Let’s hope that we get a bit more hair color options to make it high or half elf at least.
It took them long time to realize their player subs are falling apart and with the lawsuit, they decided to retract their words on no more customizations to show that they “care”.
Also excited for the new druid travel forms, I hope Darkspear and Kalimdor tauren finally get a proper land form and won’t be stuck with cheetah/doe/dumb night elf stag
They’re bottom 3 (I think 2nd to last?) for total customization combinations, but bottom #1 in terms of raw number of options. HMT males are equal to nightborne males, but HMT females have 2 less options than nightborne females.
Given that Blizzard mentioned ear size options for void elves and horns/tail length for LFD, it’s odd they didn’t mention something basic like foremane lengths for HMT. It’s basically a given that those will be coming, though.
It’s weird they’re giving new options to Void Elves this round. As we kept saying these months, Nightborne, LFD and HMT were the priority.
I’m guessing they want to acknowledge Velf fans in some way, so giving us something fast to implement was the way to go.
In any case I don’t mind waiting more for the options we request, especially considering they’re doing Nightborne now. I’m so excited about those new options. I don’t want to keep my hopes up in case they end up disappointing me, but my optimistic nature keeps taking control of my mind and heart
As for HMT, I’m guessing they’ll receive both existing Tauren customizations and new exclusive options. I’m looking forward to new horns.
Rohkthok thinks and agrees that void elves should get demon hunter class as to Nightborne should get demon hunter class as well since they are getting new customizations. Fair trade off.
Oh boy… why do I feel as if they purposely kept on hold the supposed “new” customizations just to use them as an emergency buttonto be deployed at the precise time?
No seriously, just read what they posted. It´s nothing but barebones stuff like “new haircuts” and “new eye colors” (I mean remember last year when people datamined several different eye colors for NB?); if anything the new druid forms may be the only actual “new” customizations -and while druids maybe playable in several races, at the end is just more cattering to the druid class as usual which expacs-.
The biggest issue with the NB model is not only the few customizations, but characteristics from the model itself, and this won´t be fixed by some new haircut.
Lorewise speaking this is a nightmare, imagine people with not one but TWO voices telling them to kill everybody around them 24/7 or people who weren´t able to live without literally eating their drug getting a perma fix of another even more potent drug.
But I guess lore went to hell after Cata, so…
/raises brow
What do you mean with “developed in game”? Belves playiung with Blood Magic a.k.a. the Dark Animus “Anima” IS already developed almost exclusively in-game.
Also I kiinda disagree with the whole "Belves are the Human equivalents on Horde"bit, precisely because apart from Liadrin the weeb, NONE of the Belf characters even mentions the Light anywhere (compare that with Human esque characters like Turalyon, Faol, Uther, etc. Heck, even the DK sometimes mention it).
So you’re saying these aren’t new options, just stuff they already did and decided not to release yet in case they needed to draw our attention back to the game?
I really hope Blizzard isn’t doing that purposefully, but if they are… yikes.
Oh, I meant like making Blood one of their default magic sources instead of almost always relying on Arcane/Light. Sure, they make an appearance in game, but their usage is not as extended as Arcane/Light, sadly. Like, instead of Fel crystals, imagine Blood spheres around Silvermoon!
Indeed, I disagree with that as well. That’s why I fear that Blizzard turns Blood Elves into the Human versions of the Horde in the future if we are to judge by Liadrin’s recent psycho attitude.
Finally news for void elves! Very excited for the new ear sizes Can’t wait for them to add more hairstyles and hair colors too. I’m hopeful it won’t take too much time now that they are working on customizations again.
This is the same company that got blew up short of a month ago thanks to disgusting irl work stuff. They lying to our faces and buying the “faith” of the naive is certainly pretty tame in comparison to what they were willing to do before.
And look, it´s working!!
I mean… my man, gameplay literally REFLECTS this. After patch 5.2 any military concentration from the Belf race portrays Anima Golems and Belves in a corner playing with the anima from these (we don´t see “Holy Light Wells” nor “Holy Light Robots”, we ALWAYS see Anima Golems).
As a matter of fact in-game we NEVER see Belves relying in actual Arcane/Light (and duh is quite obvious, after all these magical energies are absolutely passive as far as they are concerned in canon lore). Blood Knights are the PR military faction designed to “charm” allies, but generally we see the Magisters in charge of them (or with them 24/7).
If anything I suspect Quel´thalas borders aand Silvermoon are actually FULL of these Anima Golems and Blood spheres, thing is, that TBC map won´t be updated ever ergo we will never get to see that.
Nah, at the most under an hypothetical “the Light is the BBE” expac, Liadrin has waaaay more probability to get the usual Horde character treatment and get villain batted to be killed, used as a shame resource for Horde players and left forgotten until devs can milk that villain bat cow more. I´m sure the “positive” aspects of the Light will only be explored in the blue side of the fence lorewise speaking (I mean Turalyon ALREADY got massively white washed in “Shadows of the Horde”, so…?)
I’m definitely looking forward to a more Blood-esque Silvermoon. Replace those Arcane golems with Blood golems, fill the city with floating Blood spheres and Blood anima (MoP Anima, not SL Anima) flowing through the city.
Blood customizations would be a great addition as well. Red eyes, perhaps floating Blood spheres around your character like Kaelthas, new hairstyles and colors that reflect this.
Yeah I like this idea so much. It’s different and unique.
Having one doesn´t mean we have to forfeit the other two, my dude.
THAT is what makes the Belves unique: their pragmatism. They are the race that will use stuff as long as that stuff isn´t hazardous for their continued existence (lesson learned post TBC). Ergo, this means we woul see the regular arcane crystals PLUS Blood spheres, etc.
And probably Fel practices would continue to be used in “non official” ways as they are right now.
The Belves have a pretty wide lore scope, they have been portrayed using Fel, Light, Arcane, Blood officially in-game. And every time in the same ways: as a tool, usually designed with military purposes (the Blood Knights ARE a military faction, not a Sect, ergo their influence is in the practical realm NOT the dogma itself. Likewise, the biggest organization in charge of manipulating both Arcane and Blood is the Magisters, again for practical purposes).
Belves should probably get subtle stuff (runic scarification tattoos and warpaint) with varied coloration to represent all the different PRACTICAL uses they give to those magical schools (so we could get blue/purple/white/orange for Arcane, Yellow for Light, Red for Blood, Green for Fel, mint green for Nature maybe?). Couple with scars and frankly, the Belf cultural representation in customizations would be pretty much good to go.
Hehehe… I´m not 100% sure this is true regarding current canon lore (Priests get “void” stuff as gameplay asets, but lorewise? No, I don´t think so. Not officially at the least, it would had to be “clandestine” practices like Fel probably are right now on Quel´thalas (ergo, just like Warlocks probably pretend to be your average Magister while in daylight, Shadow Priest probably pretend to be your regular “Holy” priest while in open daylight).
Stuff like the wing mutations or the red eyes could be easily explained as “Blood Magic” mutations, giving the chance to the players to use them as such OR to use them to RP a “Felblood” elf or a “Dark Ranger” (ergo, players don´t get their suspension of belief croken if they choose to put red eyes in a normal pink skinned or chocolate skinned Belf because then it could be explained with an alternative to “undead Belf zombi” (which only tolerates death skins with the red eyes).
Well Void Elves were Blood Elves, and Telogrus Rift has plenty of Silvermoon Scholars. So there is definitely at least a reduced number of Blood Elves interested in the Void. Also, I think I recall one Blood Elf boss in the Kaelthas raid back in TBC, that turned into a Void monstruosity?
Ohh I like this explanation, because to me giving Undead customizations to Blood Elves can be problematic, considering Paladins and such, but you’re right that Blood customizations can be used to roleplay as a Darkfallen/Dark Ranger.
Not sure how we could get Undead-looking skin tones then :-/