Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Exactly. A braid toggle for VE tentacles + a VE/BE hair swap would give VE’s more hairstyles, and BE’s that Farstrider look, as well as hairstyles that suit the Undead Elf aesthetic so much. (As well as giving BE the VE hair colors, which are a great match for undead hair colors)

Does this ring true tho? Given that we have Body Types rather than genders now, all that would it take is to add a third or fourth option to the database, with whatever model attached.

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“Body Types” are just renamed genders. Basically nothing was changed under the hood, just got some new text and icons.
My point was that adding a third or fourth option takes almost as much effort as making an entire new race. Because it’s the model itself that is the lion’s share of the work. That’s why Allied races are almost all color swaps of a core race, bar Zandalari, Kul Tiran, and Nightborne. All of which took considerable effort by Blizzard’s own admission.

Dracthyr is the only race to have actual “body shapes” customization, but only because they cannot wear armor, besides one or three pieces. Shoulders, belts*, and tabards.

*They only get to wear the beltbuckle from what i’ve seen, while the actual belt is missing.

Bo you know what the worst part of all of this is? When they remade all of the character models back in WoD, they had the opportunity to “fix” all of the underlying problems that makes character customization hard to do. But they choose to repeat the same mistakes they did with the vanilla models. Why? I have no idea. Perhaps there really are some spaghetti code issues that makes some of these things not technically impossible to implement, but practically impossible. Or perhaps Blizzard as just control freaks who wants each and every race to have a distict predetermined look. No fat elves or lanky orcs, or whatever.

Either way, the WoD models have been in the game for almost as long as the vanilla models now. So it’s probably too late to make such a sweeping change, seeing as it has been nearly 10 years since the creation of the updated WoD models. If they wanted to implement more body shapes they would likely have to start from scratch again. And with there being over 20 races now… that’s probably not happening ever again.

It will be a WoW 2 feature, if that ever becomes a thing. Something i am personally leaning towards not happening for a very long time, if ever.

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Oh I agree that adding a new body type would indeed be tantamount to creating a new Allied Race in terms of development time, but what I am saying is that in terms of coding, adding those options as a Body 3 and so on shouldn’t be technically hard as far as I am aware?

As an example, if Humans and Kul Tirans had access to each other’s body shapes, that would be no extra development time in terms of assets, they already exist.

So that’s the question that I would really like to know in terms of database wrangling, how hard is to add a Body Type 3 to a race, not counting development on a new model on itself, just in terms of database organization.

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So I’m starting with that! 2 Hairstyles per race. First, KT Male → VE Male





NE Male → VE Male


And the 4 Hairstyles so far with VE Coloring


Give me your ideas of which hairstyles from each race you’d like to see!


Made a topic yesterday I think about sharing Blood elf and Void elf hairstyles with eachother. I mean Blood elves wouldn’t have access to the Tentacle option but that’s about it.

As for Hairstyles, well not for any elf but know that new artwork for talent trees? The Orc on the Windwalker Monk, that’s the hairstyle I’d like for Orcs.


These NE and KT hairstyles fit perfectly for both a high elf and void elf look.:+1:
NE and KT women’s hairstyles are also.

i like nightborne hairstyles, i think void and blood elves might have their hairstyles or hairstyles that look like it.


I get so happy seeing what could be but I leave sad because it may never happen…Velfs need more CC please. Lack of cute short hair.


Got to say those hairstyles work pretty well.


I love it :purple_heart:

Night Elves and Void Elves swapping in general do so much for their aesthetics. :blue_heart:

Melancholy in a Night Elf would look fierce, as would Sombra or Sassy tails on a Void Elf for example.


Right? Ah, I wanted to try for a third each, but gonna stick to the two per race, cause eventually I’ll have to add them, to every alliance model ayyy.

Oh if AR’s could get a full swap with their Core Races, I’d definitelly be into a full swap between VE-NE and BE-NB! And for the later I think it even makes 100% in universe sense given how close both races have gotten, pretty much like all the other Horde Allied Races with the Core Races!

Makes me wish VE and NE had grown closer as well, there is so much that could have been done with the idea of the Dark Side of the Moon!

Yeah. TBH Hairstyles is one of those customizations that add so much in terms of silhouette, and hair swaps would allow so many more options.


Oh Sombra is one of the ones I’m definitely gonna use for the female collection, maybe the other would be Shaggy since I’m going with SL hairstyles for quality.

(I think I am going with Chibi for gnomes tho)


I really continue to applaud the work here done by everyone, from posters or organizers to artists. Thank you for continuing to strive for more character customization



Little elf problems.

All you tiny elves are the same size as a nightborne teenager and do pretty much the same, wander about being moody and talking about hair, clothes and makeup…

And onto draenei! Trying to give them hairlines was a struggle lol. Better picture tomorrow, want to start adding the tentacle versions of these too.


Draenei hairstyles :heart_eyes:


Seeing this images: What gives that Blizzard cannot just add some low effort hairstyles to the races?


They have so many good hairstyles, it really was hard to pick just 2 ayy

Indeed. Hairstyles are one of those things that so easily change your character’s silhouette to make them more unique, independent of gear. Taking hairstyles from other races is far less dev intense than making new ones from scratch, and I really think that creating a shared set of hairstyles for a faction would add so many options.


A new NPC, a high elf paladin.:blue_heart::+1:
Perhaps an opening to void elf paladins.:crossed_fingers: