Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Except they aren’t absorbing, or drinking the Blood into their bodies. They aren’t draining creatures of blood, or hunting down prey with the goal of harvesting them for it either, which would be a cultural/societal aspect. They discovered the Blood pits the Trolls had made, and utilized it as a fuel. This does not mean they worship it, or that it somehow equates to their reverence for the Sunwell.

It’s not even about the “light” itself, its the fact that the Sunwell is made up between the Light, and Arcane, so it plays a major role in blood elf society, introducing themes like Death, or other chaotic elements is contrary to their society, and quite honestly contradictory to their development over the years. Liadrin wasn’t speaking for just herself when she speaks about the Sunwell, she’s speaking for the Blood elves as a whole, she’s the exposition mouthpiece for the player. She uses words like “us” and “we” when explaining the purpose of the Sunwell to the Nightborne while in the company of Lor’themar, and Rommath, I doubt she’d use this sort of rhetoric if it only applied to her and her Knights.

The Sunwell is the center of their society, it’s been described as much countless times, even lor’themar describes it as their people’s most sacred site, even Rommath, a mage is fiercely protective over it. The only example of a Blood elves who have openly defied or rejected the Sunwell became Void elves and joined the Alliance.

The point isn’t that the “light” is their only theme, merely that it’s a central one, and additional themes should compliment, or make sense, and not pop entirely out of left field with things like “Yeah by the way, remember those vampires who brutally murder Horde and Alliance alike? Yeah, they’re with the blood elves now.” or “remember the Fel elves who were willing to destroy the Sunwell, and fought to the bitter end to assist the Burning legion? Yeah, those mutated Blood elves are part of Blood elf society now.”

It makes no sense, and doesn’t line up with the Blood elf Narrative, or the direction they’ve been on for the last 10 years. Make it make sense, and don’t force feed the Blood elves fanfiction ideas because something they seem cool or edgy.

That is their stuff, and it’s been their stuff since their introduction into the game. Blood elves are a core race, they’re meant to act as a character template for the player to decide which walk of path that character might have chosen. Void elves are a themed, allied race who’s whole existence relies on the unique circumstances that led them to be Void elves. Void elves can get new, interesting themes without having to constantly dip their hands into the Blood elves’ visual kit over and over, and trying to justify it by saying they will have ombre characteristics is lazy, and tawdry.

And if you really think the helf crowd will be appeased with Ombre colors, and not just use it as another excuse or stepping stone toward solid colors than you’re either staggeringly naïve, or have just spent the last few years with your head firmly planted under the ground.

They don’t practice Blood magic, at least not in a traditional sense. Blood magic requires sacrifices, rituals, and well, death. The Blood elves are moreso Blood benders for the lack of a better phrase, utilizing it as a fuel, but they do not practice Blood magic in a sense where they’d worship Blood gods, or kill people to harvest it from them. They don’t imbibe or revere it like they do with the light, or the Arcane.

Ariel mentions their use of it in Nazmir, but they did not create those Blood pool, or practice any sort of “blood magic” we see the Blood trolls using, they simply channel it into their Constructs to fuel them.

Indeed, 100% agreed.

Nightborne especially… :tired_face:


You seem to mistake “reverence for the Sunwell” with religious reverence.

Dear, the only reason they “revere” the Sunwell is NOT an actual belief system… is pragmatism. They “care” for it cause after the Third War they ARE aware that any catastrophe of the magical kind that befouls the fount WILL inevitably impact them, and they won´t be able to outrun it ever.

To put it in perspective, the Belves “revere” the Sunwell as much as we irl humans “revere” our ICU systems in the wake of the COVID pandemic, no more and no less.

Also, The Blood Magic practices of the Bleeding Hollow Clan didn´t follow no “religious belief system” either, it was more a military tool they used to orient their actions as a clan. In this sense, the Belves manipulating the same Blood magical source is no different from them. Heck, the Belves literally MANIPULATE the arcane and the light too; again I repeat: Liadrin making her best impersonation of a LF Draenei weeb does NOT mean the rest of the Belf cast are literal Holy Light junkies like her.

The Blood Magic used with the Dark Animus and the Anima golems has no correlation with Shadowland´s anima. Ergo, no “Death” stuff there whatsoever.

I mean, you guys should probably check the stuff before outright discarding it, especially if you pretend to use lore reasonings for it.

Did you at any point in that dialogue found any semblance of importance given to the Light component? No? Awesome. That´s because her dialogue in the NB scenario introduced the Sunwell just like it is: as a VERY POWERFUL RESOURCE, nothing else.

Patently false, the Belves giving importance to the Sunwell as a critical resource that has the drawback of screwwing them up to their last molecule does NOT mean they particularly care over the actual Holy Light practicioning nor much less the dogma. I´ll repeat: when Kael´thas remarked about Liadrin´s support in BotH, he did it in the practical sense (oh, another healer to use). Compare it to Uther and the other actual BELIEVERS of the Church of the Holy Light, who cared more about the metaphysical aspects and how their “Light” was gonna save their souls.

It´s oil and water.

Says the woman trying to Lightforge them using her own fanfiction reasoning. The Belves care for the Sunwell? Fact. Do they care over the Church of the Holy Light? Nope, this IS headcanon. Do they have an Arcane based Church? Nope, headcanon too. Do they care for the Sunwell for what it represents in practicality? Yup, fact. Do they “venerate” the Sunwell as if it was the m,anifestation of a God (say like the Humans / Draenei venerate the Light or the Nelves Elune? Nope, headcanon AGAIN.

Fact is, most of the Belves perceive ALL those magical sources for what they are: resources. NOT as religious practices nor Gods nor any other dogma system; literally the same as they perceive the Arcane, and they perceived the Fel, etc. The only reason Velves got kicked out was because Void research was IN THE PRACTICE a hazard for the Belf population, not because it was heretical nor any other similar nonsense.

Edginess if to take some characteristic from the race and made an hyperbole out of it, so congrats in trying to impose your own EDGY take regarding the Light (ergo, pot meet kettle as far as lore is concerned).

Well, most of them did GTFO and stayed quiet regarding actual relevant stuff (at least I don´t see the “muh Silvermuun!!!” arguments so regularly as I used to see them before they got their pink skin toys).

Wrong, Blood magic is related to the actual LIFE cosmical aspect. What did you think it was the transformation / manipulation that gave birth to the Saurok, a massive sacrificial ritual? Cause as a matter of fact it was the ORGANIC MANIPULATION of living beings using the “Blood” of a Titan Watcher (Ra) who mind you, is still alive as per the Throne of Thunder raid.

You know, before critizing other people´s ideas maybe you should actually read what they post. Cause you babble over vampires and other stuff that frankly has ZERO correlation to my points about Blood Magic being very much an asset being used by the Belves in CANON LORE. And used in the same way and with the same purpose they use arcane, Light , Fel and any other magical school at their disposal, period.


This is something I’d love to see developed in the game. Blood Elves using Blood magic, it just makes sense. They’d use any sort of magical energy as long as they find it beneficial to their interests.

I do fear, however, that devs intend to make Blood Elves the Horde’s Human Light-worshipping race. They had so much potential back in TBC before they decided to infuse the Sunwell with a Naaru’s heart. They should’ve taken another route.

That’s just my opinion, ofc.



Found some RL hair color examples that could look good on Void Elves :slight_smile:





Doubt the art in this game will get to the level of detail for them.

Also, nah.


Those are clearly meant to be ideas, Great. It’s obvious that the game cannot support a certain level of graphic details.

Yes from me :+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3:

Always a no to natural hair colors, even if they have multiple colors, as Void Elves are not natural.

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Not super into them myself, though that might be that they’re mostly just normal with highlights.

Hard to see such concepts in game terms like this.


Yeah, I do not expect such fine details from WoW ever.

The cartoony look keeps anything like that from happening.

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The cartoons comic book style art is a part of it’s charm in my personal opinion :smiley:






Is it happening?! The Allied Race pass?!


I’m so excited about ear size, I can finally roleplay my Half Elf! :smiley::heart_eyes:

I’m so thankful cause this round was only for Nightborne and LF Draenei and even so they still thought of Void Elves and gave us this little but nice customization.

Thank you, Blizzard :heart:


They are the ones that need the most work, so I’m glad they are getting it.

Lightforged being the most redundant race in the game and Nightborne needing the most work of all races.

Finally having “Half Elf” like options is going to be a big plus.

This is a long way from being told Allied (and other) races would get nothing.


Ehhh… short ears really do not represent half elves, but the ear options is a welcome thing.

A shame that’s all for us.

I’ll hold my breath on this till they start showing what they’re adding… To nightborne and LFD.

Good to see they’re adding tail options though…

Honestly still feels like bare minimum effort from blizzard.

They’ve lost too much goodwill for this to perk me up.

It does give those interested at least an option though. (Alliance side. Been available Horde side since SLs launch.)


Considering Void Elves have the most options of all Allied Races currently as shown on multiple different charts I can understand why, not that I’m against them getting more stuff well some stuff like pink hair color for example I’m still glad that races like Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei are being put first.


None should be put first.

All of us deserve a hell of a lot more and better.