Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I am for sharing hairstyles between VE and BE but not all, just a few.

It would be beneficial for both but it is true that it is the only thing that allows them to be differentiated.

I really hope Blizzard adds new hairstyles for void elves. :pray:

I think VE and BE will more likely to share customizations like farstriders tattoos, scars, blind eyes, eyebrow size, new natural hair/skin colors ect


just coming into this topic here
so whats next on the list
we got the light skin

not necessarily all light, just warm tones vs. only cool tones.

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The list.

Basically mostly Void Stuff that can also work for High Elves.


I got a rather large void based list on my thread.

Highlights are additional skin tones similar to this

Some new hair colors

Starcursed hair


A complete tentacle toggle for current and new hairstyles

The ever desired tattoos

More eyes.

More tentacle textures

And some generalized voidy oddities.


I do think that the best customization option besides warpaint/tattoos from a High Elf perspective would be the Tentacle/Braid toggle.



Id kill for the void elf hairstyle to come.to blood elf. Forgot the name but its the long one that covers 1 eye and reaches your waist. Startes with a M i think.


I’d just like something with some effort put into it. The void elf update was depressingly meagre and mostly copy paste, compared to the other 3 Legion races.

I got really optimistic when they added the nightborn glow hands based on our requests. And the black and white hair colors, even if those were copy paste.

Still hoping we get a bit more of that love from the art team for everyone.


I would really like to be able to call myself a high elf. So people mouse over me as “high elf”. Like have a glyph that changes your race name and gets rid of entropic embrace.


I just want a decent bob cut for my void elf. :frowning:



Braid toggles for the win. Any styles ported to Blood Elves could also use this.

That one is called Melancholy. That would be a great style for Blood Elves :hugs:

An example of not only the style, but also starcursed hair effects Rama made :purple_heart:

Alternate racial tags as well as body types for both different physiques and subraces would be next level :ok_hand:


Glyphs cannot change what your character’s race reads as, what the visuals of their racials look like, what their favorite breed of dog is, etc. They’re designed to change the visuals of class spells and class spells only. There have never been race-exclusive glyphs at any point in the game’s history, and I want to believe that the chances of that changing are slim to none.

Yep! Thats the one haha, id lovd it!

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Well dare I say they could also just add High Elves as a separate race, it would allow for Paladin also.


Oh man if void elves ever got pallies id be so happy lol, could finally go back to my favorite faction as my favorite race/class combo. Id even give up all my racials for that.


Same with Wildhammer/Sandfury/Darkfallen.


Why not just ask Blizzard to make Blood elves Alliance? No sarcasm, You guys belong on the Alliance not with us filthy evil Horde monsters.

I mean
 true, but it’ll never happen obviously lol. Then again i never thought theyd use the “theres not enough high elves alive for pc race” argument, only to make a vastly less populous race instead xD.


Man that is insane. Blizzard really ought to let the community do character customization.

Of course, not saying let anyone make anything. But they should totally let certain “proven/verified” people submit stuff like this. Say you can apply as a “content creator” (harr harr) and if you get picked you can then send in stuff for moderation. Anything that goes through is then made available to the public.

Unforunately i feel like this would be a little too next level. I’ve spoken to some people who claims they have worked for Blizzard in the past. And they said that implementing body types is practically impossible. Mind you i am not talking about sliders but predetermined body types.
They said it had something (i forget the details) to do with how their character models are set up. Making a new body type is almost tantamount to making an entirely new race.


It should be available to the Blood Elves.

You have it all wrong. It was extremely impactful because the Alliance got High Elves with this update. This alone has shifted (!) the AD-EU population more towards Alliance.

Yes, it’s long overdue for many races. Don’t forget the Trolls as well!

Blood Elves were a mistake but needed to save the Horde in TBC. Nowadays it is important to foster both the Void and High Elves, with the Blood Elves getting a few bones dropped.

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