying skin and eye colors while Void elves have exclusively used their default void skin and eyes despite Blizzard having so many opportunities to showcase the diversity in Void elf customizations.

This isn’t a conversation on whether or not a Void elf or Blood elf considers themselves a High elf, but rather if they are High elves who’ve patriated themselves to either group. And is that the reason these customizations have been added to both races?

I would just like to see Void elf NPCs actually using their High elf customizations if they are supposedly canonical among the Void elves beyond ‘player’ customization. Why is that so many blue eyed blood elf npcs keep cropping up, but no blue eyed, or natural skinned void elves?

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Blue eyes are Void Elves’ original eyes, what are you talking about?

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They are a void blue, not high elf blue. Come on, let’s not split hairs.


Well, this is actually where you are entirely wrong. There is canon lore to why both look like High Elves.

Blood Elves: Everyone knows the lore of the Blood Elves, how most of the race was effected by the radiation of the Fel, which gave them the green eyes in the first place. But not all were effected. Before all the customizations that were introduced in Shadowlands, there were Blood Elves who even had Blue Eyes. Plus, with the political shift in them to be known as the Sin’dorei, they are still technically High Elves.

Void Elves: We all know it was only Umbric and his followers that were transformed by Etherals after being banished from Quel’thalas for studying in the Void. Alleria Windrunner is the first Void Elf, and she went though no transformation at all. Plus, as stated by one of the devs (forgot which dev), the Void Elves are not recruiting, but other High Elves/Blood Elves are free to join them, which gives sort of an explaination to why we see High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars in Telogrus Rift. And even within the lore, they are still technically High Elves


Yes but those “blue eyed blood elves” were never really explained, or even available to the players. Who were those blue eyed elves? Were they previously High elves who joined the Blood elves after the Sunwell was restored or the Fel crystals removed? Because any elf who spent time around the Fel crystals in Silvermoon would have green eyes. What precedent is it for their sudden resurgence? It’s left up to our assumption, which is ambiguous, and different depending on who you ask.

But at least with the blood elves, we see these customizations cropping up among their NPCs, giving blood elf players some sort of confirmation that it’s canonical to their race, and not just an RP tool.

As of now, they are not recruiting, but are open to those who share similar interests. Which again, is ambiguous, and vague doesn’t confirm or deny anything. Alleria is a void elf in the sense that she also harnesses the void, but wasn’t transformed in the same manner that Umbric and his Void elves were, which is why she can control her void form at will, and why it looks vastly different than the player’s entropic embrace.

As of yet, we haven’t really seen any Void elf npc using high elf customizations in the way we see the blood elves using them, which is strange to me because they’ve had so many opportunities to showcase this to the players. My point isn’t that there is no rational explanation that the players can come up with to explain why these options are available, but rather why hasn’t it been confirmed in the same capacity they went when they added golden eyes to the Blood elves, and why haven’t they added more npcs using those options? Why is everything left up to our imaginations?

It doesn’t need an explanation. For the same reason, why the new prominent female Wildhammer dwarf is dressed like a Bronzebeard dwarf for no real reason. The first time I logged on my Alliance character during the pre-patch, I was confused how a Blizzard developer can make such a mistake. Wildhammers do not care for the League attire, nor do they do archeology. The community has accepted them as the Alliance High Elf subrace for the Void Elves by now and no matter how one wish it would be different, this is the reality we’re living in.

Besides, this topic is one of the most infamous and failed customization ideas for Blizzard, for how much anger it fostered the past five years. If we go by sheer numbers, then I’m very, very, very confident to say, that people play High Elves instead of Void Elves. This is what players wanted and they got it. That’s why it was a priority for the 9.1.5 patch instead Void Elf customization. There is where the interests lie and the hunger was greatly satisfied.


It does, because it is an inconsistency. That both races were given the same customization, and why only one race utilizes them canonically is a question worth asking. Why a Wildhammer would dress a certain way, is not. We already know that Wildhammer dwarves are an active military force within the Alliance, why one might join the league is not any inconsistency.

The community certainly has not, and the proof is in any post made by a Void elf claiming to be a High elf is littered with responses reminding them they are a Void elf, and that their helf customization is an RP tool. It’s why the helf community is so excited about spotting Void elf NPCs using high elf customizations as well.

It begs the question, why hasn’t there been? Why has blizzard taken so many opportunities to show us blue eyed blood elf npcs, but we can’t see a single Void elf npc utilizing them? It’s not like Blizzard hasn’t given Void elves attention, or lacked opportunities to showcase this diversity among them. The moment we can clearly see a Void elf with high elf customizations is the day a lot of people will put their foot in their mouth.

And Blizzard is aware of this, so why are they so reluctant to add Void NPCs that use high elf customization? Nothing has stopped them from adding Blood elves using high elf customizations. You can’t say it doesn’t matter, because it clearly does, or else we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


It’s just your limiting belief that your reality is their reality. Not worth the discussion, to be frank, because it’s a can of worms. If we can’t accept High Elves, then we can’t accept the other subraces on the Alliance and Horde-side.

Because they read these topics, they are aware how ballistic you people went when you lost the “war” against the Alliance players and tried to gatekeep something what rightfully is also theirs to claim. I’m moving out of this discussion again. Simply not worth discussing if the color green is green.


I would be skeptical on any subrace who’s presence isn’t being actively expressed on their respective faction. Heck, they went and added a High elf Paladin to the Paladin order hall, and we’re supposed to accept that it’s merely an oversight that not a single void elf using the helf customizations have been added? Yet, there’s already another blood elf npc using the helf customization in dragonflight.

It would be one thing if neither group was using them, by why only blood elves and not the void elves as well?

You don’t need to be part of the discussion if you’re not interested in it, but I would appreciate that you wouldn’t tell me that my question is pointless, when im pointing out a very clear, and valid inconsistency. I’m pretty sure the helf community on the alliance side will be thrilled to finally see a void elf using helf customization, despite your attempts to minimalize it’s implications until then.

What customization is that exactly?