The real question is why there´s NO recent Nightborne customization thread when it´s the elf race that legitimately needs THE MORE customization love?
I see Ellincia posted the Nightborne video, good!! (though I kinda disagree with the Fel options but more thanks to lore reasons).
u-hu, sure, that´s why they were playing with Torga´s Blood in Nazmir, amrite? Cause they are simply a “light -loving” race and nothing else?
Why are you trying to reduce the Belf thematics to some Lightforged esque niche and nothing else? I mean I can understand NOT feeling 100% on line with Darkfallen / San´layn (who basically look EXACTLY THE SAME as Death Knights, same eye color and everything) for lore reasons (indeed these groups make zero sense as of right now as far as the canon is concerned) nor much less Felblood (who are probably already dead since like 10 years ago, people), but please let´s not reduce the poor Belves to one theme that´s not even terribly representative of the actual lore of the race sans Liadrin cameos (no seriously, the only one btching over “muh Light” is Liadrin herself, but the race as a whole has never been depicted as looking at the Blood Knights and their Light asets for anything different to a convenient military branch).
I certainly don´t think giving a pale skin color and a red eye color justifies the Belves getting literally cloned like OP desires, but compromises like regular hair colors with ombré characteristics in the design or any other hair design that puts them apart from Belf styles is acceptable. Belves can get their own stuff.
The key is how you justify some of those customizations. I personally like waaay better to get the red eyes and the tattoos and the other stuff explained more under the lore basis of Blood magic than merely as “Darkfallen ripoff” (when Darkfallen / San´layn NPCs don´t even have those aesthetics in the first place ROFL) precisely because it´s waaay less terrible to break the suspension of belief than to say “red eyes for Belves cause rando Dark Rangers”. Also, it is quite hypocritical to come here to complain over players wanting to clone our race just to ask for stuff that thematically belongs -as features of “undeath” to the Forsaken race and players-.