Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

It also comes in other colors!


It’s a shame it’s a painted texture, especially for guys where that it clearly meant to be a 3d collar. I guess that luxury is exclusive to rogues.


Void elves need more hairstyles.


Kind of a tangential thought, but given that they have renamed the options as “body 1 and 2” It really does open the possibility for other models being added as body 3+

Which could have a lot of potential when it comes to Allied Races, like, say, the KT human model (and the skinny KT) being added as Body options for Humans and vice versa.

But also for races like Blood Elves and Void Elves. Like, they could literally add the VE model to the BE options as Body 3 and 4 for Dark Rangers/Undead Elves (tentacle option hidden), giving BE players access to the VE hairstyles and colors without even touching the models and vice versa.

All they would need would be to lock certain options in the database, like no tentacles on the BE options and different eye colors. But all of that is database related and not on the model itself.

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That’s really what void elves miss the most. They really don’t have many… :smiling_face_with_tear:

I would like Blizzard to add new hairstyles with long hair, with braids…, that adapt to void elves “void”, “allerian/high-elf”, and “dark ranger”.

And of course with the tentacle toggle for all hairstyles (new and old).


More hair styles would go a long way.

Same for all races.


LMAO I don’t know why but these characters, with these hairstyles, feel so much like the default High Elf if there ever was.


The aesthetic fits in with Dalaran, and at least for me personally, I associate Dalaran with ‘default High Elves’ as that was my first experience seeing so many of them in one place.

I do hope that hairstyles get shared between Void and Blood Elves, at this point it feels like customization that makes sense to share between both races should simply be shared.

I am talking things such as Hairstyles, facial hair, farstrider tattoos, etc.

There are many ways to still differentiate the two groups through such as different jewelry types, phoenix focused options to BE, void focused options to VE, etc.

I believe Blizzard understands this as well which is why Dark Ranger customization was given to VE too. And why there’s VEs in DF with BE hairstyles, and a BE with VE hairstyle.


Indeed! It really is that Dalaran High Elf vibe what I am getting, which I think fits pretty well with the Silver Covenant being the most notorious HE group on the alliance.

If we were talking about Highvale Elves, I’d say the messy male hair without the tentacles, and the ponytail for females, would feel more default heh!

Agreed, I think there are a lot of existing (hairstyles) and potential (markings) customizations that could be shared between the two models, with other cosmetic options such as jewelry and tentacles remaining more unique expressions of each race.

As an aside, I would really like if VE’s got jewelry colors. It’s a simple thing that could be very doable.


I agree whole heartedly. Just open up the hairstyles already adn give everyone all of them. No reason not too.

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I’m 100% in favor of VE/BE sharing hairstyles, more so given how good the VE hairstyles and color fit the undead elf fantasy.

But I kinda get the argument why they would want to keep hairstyles separate in terms of aesthetic identity and styling really is one of those things is culture dependent.

But on that case, why not make them share hairstyles with members of their own race? BE could swap with Nightborne, and Void Elves could swap with either Humans or Night elves.

I think Humans makes more sense lorewise since VE seem to hang out mostly on Stormwind outside Telogrus, so that would be their major influence. Kinda wish they had gone for a stronger connection between VE and Kul tirans in Stormsong Valley, so then they could share hairstyles.


thats a heck of a necro bump but I do agree a overhaul is needed for every race in the game

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Hipster Hair for Void Elves, Grunge Hair for Blood Elves.


I’m more less with you on this. :hugs:

Sure, some crossover on the more generic hairstyles that Humans and Draenei already have access to is reasonable.

Though aside from that, unique new styles and assets would be best, but drawing off of the Alliance also seems prudent, to demonstrate the Void Elves shifting further away from their former people.

I personally prefer Night Elf and Draenei styles going to Void Elves, though Kul Tirans are also a popular request, have some nice styles I’d definitely be happy with and have closer hair textures to Void Elves iirc.


It was just 8 hours :smiling_face_with_tear:

Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

Indeed, there are already several hairstyles that are more or less generic already, so taking them out from the BE model that’s already a perfect match would be the easiest.

To be honest I think that taking 1-2 hairstyles from each other alliance race could work really well? There certainly are some hairstyles that would fit better.

Of course, it would be neat that VE got some new specifically VE hairstyles and tentacles, but I have been considering that having like a pool of generic hairstyles for the races of a faction could be neat, with every race adding a couple of their own hairstyles to it.


Hipster hair has lots of shaved spots, sweeps, and waves along with messy buns and the like.

Grunge Hair has lots of braids, highlights/colors, curls and volume.

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Yeah! Like Blood Elves should be the more hipster, VE’s are definitely more grungy, specially given the modern predominance of grunge throwbacks with unnatural hair colors.

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Thing is Blood Elves need more colors/options and have been asking for braids forever.

Void Elves mostly need more stylish-but-not-overly-fancy-haircuts with tentacle options which would work well with the hipster style a lot more IMO.


Yeah, simple stuff like buns, ponytails, braids and the more plain hairstyles would definitely be welcome. Also making them higher quality mechanically would do wonders, one example would be comparing newer and older hairstyles on Night Elves.


Oh for sure! I think that for core races, we should be taking styles from the Shadowlands customization update heh!

I think that for funsies I’m gonna make a list of 2 hairstyles per race I’d like to see shared :stuck_out_tongue:

Hhaha maybe, but IDK unatural hair colors feel odd for Blood Elves for me unless is like, something all races get? Definitelly agree on the braids, but that’s more of a farstrider thing than a grunge thing XD

I do think VE’s overall work better with messier and wavy hairstyles, so they definitely feel more grungey to me!