Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Their lore and that those words don’t mean what you’ve applied to them in the first place.

Ion (and this thing your quoting is a bit old from what I can tell and may not apply anymore either way) is saying they’re not planning at that time to add high elves.

Thats his point there.

Wouldn’t trust that myself.

Blizzard has no current plans to add more.


Let’s go through Ely’s post again, shall we?

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

Tell me where this isn’t High Elf customisations or is only for Blood Elves?

I thought it was only for Shadowlands? I mean, we can’t say they really aren’t going to add anymore in the future, but we do know there is no current plans for more customisations for the rest of Shadowlands.

Except, they weren’t. As ion said before they changed there minds, " I can confirm there are no plans for blue-eyed blood elves , as that eye color does not make sense for blood elves as they have evolved."


We can.

They said the same things about AR’s.

They told us they might revisit customization next expansion. That’s blizz corporate speak for we have no plans to revisit it but we can’t say absolutes so we’re leaving the door open and vague.

It’s a no. They have no plans to revisit customizations.

I really hate to say it, but with the way Blizzard’s direction is going and the current devs closing gates and locking their social media accounts, I doubt we will get any proper answers for a long time.

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That’s correct. They explicitly mentioned no plans for further customizations during Shadowlands. They did say however they were looking forward to making new customizations in the future, so we will see more options added sometime. When? Who knows.


If they truly are thinking this way, then as soon as people find out nothing is coming next expac that will be the cherry on top to ensure they desert the servers in droves.


You have been, on more than one occassion, presented with the exact dialogue stating that ‘‘Void elves are another flavor of High elves’’ and ‘‘It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align’’.

Can we at least agree that devs intentions with these statements where to confirm that they are giving both Void elves and Blood elves High elf options? Then we can move on from there, because arguing about what devs actually said or did not said when it’s right in front of you is hindering a fruitful discussion and you’re just running in circles.


Love how you guys keep misrepresenting what they said.

They never straight up said they are High Elves for one, either not mentioning void elves (the second dev statement you qouted) or saying they are a flavor (which in that sense in the same vein as blood elves they used to be high elves, but no longer are them.) And ignoring the fact that even if they did, the rules of word of God writing authority is that 1. It must be from the writer creating the world and 2. It must not be explained in the story on the subject. The story did have an explanation with umbric during the unlock scenario, you can also see him talking about it in BFA with dialogue in vuldun, I will put a portion of it here;

I led us right into the ethereals’ trap. If not for Alleria Windrunner’s intervention, we would have been lost.

As it was, the shadow energies transformed us… and opened our minds to the whispers of the Void. Without Alleria’s guidance, we would have fallen into madness.

She has helped us quiet our minds. Dampen the whispers. It is a constant struggle.

Again in game text trumps word of God, they are transformed into different beings from what they where into something else entirely. They no longer are blood elves (the group that was changed was all blood elves, not High elves)

I agree.

But I still wont hold my breath. Blizzard has vey much proven time and again that when something the players want is added in it will not be again.

Because they rely on expansion features being a feature of one expansion, and they rely on time played metrics through systems to keep us playing.

Its doomed to fail. Its doomed to fall. But it will be a slow one and they’re apparently perfectly happy to endure it.

Since the first one is actually flying in the face of the second lets discount it.

The second part though is more about allowing people the choice in those things not in claiming that the lore has been answered.

We still only have canonical blueberry void elves (save Alleria) and we still have no answers for how we even make more.

We have only vagaries that answer and explain nothing and are thus poor justifications for anything.

Meanwhile we have the devs literally saying they added the natural tones to make rp options.

It sucks. A lot.

I agree with that.

They’ve been very clear that they want us to form our characters how we want to, regardless of what the canon is.

My only issues with most about that here is that they brandish such things as though they are canon when they’re just not.

(not saying you explicitly have, at least I’m not sure I’ve seen you do so, just some do and it raises my hackles.)


Coming from the one who is misinterpreting what has been said.

Lets go over the comments shall we?

“Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves, Void Elves are pretty much another flavour of High Elves”

This is stating on how both Blood and Void Elves are High Elves. Since there is no lore to say that Void Elves are a completely different race, it is right there. Both are High Elves, going down different paths.

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

Lets get into detail with this one…

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters.

Stated as a fact, because when you previously rolled as a Blood Elf, you were only playing as a Blood Elf, same as to the Void Elves. And everyone should know the reason to why the Blood Elves do not consider themselves as High Elves.

Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes

Talking about how Blood Elves were the closet to being a High Elf.

It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races

Once again, talking about both Blood and Void Elves

and we could tie it back to their roots

Void = Blood = High. There is nothing about this only being for the Blood Elves.

letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out.

Play as either a Blood Elf or High Elf on Horde through the Blood Elves, or play as a Void Elf or High Elf on Alliance through the Void Elves.

We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

They had a lot of talks about it, and may provide more customisations in the future for both Void and Blood Elves to allow us to play as High Elves on both factions, but for now, they are only providing the available options.


How bout we don’t keep repeating defeated points and move on. I am tired of repeating myself.

(Talking about you guys parroting dev statements already addressed that you keep misrepresenting.)

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You admitting to being wrong in certain points now?


“We’re not looking at that void elf customization thread until it has 10,000 posts in it. So, if it doesn’t have 10,000 posts don’t even bring it up again. I thought we said no new customizations! I guess you forgot that. That was stated clearly and etched into STONE.”

Nope, just stating your repeating the same arguements that had been debunked by me and other posters on this thread that had ready been discussed 100 times already and I refuse to spend more time on ignorance and being talked down to by entitled ppl that refuses to see the writing on the wall.

Misquoting danasur and Ion again and again don’t change the arguement, specially since it had been already been statedto you that your doing that by over 10 ppl in this thread is not a good look Sara.

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You finally going to show me proof of how I quote fake lore?

I wouldn’t say they’re misquoting Ion though.

They’re simply a comment made in a casual interview with someone he knows (Jesse Cox) and adding in a lot of assumptions to it.

In Danuser’s case, they’re taking an excuse for lazyness and downright twisting it.


Rohkthok isn’t one of those 10 people though. Rohkthok lost count on this discussion being repetitive.

Most likely is more then 10. In and out of this thread. Meh.

Rohkthok should stay away from this train wreck of a hamster wheel for his own mental health. The rest of us are too far gone.


Rohkthok didn’t want to go to Torghast. Rohkthok got tired of seeing dead people. Rohkthok got tired of people being ugly to each other for expansion.

Now Rohkthok is just back in the Barrens with his wife and sitting down on the Gnomeric Laptop, looking at this thread since Rohkthok doesn’t have a job to fight for the Horde. Blizzard told Rohkthok that they don’t have any more jobs for a while.


Sounds like a good life. I suggest youtube. The insanity there might be slightly lower than in here.