Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Right? Blue really feels like one of those hair colors that thalassians should have had, one of my characters has had blueish hair since for ever -like 10+ years- in my head, so to me it has always doubled as an elven hair color hehe. Honestly I would like if BE’s got that shade of blue, it just fits!

Very much hopefully so! After so many new hairstyles, we are ready for a Cataclysm level hair swap across the board.


We are literally the same race, we just got kicked out for messing with void stuff.


Isn’t that the sad thing though? So many of us have said the same thing! “Just give us ONE color” 5 colors is pretty much nothing compared to OG races.


Take my money.


Hey so apparently I’m late to the party.

Where can I find this info on void elves getting new hair colors?

Edit: Nevermind just read it.

Anyways I’m glad the antis didn’t get their way, again, for the 3rd time.
Can’t say I’m surprised that the side based on limiting people’s choices failed, again.

Anyways, unfortunately my sub is running out since I’m not super down to support this company anymore. Enjoy your preferred hair colors everyone!


half true, they where blood elves but they where transformed into something new.

The natural hair colors does not match the theme.

My sub ends in a minute

I wonder how long it’ll let me post once it ends

Alright. Guess the five natural colors we’ll get.

I’ll start.

Some Variant of Blonde or White.

I know Void elf has a violet-y red and a black-grey but I feel like it could be a little more natural looking since it’s more of a very dark gray.

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I have… 8 days.

I did lose my trust level 3 for not playing, though.

My guess is: Stark White, Deep Black, an ash blond (blood elves don’t have an ash blond, kul’tirans do), a deep brunette, and a salt and pepper.

I base this on precisely nothing besides that, if told I could only have 5 new hair colors for void elves and they must be natural hair colors to boot, that is what I’d want.


I still have my TL3, if I ever return I’m going to be triggered at having to re-earn it again.

Did you know Shadowlands introduced cars to WoW?

The more you know.


You don´t talk for the rest of the playerbase, man. I know I don´t play Vulpera even if I created two… this doesn´t mean I can come out and say “nobody plays a Vulpera”.

This phrasing makes no sense… you mention understanding of Horde racials just to continue with Alliance (?) racials that could compete with Orcs et al and then say that´s why they are lackluster (are they lackluster cause the racials were better than Horde ones?). And then you say this didn´t help, and go for the obvious low hanging fruit a.k.a. transfers.

Let me tell you something man… in EU until realmpops died, the faction that usually had the biggest population WAS the Alliance (and we talking about MoP times were you guys sweared to Godf the Alliance was deader than dead). So nope, “casual” players aren´t transfering en masse to the Horde for racials, they stay with their toons in the faction(s) they want to stay, after all they aren´t persecuting no e-sports goal (fyi most people actually plays in BOTH factions).

The “lack of” participation in high end content on the Alliance is an incorrect metric to use to quantify the whole population that plays on that faction, simply because by statistical means you are taking one of the extremes of the curve and deducting everything from it (ergo, you are biasing and contaminating with error the data since the very beginning of your analysis). the only thing you can say for sure with this kind of data is that most Alliance players do NOT participate in high end content (but then again, successful mythic raiding sees like the 2% of the WHOLE playerbase participation), nothjing more and nothing else.

That is a player created problem, and NOT because people “left” but because the ones that stayed worry more about complaining on the forums demanding Blizzard solves this issue they create for themselves instead of you know… creating competitive raiding / arena / mythic+ teams. I´m 100% sure that if even Blizz caves in and implements free character transfer to the Alliance you guys will continue to see this “lack of participation” issue, because it is NOT a problem of quantity of players, it´s a problem derivated ofthe ATTITUDE of the players.

:upside_down_face: Well, duh… obviously, after all since your very first post nothing actually intelligent was being said from you, Mrs. By-the-book-Karen-who-can´t-even-notice.

I should expect the next “NO, UUU!!” today, right? Cause frankly, that´s all that was said in your posts.

Remember WoD arena times? Cause I´member. And even in those times they complained they were dying in the raiding scene.

Frankly, as I said before, this doesn´t happen because there aren´t raiders, but because of the whole attitude some players took regarding raiding on the Alliance (which in a creepy way explains why the competitive stayed in Horde, we here don´t obsess with self defeating QQ and we know we either participate seriously or not and no Big deal in each case, period.)

Ogres have not been implemented on Horde simply because the devs themselves were probably pretty apathetic regarding this race themselves. I mean, even in WoD (the “golden” era of Ogre portrayal) these poor guys got saddled and forgotten after the first patch.

But this is a moot point whern you realize the Horde AR follow the same exact requirements… if one wants to play Zanda or Vulpera, one has to play the whole freaking War Chain quest from the first and second patch. Dungeons included.

That´s a lot. So this doesn´t excuse nor much less is proof about how much “harder” it is on Alliance, cause mechanically wise it´s just as hard in Horde.

Ergo, my point about this being a “player attitude” issue. We don´t see Horde players complaining so much over access to AR because one simply logs, plays and gets the access at some point (maybe what this means is that in Horde, the AR aren´t so popular in themselves -and no wonder, regular Orcs provide better perks than AR ones, saame with Tauren, the NB model is busted so, lol. Goblins too provide waay better racials than Vulpera. The only allied race that legitimate looks “better” than it´s parent race is the Zanda trolls, but even like that the DK Trolls provide very good racials so…)

I mean I remember circa MoP when players asked for “mechagnomes” they usually took Mimiron as a point of reference. Which means they wanted the full robot experience, something that the current AR doesn´t provide.

Man if you ask me, I think Vulpera were an actual downgrade in regards to Gilgoblins… Gilgoblins while not terribly unique in the visuals, WERE terribly unique in the stuff they provided for the Horde (imagine having your own marine race that can both spy for you with impunity AND that can save your behind if the enemy catches you).

But nooo… “cute furry” whose intro quest chain was basically “let´s make everybody look useless and incompetent so we can try to prove we can be useful for something :expressionless:”.

Goblins are plain amazing characterization wise… they are both useful and funny simultaneously (their humor is basically them making a parody of themselves and that´s very lighthearted and relaxing). Also, the Goblin racials while not Op, ARE useful.


Are we getting Tesla mount?

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I am going to point out that void elves did not have natural skin tone options until AFTER the last Old God on Azeroth was defeated…

Maybe some void elves’ skin tones went back to natural ones after that last huge source of void energy was destroyed?

Well let’s see.

We have Draenei riding goat mounts.
We have HMT riding mooses.
We have vulpera riding foxes.
We have worgen riding wolves.

Therefore, I conclude it only logical we now receive a human mount for humans to ride on.

You mean like a Man-taur? The upper body of a man, and the lower body of another man?

Oh shush. People, for the most part, have been getting along here over the past few days with the exception of a few posters. We don’t need comments like this sparking drama once more.


I’m not sure if this is true. The lore could back it up, but it’s correlation at the moment instead of causation. I’d like to see Blizzard expand lore and add explanations for things, for sure.


I wouldn’t even be surprised if we got a tentacle toggle with the update. It wasnt announced as far as i know, but the hair color thing was brought up a day or so after the ear announcement. So who knows, maybe that will be included. Here’s to hoping.

:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Personally, as you can see from MY character, I like the void aspects of my character to remain hidden until entropic embrace procs. The void is a subtle shadow across the multiverse, hidden until it reveals itself. The normal outer appearance of some void elves belies their purple blood and void forms that proc in combat.

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I have some Void Elves with more subtle looks, and I also have blue-skinned tentacle elves. But again, there is absolutely no lore to back up normal appearances. I wish there was. As of now, the only arguments that can be made are, “Well, it doesn’t not say in lore,” which we see a lot of in this thread.