Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

The real question is why there´s NO recent Nightborne customization thread when it´s the elf race that legitimately needs THE MORE customization love?

I see Ellincia posted the Nightborne video, good!! (though I kinda disagree with the Fel options but more thanks to lore reasons).

u-hu, sure, that´s why they were playing with Torga´s Blood in Nazmir, amrite? Cause they are simply a “light -loving” race and nothing else?

Why are you trying to reduce the Belf thematics to some Lightforged esque niche and nothing else? I mean I can understand NOT feeling 100% on line with Darkfallen / San´layn (who basically look EXACTLY THE SAME as Death Knights, same eye color and everything) for lore reasons (indeed these groups make zero sense as of right now as far as the canon is concerned) nor much less Felblood (who are probably already dead since like 10 years ago, people), but please let´s not reduce the poor Belves to one theme that´s not even terribly representative of the actual lore of the race sans Liadrin cameos (no seriously, the only one btching over “muh Light” is Liadrin herself, but the race as a whole has never been depicted as looking at the Blood Knights and their Light asets for anything different to a convenient military branch).

I certainly don´t think giving a pale skin color and a red eye color justifies the Belves getting literally cloned like OP desires, but compromises like regular hair colors with ombré characteristics in the design or any other hair design that puts them apart from Belf styles is acceptable. Belves can get their own stuff.

The key is how you justify some of those customizations. I personally like waaay better to get the red eyes and the tattoos and the other stuff explained more under the lore basis of Blood magic than merely as “Darkfallen ripoff” (when Darkfallen / San´layn NPCs don´t even have those aesthetics in the first place ROFL) precisely because it´s waaay less terrible to break the suspension of belief than to say “red eyes for Belves cause rando Dark Rangers”. Also, it is quite hypocritical to come here to complain over players wanting to clone our race just to ask for stuff that thematically belongs -as features of “undeath” to the Forsaken race and players-.


Large thread, and no changes lol

Cause frankly, this threads goes round and around the same “I want the Belf hair colors NAOW!!!” and not actual relevant customization suggestions.

Frankly is more of a lodge. You´ll see waaay better artistic suggestions in the Velf / Belf threads.

Despite that Humans, Dwarves, Kul’Tiran all have the same hair colours, but acting like everything belongs to the Blood Elves…

But basically, this thread is about customisations for Void Elves to be either of Void or High.


That is because people wants void elves to be the alliance high elves, which they are not lol.

And people don’t care as much about nightborne as they do with alliance high elves.

Do people have to requote a video to you where Ion has said Void Elves are pretty much High Elves?


Except he didn’t?

He said blood elves is high elves. That video was before the time of void elves.

I don’t know…

It was blizzard who didn’t give the hair to us.

We don’t have information on whether that was done on purpose or they ran out of time.

If it was on purpose it would only make sense for distinction of a visual nature…

We really just can’t say they don’t care about visual distinction when the one thing they didn’t add causes a distinction…

Humans, night elves and Orcs and how good their options are will always be subjective.

They got numbers, doesn’t mean it’s good. (or bad).

Please. There was never going to be another customization pass.

Blizzard lied. Cut an expansion feature before the game released.

Or just add a unnatural tint and perhaps an undercolor to the roots and tips making it look off.

Honestly, while I don’t mind the fancy hair options people suggest, the easiest and most likely additions we’ll get are just more tints of what we already have… (whether those are light or more dark ones).

Just a lot of effort to add shiny new effects, and blizzard doesn’t really seem like they care enough.


I know why.

It’s because there is consensus.

Those threads are always filled out with what people want to see for nightborne and pretty much everyone agrees.

Without conflict, the thread dies.

They kinda deserve to be their own AR.

Have their own racials and such.

Ask the worgen thread.

What those races have isn’t really the point.

The point for most who are for distinction between belves and velves is about them not looking the exact same.

This thread is far more about purely high elves.

Almost all of it has always been towards that end which is entirely why I made my thread.

No no.

They do care.

The problem is they all agree.

No conflict, no arguments to keep it going.


I suppose it is one way to look at it.


This is certainly not true.

This thread wants to retool void elves for high elves and shove the void aspect of void elves on the wayside, thus pretty much would trigger void elf fans and blood elf fans.


“Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves. Void Elves are pretty much another flavour of High Elves.”

So, say again he didn’t. There is nothing in lore to say that Void or Blood have stopped being High Elves.

Right… And McDonald’s was created on Horde to take away the Burger King/Hungry Jack’s from the Alliance… I don’t know what on earth I just said, but I think I might of said it wrong…

You’re unhappy with people requesting for High Elven customisations to continue following on the High Elven theme for Alliance. That is you’re opinion. But, people have quoted you, have shown you the sources, and have proven time and time again, the real definition on why Void Elves have been given these customisations.

In the end, it isn’t up to you, nor up to me, it is up to Blizzard on who gets what. Blizzard has already made there stance, especially with interviews with a few of the devs.



This made me laugh harder than what it should have.



This interview was one time that has happened, and it created a lot of fuss in the Horde department too. Because it definitely didn’t connect to his BFA interview about “horde is there for you”, and was a completely different statement during the time.

Either way, these arguments have been going for more than 5 years, and it is still heated conversations because devs just like to play around with pros and antis feelings.


He didn’t. Flavor =/= is.

Denying what the thread is created for don’t change the fact it is what the thread is made for.

It was created to make void elves into high elves, discard the lore of void elves in favor of high elves in a sense, and to clone blood elves for the alliance, despite it not helping anyone on any side.

I am happy people wants high elves, what makes me unhappy is people want to take the easy way out in spite of blood elf players and void elf players happy with their races. People could use that energy instead for coming up with original ideas to get high elves without dumping sewage on other players.

Sorry to burst your bubble dear, but Op literally ask for THE Blood Elf hair colors AND hair styles (as in using the word combination “the same as”).

You can use this argument in any other thread but this one. This one was born as a troll and has developed as a troll too: just inane bickering, no substance. We have seen WAAAY more actual decent suggestions and waaay more decent art in the other two threads than in here.

Sure dear, that´s why Op literally ended up piggybacking onto Fen´s thread and the Belf thread, amrite? Because he/she was oh so invested in exploring the Void aspect.

The fact you people try to act like the victims in here and paint us as “monsters” when you literally went to support a troll post in the Belf thread out of pure pettiness says all about the actual quality of this thread alone. Or at least the quality of some of the posters participating on it.

Well, we´re talking about people obssesing over their pixels for more than 15 years, and some of them even nurtured an embarrasing anti-Belf agenda thanks to a decade of bitterness and unfulfillment (as if the race was to blame for the choices of the writers of the game ROFL). Ergo, not shocked at all.

Regarding the Nightborne it´s a shame, cause the video posted above literally fixes the biggest “wrongs” with the NB male model by basically fixing the eyes omg.

Not our fault Burger King sold the trademark rights before McDonald´s launch.

Issue your complains to the writers of WC3. Heck, if anything the actual retconn was putting surviving Helves on Alliance cities (as far as WC3 was concerned, the onnly survivors were Kael´thas and the people helping him, period).


“Void Elves are pretty much another flavour of High Elves.”

That is not saying Void Elves are not High Elves.

The thread is so people can request for High Elf customisations for Void Elves. Just because you have a problem with Lore and his past behaviour, doesn’t mean everything has to be held against him for what has happened in the past.

Oh, the irony!

Basically, the comment of your post: “You must play what I want you to play, not what you want to play.”

Yeah, nice attempt there. Want to try that again?


still isn’t addressing what I said. He pretty much technically said they are from high elves, but are not high elves.

I don’t have to have an issue with lore’s behavior to disagree with him.

Irony of what, not wanting a carbon copy of a race on anotehr race that people grew to love as they are? Or the irony is littterally flashing a certain fingure to fans that disagree with you?

No attempts here, we know it’s what your doing.

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Not to mention what storyline exists on the high elf alliance side had been leaning towards interbreeding with humans almost everytime they mention their children. But let’s ignore all that and force high elves down VE fan throats and tick off BE players.

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Please explain how you went from “Void Elves are pretty much another flavour of High Elves” to “Void Elves are from High Elves but are not High Elves”.

And yet, here we are, already with:

  1. Void Elves already been added as of patch 7.3.5
  2. Customisations that came into Shadowlands.
  3. Devs stating on the reason why we have been recieving some customisations for Void Elves
  4. Devs saying customisations are an ongoing process and more is yet to come.

Want me to go on?

Requesting for more High Elven customisations so I can play the Alliance High Elf fantasy? It is basically clear on which direction Blizzard is going, as “quote” to what Ely has said:

According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

Oh yeah, remember this quote from Ion:


In game text trumps word of God. Look up umbrics text lines from the unlock chain.

Yes void elves, not High elves was added.

Which isn’t high elf customizations, since you love dev statements you should know the skin colors was slated to be inheritance from blood elves, and even then it was a very big hot button issue with VE fans and BE fans VS HE fans.

Devs stated blood elves, they never stated Void Elves for those customizations.

Does not mean they will give High elf customization to Void elves thus making the void part of void elves non-consequntial.

On Void Elves? Which would be morally wrong? I disagree with her statements.

also blood elves where always going to get blue eyes.

So… a qoute of Ion fibbing is somehow going to make your arguements better… how?

Blood elves was slated since wrath to get blue eyes bruh.