Disagree. Rohkthok’s been watching news on Mootube. Rohkthok thinks humanity are crazy and forgot about pandemic is bad.
Rohkthok would like to remind the world that Azeroth suffered greatly from Corrupted Blood from Zul Gurub’s Hakkar, because a hunter’s pet brought pandemic to the entire world.
Except that the fact is, you’re the one misquoting.
People have given you the info mentioned by the devs. People have shown you all the info on what the plans are. Just because you disagree with it, doesn’t mean it has to be twisted around to fit your narrative.
You draw conclusions from those words that do not exist.
Nor do you need them to exist. Blizzard has adequately explained that they want you to feel fine rping your high elves through void elves… You want to request the hair colors? You don’t need to dig up narratives from information that doesn’t say anything useful.
It’s annoying that they don’t just give us new customizations, when it would clearly please players, and would keep the money coming in…
…but they don’t do it. Why? This is like, the hardest thing to understand. It’s like they are trying to make the game die on purpose. Maybe to start a new game.
WoW. Aren’t you gatekeeping much or just a blinded by Blizzard’s poor Decisions. Blizzard will sooner understand that lieing, half baked features, and of course poor marketing isn’t good content nor endgame content in general.
Besides they are already losing more players and I don’t think that poor endgame content like raidless raids with boring lore, no class tier gear, boring small zones, and etc won’t save wow at this point. Only Customization Options for Void Elves, Humans, and etc Races that will truly save it and many more.
I said it in Fen´s thread but I´ll repeat it here: that´s what happens when people only care about the aesthetics /cosmetics component of the race and pretty much ignores (or don´t care) over the narrative aspect of it.
Indeed, the High Elf NARRATIVE points to further integration with the Human cultures (one of the consequences? the aforementioned interbreeding), not towards them wanting to become once again that isolated closed off kingdom that was 100% A-Ok with closing their doors in the proverbial nose of the Humans et al.
/checks realm
The RPer overvaluing aesthetics over actual gameplay, why am I NOT surprised?
Sorry not sorry to burst your RPer bubble, but actually most average players care waaaay more about the stuff they can participate in that how pretty their pixels look. The “Barbie dressroom” game can mantain engaged the average player only so far, meanwhile participating in the ACTUAL game (raids, dungeons, quests, dailies, BGs, arenas, etc.) to achieve the “rewards” will keep them engaged WAAAY longer. Not only because it´s a cycle, but because most if not all of these activities involve social interactions and the social interactions and friendships are what keep people logging on their computers to play WoW -I mean, one logs to chat with friends while one pounds pixels for the lols, not to recreate for the n-esim time a new look for a toon-.
This topic has taken a very very interesting turn!!
I tottaly agree with this! I’m still quite passionate about WoW, and heck the whole customization malarky has made me even more passionate about it! The day they listen to their players again and continue hiring capable stuff with a good work experience and ethic history, is the day I will happily celebrate in WoW and have my excitement renewed.
They’re not trying to destroy their own game, they ran out of time because of the company’s very poor time management. They entered a comfort zone where they thought providing us with the bare minimum would keep players excited, and then got crushed by covid, poor time management, and in-house serious legal issues (like harassment and inequality claims). Which ended up with them giving us A LOT LESS than they planned.
While you are not wrong in this, you must not leave out those who are still passionate about the game, still participate in one or more activities in the game (ex. raiding or pvp), and still care for and get annoyed at certain decisions the company makes, such as stopping customization for the remainder of the expansion. I am one of those people, and I have more than one complaints, like many do. Just, in contrast to some others who have higher priorities, customization is my own biggest complaint because it hinders my pure enjoyment of the game.
I didn´t leave them out of consideration, but certainly I didn´t gave them that extreme weight the poster that I answered to originally gave them (I mean to come and say that "customizations and nothing else WILL save the game is quite absurd. Sorry not sorry, fact is, more average players WILL leave over boring / difficult gameplay than over how many colors their pixels get in the barbershop, period.
You and me both ARE a minority (I mean, let´s pay a little bit of attention, these kind of threads usually see the participation of thge same people over and over again. Go check any other kind of thread -better yet a raid / pvp one-. EVERYBODY participates there). So to assume what could work for us WILL work for EVERYBODY is nothing short of ignorant.
I know there are fringe players like Magnificent who desired as such, but I can´t say I`´ve seen a massive interest to play “High Elves” (as in how posters in these forums differentiate them) in the Belf side of the playerbase… most Belf players were like, yes we already play one, so?
If anything the direct mention made by the devs about blue / purple eyes being implemented to help represent “High elves” in the models literally killed the interest I could had had over potentially using these eye colors with this toon (simply put it, as a lore fan I abhorr to imagine my toon getting blue / purple eyes NOT as a consequence of idk… staying a lot of time around Nightborne elves in Suramar BUT because she has to be some parasitic a-hole that apparently only deigned to go back to Quel´thalas AFTER the Belves fixed the issues with the nation. That just pisses me off).
Eh, whether they have a ethnic work place is still yet to be truely proven in court (as there is laws and protections should there be wrong doing) as right now everything is still in speculation. And frankly no ones bussiness besides the victims, the company, and the law.
What I care about is quality in the game and right now borrowed power is making it hard for me to want to log in, though the desire to play is still there. I do think customizations should had been worked on since day 1 of the game with player feed-back.