Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Yeah. That is the night elf model. Dunno if you can’t tell that by looking at them. But it’s pretty obvious, and it’s horribly ugly.

You can tell very easily it’s a recolored night elf by looking at the one on the far right. It’s pretty much using most of the night elf customization styles. It’s just a brown night elf.

I believe the idea was to get a high elf that was close to their initial implementation when they still used the Night Elf rig but the human skin tones.

Then to further make them a little different they swapped out the heads for human ones with the long ears.

It was a very popular fan mockup for years. Still is to some.


I get that. But that was classic limitation back in the day. Why the hell do we wanna go and step back from the model like that? Night Elves genuinely have a terrible model that needs a lot of adjusting to be okay. It is disproportionate. The hands are too large, arms too long, legs too long, shoulders far too wide, and the body is somehow so slim. It’s such a mess. Thalassians kinda took the night elf model and just fixed it. At least during tbc when they had more similarities. The blood elf model was just vastly superior.

The problem is the night elf model hasn’t been fixed since classic. And you’re wanting to use that model as a base for Thalassians? Which is an already fixed-up base of night elves? Literally just a downgrade.

I mean I’m fine with what we have, just wouldn’t mind if it changed.

I couldn’t tell you why so many in the community wanted to go back to the high elves using the night elf rig days but it was/is popular. I’ve seen it come up a few times since we got skin tones and hair colors.

Also technically the night elf model got changed when WoD happened. I’ve seen the comparisons. (And personally I have less issues with it than most seem to. Those hands though… those hands…)

I don’t even care anymore tbh. Since we got darkfallen stuff for blood elves I’ve been somewhat okay using them. I mean I’d rather be a forsaken on the horde than a blood elf. Just makes more sense. At least forsaken feel like they belong on the horde, and haven’t felt like just an afterthought. They actually have been a large part of horde conflict for ages. The blood elves though barely even show up to anything, and when they do it’s with a very small force.

I swear I feel like alliance high elves have more of a presence in the war efforts than blood elves do for the horde.

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We playing the same game? I kinda feel like the Blood Elves are everywhere… Which isn’t a bad thing for me mind… but like they seem like they’re used a lot comparatively to other Horde races except maybe the Orcs themselves.

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There are a lot of players playing blood elves. But what notable thing has a blood elf done for the horde as of late? Even their racial quest chain is just tied solely to the blood elves. You could put them on any faction and their quest wouldn’t change. It’s just them defending their homeland. They don’t even call for any horde aid.

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Aside from their contributions in TBC?

Wrath they were forced to deploy forces to Northrend and you see em in a few locations helping out. Then theres the Sunreavers if you count or don’t count them. (If you count the SC as Alliance you must count the Sunreavers as Horde). So pretty well utilized to assist the Horde there.

Cataclysm they like most races had some changes and were spread out to a few places some more. I don’t greatly remember any major contributions during the main “fronts” of that expansion though.

MoP, much of the later parts of the game centered once again around the SC and the Blood Elves (Sunreavers also were now no longer Dalaran at all and were Horde fully.)

WoD they field a small army during the defense of Auchindoun and later support the offensives against Shattrath (which was mostly scrapped but still.)

Legion, everyone became temporarily neutral through the early parts but the Blood Elves make up an entire third of the forces liberating Suramar and Liadrin herself follows us the entire way through Argus. Not that she does much…

Should be noted they then also bring the Shaldorei into the Horde.

BfA they make up one of the major forces in Arathi, their soldiers can be seen in multiple world quests and they participate in many battles. They also take up a role securing those who remained loyal to Sylvanas.

They’re kinda all over the place.

I haven’t really seen any racial quest chain have much to do with any other race.


You gotta admit though none of that is a lot. They play no real pivotal roles in the horde at all anymore. And sure, they did in TBC. But I would hope they did. That’s when they were first released. After tbc it just went downhill for the blood elves. They just showed up like any other race to a conflict. Usually in very small numbers as I said. Honestly, they and the alliance high elves probably have near equal representation in the game. Which is kinda funny considering one is a core race and the other wasn’t made playable until a customization pass came through.

For the Horde’s most popular race you’d expect more stories from them. But no. It’s just orcs and undead and the occasional trolls. That is what gets all the screentime.

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I mean the Night Elf Model was the only Model that looked Fair enough for Elves back in the day. I would still play as a High Elf if High Elves were a playable race on the Alliance that is with that Classic Night Elf Model to this day.

Given Lor’themar is one of the main Horde leaders these days doing things and almost all of what I mentioned was a large force actions… I kinda don’t agree.

I can only really think of the SC high elves doing much and only in expansions with some direct connections to Dalaran.

Like Wrath, MoP and Legion. We don’t actually even see SC members being deployed in BfA.

Otherwise its scant members of the high elves here and there. Heck aside from the SC themselves, the majority of High elves we even encounter (allied with the Alliance) are one town in TBC and a town in the Hinterlands. Then you have some scant ones in SW and Loch Modan and here and there.

The amount of High Elves being used by the Alliance pales in comparison to the Blood Elves being used by the Horde from what I’ve seen.

And to your thought on any other race for the blood elves that applies generally easier for the high elves.

I really just can’t see how you come to those conclusions.

I mean its really not a bad model idea I think. It still stands up fairly well to this day. I wouldn’t mind much if they just decided to add it as an option or switched us to it really.


if it was the nelf model exclusively, the waist would be tiny, the shoulders broader, the calves and hands, huge, and so on. its actually blood elf/human/nelf, mixed together. for example, look at the hands and arms of the female model. those are blood elf because nelf females have enormous hands and human females have no wrists. the midsection torso of the male model is human with male nelf muscle definition. the shoulder to hip ratio on the male is human, not nelf. etc.

I would love to use my character boost on a Void Elf Paladin, hopefully it’ll come during Dragonflight.


Without knowing the future and seeing little support for it in current alpha, I’d imagine velf pally would be after DF.

I could see them extend shaman to most races given those eyes and the themes of DF though…

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Still sounds so unbelievable but I think they will get access to the “regular Paladin”-features, without a void theme attached to it.

I dunno whether it maybe that long, though you could also be right too. Though I am not one for the VE Paladins, it actually maybe possible that it could come during Dragonflight. It all depends though on whether Blizzard can do the lore to them right for them to make sense, or depends on what else Blizzard is going to add to them to also make sense as well.

Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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They will release them in 11.2 or 11.3 as part of the on-going “story-development” of the Void Elves.

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former Night Elf race-changed to Void Elf :sunglasses:

chane my mind :laughing:

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Hopefully, but I think it will come in 11.0, the Void vs Light expansion.

Anyways, time to get back to building more and requesting more for Void Elves in terms of Void Elf-High Elf customizations.