Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Obviously! They always brought these slowly to the community who has problems accepting changes. Skin Color > Hair Color > Class > EE > Race Title?
We will see.


So Holinka just liked this:

Do you think it’s a hint that they’re planning on giving paladins to void elves?



High Elves and Dark Rangers should be standalone race-options. I wouldn’t want to see Void elf Paladins no no


I noticed that not a single one of the void elf npcs had fair skin or high elf blue eyes. Weird that they gave blood elves the new customizations, but void elf npcs still have their void skin and hair.


There are new void elf NPCs with natural hair colors and blue eyes, there is also a darkfallen.:wink:


oh shoot, where? o:

Go see the void elf thread.

They want to have a distinct look for Void and High Elves for Alliance-players, which makes sense. The dwarves have the same issues with the Bronzebeard and Wildhammers.


Finally we have come full circle. Back when High Elf customizations weren’t added there used to be High Elf Shieldbreakers in the Paladin Order Hall as part of the troops you send for strike force perk (the one where it auto completes a world quest for you).

It showed troops kneeling down and one was specifically a High Elf Shieldbreaker NPC, separate from the Blood Elf NPC that was a random troop kneeling down too.

But in BFA when they took away the perk completely you couldn’t have that interaction anymore and the ‘anti crowd’ had people trying to say “where is the proof they are not in game now so how can it be true?”

So just hilarious now there’s a legit High Elf Paladin in the Order Hall lol


I’m not really surprised about the whole situation. I have stated it several times but the High Elf request insulted so many people with the Void Elves, that they will go back on everything. The two servers I play also use to 90% High Elf options on Void Elves. You cannot just add the race out of thin air with just ~15-20 NPCs turned purple, it backfired. Should have been saved for the Void expansion with Turalyon and Yrel as a new hero race/class.


It was frustrating at first the way they handled a very well-known long time request but at least they have the humility to make reparations towards it. I am content enough knowing that it’s only going to get better for High Elf froms here onwards.


It will. The next race patch will add the Void elf heritage weapons and customizations though, which is also acceptable. They put the playable High Elves as a priority already in 9.1.5 into the game, which everyone should be still grateful for.


I just looked, I didn’t see any.

Care to point out which one(s) you’re referring to?

I’m not so sure about this, if this was their stance I’m sure we would be seeing at least some examples of Void elves using the High elf customizations themselves, like we already have with some of the Blood elves. As of now they almost seem to be doubling down on Void elves remaining purely Void elves, with the option to roleplay as a High elf.

Now whether or not new High elf roleplay options will be added is another story, but as of yet I haven’t seen anything giving me that impression.

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The last one seems to be a glitched NPC. Apparently it’s a Void Elf using a blond Blood Elf hairstyle. We will have to wait until its “voidform” glitch is fixed to be sure, though.

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You sure that’s not a blood elf? They’re standing under a pretty blood elvish looking tent.

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Several have been located in DF zones though most are unnamed.

I’m still not sure about that dark ranger one but last I heard they had void elf dialogue now.


Void elves for the most part remain void elves. They are however expanding the range of options a bit for clearly void elf npcs, so with luck we’ll see more lore and interaction that expand void elves.

The idea that they can re-enact the ritual to make more (with some modifications) to produce more of us is a good idea and even better if it allows all our options to be canon.

Whether that be Umbrician or Allerian or a mix thereof.

Void elves were a good idea that has sadly been left with little work. I am excited to see them expand on us.

And I have no doubt that high elf players will still be able to work with what does show up. Paladins being a popular one. Even if they are added with a void option I doubt they wouldn’t also end up with a light one for high elves.

Thank you for resharing these.

It’s a bit up in the air but there are some others as well.


Of course it will go this way, they stand with their backs to the wall. But I wouldn’t call it “roleplay”, otherwise every other race with more subraces within are just “roleplayers”.

The take-away from my posting is simply, that the High Elves won the popularity contest not only by a scratch but a landslide. The next customization patch involving the Void Elves will include heritage weapons and several updates to the race. High Elves were already the #1 priority before. The only mistake they made was to exclude the Void Elf Heritage weapons a while ago.


Are you talking about the hairstyle? Or human skin/blue eyes? I was asking to see them, I’m curious! I looked in the Void elf thread, and didn’t see anything :c

Ah sorry.

I don’t at the moment have the access to the pictures around as I’m not at home, but many npc void elves within DF have some interesting customizations applied. A few have blue skin and blonde hair for instance, while others appear to have blue skin and blood elf hairstyles. Things like that. I have also noticed that several NPC void elves now also will sometimes have tentacles and sometimes not.

Tbf though, many of the void elves with the blood elf hairstyles may be errors as they use blood elf lines and are often found in places where it would make sense for a blood elf to be rather than a void elf. But until they are either fixed, given more clarification, or blood elf hairstyles become a void elf thing as well its hard to be sure what they’re meant to be.

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