I hear you on needing something different. Honestly, I’ve been hankering for a good single player RPG. What I really want is Dragon Age 4 to come out but who knows when that will happen with all the trouble that studio is having.
A friend of mine seems hyped about New World but I just have no interest in it. With FFXIV, I enjoyed it since day one/level one. I went into it knowing it was a story heavy JRPG first and an MMO second. I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea though.
While it wasn’t perfect, I really enjoyed Dragone Age: Inquisition, and have played through it multiple times. It has several mmo-esque elements like open world gathering, crafting, armor dyeing, etc. and I really enjoyed the story. It’s what makes me want to see a Dragon Age MMO (that would probably end up disappointing me lol!).
And yea I prefer when we can be more “lounge” chat rather than at each other’s throats over hair colors. Contrary to the opinion of some, I’m a pretty amiable guy when we aren’t talking about elves lol!
Yeah, kinda feel the same on New World, I know a lot of people looking forward to it, but I think I’d need to try it out before committing to buy it, I’m not too sold on survival games.
I should play those, but for some reason I just have a tendency to bounce off of Bioware games. Not like I dislike them, just at some point I lose interest for no reason (except NWN, that I have a grudge against for making one of the end fights really really annoying as a rogue) I tend to really get into the stuff from the Black Isle people wherever they’ve ended up for RPGs.
I hope if they did that MMO they’d change some stuff from TOR, questing while grouped can be not as fun if you aren’t on the same page as everyone in the party as it basically chooses which person’s reaction to use for a conversation by dice roll.
I loved the original NWN… well specifically I loved the original NWN toolset ( the original campaign was mediocre at best) and all I could do with it and the persistent worlds that arose from it. The Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark expansions were excellent though, and I still revisit those every few years.
NWN2’s story wasn’t bad. I enjoyed the main campaign and expansioin well enough, but the toolset left a lot to be desired for me. It just wasn’t as user friendly and the community never seemed to embrace it as readily as they did NWN1 for making custom content.
I never really got too big into making stuff for the games, I just have a soft spot for kobolds in roles not destined to be wiped out by adventuring parties.
Void Ethereals. They infused them with the void. Hence the Void Elves. Its not hard. Its pretty clear in fact.
I don’t think you know why I’m annoyed at you.
I have no issues with your request. I have issues with you fabricating non-existent lore to satisfy your desires, while ignoring what is actual lore. I’m annoyed you keep saying things like we’re just a color.
I am not an Anti. I have no issue with your request. I have issues with how you request it because its extremely biased and ignores the lore of the world in favor of your specific cause.
Request all you want to have your natural hair colors.
Hell I’ve put forth plenty of Void based options that would fulfill much of your requests in my own thread.
I think its silly to request a new model at this point. Especially since they added natural skin tones.
Would have been nice before Void Elves were released or before those skin tones were added. (Though after Void Elves were added I never had any belief they’d do it)
How very reductive of their stance.
Also I’m not an anti… unless to you an anti is anyone who isn’t specifically for High Elf options regardless of whether or not they are opposed to them?
I’m not standing in your way. I’m arguing with you on lore points… lol
Thank you for that Tarrok.
See, I agree with this.
You do not need a lore based reason. Just request what you want. So what if others disagree? You just disagree.
Don’t be a butt bout it and just move on.
I was also in a bid war on the BMAH the other day… wanted an illusion I’ve had rotten luck getting on my own. lol. (I also won)
Seriously the least alt friendly expansion to date.
And thats saying something.
Like when BfA was a miracle of Alt friendlyness compared to SLs… something is wrong.
Yeah I hate the new torghast… wish they hadn’t bothered.
Replaying all of Mass Effect right now and loving it. Feels like going back to a simpler world.
Problem with wow currently is that it has too many systems, yeah they are easy to understand, but they overcomplicate and make it more difficult to play with them. Games are not meant to be that complicated, they are meant to be fun, and WoW don’t have that beyond lvling atm.
As for new models being silly, it being implemented at this point for void elves would be silly, but as a new race it isn’t really.
In early 8.3 the plagueheart helmet went up and I tossed a bid on it. For hours, no one else bid on it, so I went and took a nap. I woke up a couple minutes after someone bid me up last second and got it.
Still a little annoyed about that, but I also get to cheat since I really only need 2 pieces off the BMAH. Pants aren’t needed because robes, boots are also pretty replaceable because robes, and there’s a pair of gloves which looks identical and drops off trash in Karazhan.
The team I rolled with in RBGs in 9.0 all quit or went to classic, which means I either don’t do RBGs or have a painful time pugging through the rare low CR groups in LFG.
Makes me sad, since RBGs were the only things that kept me playing for two months and the only thing I really enjoyed in 9.0.
I hate all of the systems they add every expac. The only one I didn’t mind was artifacts in 7.3, because of the catch up with AP they added.
I’d add I’m not happy with the borrowed power systems acting as band aids for bad class design. The two specs I’ve spent most of the game playing are destro and MM, and both feel really boring and drained out now. Legion was when it started, but BfA was the kick over the edge with the disabling of artifacts. If we really had to have them disabled, why couldn’t we power them up with azerite again? It was a waste of a system.
I think the scoring system and all of the achievements and the extra floor for a flawless run are a good idea, but why Blizzard made us resort to third party websites instead of adding in a list that crossed off as you completed them is beyond me. It’s a really small but extremely helpful thing to add in, and yet no one thought of putting it in, or they decided against, for some very weird reason.
On dungeons, I’ll add Tazavesh is amazing. At least, the bit I was able to do was, until the mailroom bug made my group disband because it was impossible to progress. Haven’t tried to get it done again since the hotfix, because the hotfix took ridiculously long to be put in and if I were to try again as a tank now, chances are my group would expect me to know how to do everything now, when I’d rather learn along the way, as I had going in my original group.
Will forever be salty
Some things they could’ve added that were highly requested, faced no oppostion from anyone in the playerbase, are lore accurate, and pre-existing assets
Why they didn’t add them will forever be beyond me