Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Yes it does fen! The less void we look, the less void themed we are. What you want is not void elves, but dirt elves without the void features.

Void elves are not or no longer high elves fen!

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Tentacle or no tentacle is an option weā€™ve always had. It doesnā€™t change anything to give us the toggle except that we get the actual choice for all hairstyles.

It doesnā€™t make us suddenly high elves. It doesnā€™t make us blood elves.

From the moment a void elf could be made back at the end of Legion, weā€™ve had the choice. The toggle just gives us options.


It is true that there are hairstyles currently available to Void Elves that have no tentacles displaying at all. The main problem with tentacles I think is that many people find them to lack aesthetics? That seems to particularly be the case with male Void elves, whose hairstyles look significantly worse with the tentacles displaying. They donā€™t look so bad on the females. But as tentacles are a very niche addition I do think players should have a choice on whether they should display or not. Another suggestion I forgot to add in my post though is that they could add tentacle colours, like pink, grey and starcursed.


Itā€™s actually the exact same blonde shade, just on a regular skin colour. But yeah I do find it a very pretty blonde and would be perfectly content with it being the blonde colour for Void elves in game.

I would also love starcursed highlights, and would like to point out that the highlights showing on this https://imgur.com/a/iQ1kmbO were intended from the beginning to be starcursed highlights (hence the little stars in them). This was actually a commission made by Rama for me at my request, in order to show how a natural colour can still adhere to the Void theme when combined with starcursed highlights.



A void elf without any mutation in appearance might as well not even be a void elf.

It is a step closer to retconning void elf lore. Without void features they might as well re-do the entire void elf story and delete them entirely.

This is an opinion. I actually enjoy the difference between void elves and Blood elves with tentacles and wish there would be more void options, not a option to remove all of them.

An option to remove all of the void features would kill void elf immersion.

Bloid elves have a more clean and brighter blonde. Unless my phone picture quality is bad, if it us the exact shade though, then void elves should not get the color then.

I am sorry, but void elves should not be the race to be a go to for natural colors.

Like I said in my post some colours are bound to look similar, itā€™s inevitable. When Blood Elves have all natural colours available in the colour palette and 4 different blonde shades then ofcourse any natural colours that Void elves get will inevitably have some similarity. They donā€™t need to be the exact shades though. Did you see the other blonde colour I suggested https://imgur.com/a/uML79ET ? Itā€™s like the one Fen linked but with darker burgundy roots.


Ehhhā€¦ I looked at it and it doesnā€™t feel voidy.

Also if they cannot make an unnatural blonde it is just best not to add a blonde option. Regular highlights also donā€™t really fit the theme and feels too close to pandaren styles.

Looks pretty cool still. If only if that happenedā€¦


It will happen, Iā€™m confident. Weā€™ll see :hugs:


Doubtful. There needs to be a void type graphic or the race isnā€™t void enough for itā€™s name.

Blood Elves donā€™t have a single Blood customization option and yet here we are.


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Why are you using a straw manā€™s arguement?

Everyone here knows the blood elf name is meant to honor the fallen while void elves name is meant that they are practically remade from a void ritual.


This isnā€™t an actual argument.

Blood elves are named blood elves simply because they changed it from high elf to blood elf to honor the fallen.

Void elves changed it because they were infused and inexorably changed by the void.

Itā€™s literally not the same thing.


Also everyone knows that Blood elves were infusing themselves with Fel magic due to the lack of the Sunwell, yet the ONLY thing showing this was their Green eyes.

Not necessarily voidy, but it has uniqueness. The maroon colour and the grey ones that exist in-game donā€™t feel voidy either, yet there they are.

It does not need to be unnatural. It can also be natural with starcursed highlights like I showed, and perfectly fit the Void theme this way. Iā€™m repeating that the highlights on the blonde I showed https://imgur.com/a/iQ1kmbO are intended to be starcursed highlights, but if anyone feels skilled enough to make them look even more ā€˜ā€˜starcursedā€™ā€™ then feel free.

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No. They where not actually, they used mana tap and stole mana from living organisms, which is why the high elves in dal/sw/lodges broke away from the blood elves.

Not really if you claimed blood elves having blonde, and with pandarens having highlights already.

It does. There is nothing natural with the most curruptive of all magic schools/orders of all then the void.

One this was nowhere in your original posts, 2 natural blonde does not suit void elves, even with starcursed looks. 3, why are you back peddling?


So what if Blood elves have blonde and Pandaren have highlights already. Thatā€™s an odd argument you make thereā€¦ that would mean that all races introduced after Blood Elves should not have any blonde shades or highlights because the above had them already!

Yes. But Void Elves are not fully corrupted. If they were, they would have turned into Ethereals. And judging by how they are in the process of studying and learning how to control the power of the Void better, they may be able to better keep that power at bay in the future as well. They do after all have to figure out how to turn other dedicted fellows into Void Elves.

Uhm, it was in my post. Here it is, I called it a Void Blonde https://imgur.com/a/iQ1kmbO . I think it does suit them. And I think it fits the Void theme fine due to the void highlights. Not the entire head needs to be covered in blue or purple to give out the feeling of Void corruption. Sorry what do you mean back peddling?


Highlights could only work with unnatural hair colors, and only if they have magic effect like dark irons have. Void elves are also not natural beings, so natural blonde makes no sense.

The only thing that is not fully corrupted is their minds, and that is a constant battle on itā€™s own?

2nd time posting it after you started back peddlingā€¦ and still look like a high elf wanna be.

A few didā€¦

They became Felblood Elves.

The Blood Elves we play and most of the npcs did not partake of this action and their eyes turned green due to Fel radiation from crystals they used to power their cities.

The majority of Blood Elves got their magic fix from a variety of sources many of which living creatures steeped in magic.


Forgive me if Iā€™m wrong but arenā€™t Void Elves constantly fighting to keep their sanity? Arenā€™t they in a constant state of concentration to avoid slipping into a void insanity?

Answered my own question: ā€œ Void elves constantly hear voices from the Void that seek to corrupt them, something they have learned to fight against and keep control over. This assault is relentless and the discipline needed to resist them is extraordinary.ā€

Honestly sound pretty corrupted to me. They are some of the first mortals to ever be able to conquer the shadows of the void within them.