Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

It’s kind of depressing, I go away on vacation with my man for a week and return, finally catch up in this thread and all the most recent posts are of people leaving, it makes me sad. :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:


I agree. Although some of us disagree with each other, it is sad to see people actually go :sob:

But I guess life has to happen. Meanwhile here in Sydney, we’re still lockdown and it has been extended for another 4 weeks.

Congratulations on your promotion.


Thank you! I typically have to be 5 years into my position to be eligible but I got it after 3 so we will see! :grimacing:


Well, I’ll be here for a bit since I came back with a 6 month sub right before the patch dropped, and geeze, I should stick to being here, I managed to get into the attention of some plague rats in Off Topic, so I’ve got that going for me. Which isn’t really nice.

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Looked at the posts you’re referencing and got through exactly two before I “noped” outta there.

I always wonder how these folk think these conspiracies are possible given the amount of people who would all have to be involved and keeping their mouths shut…


I know I’m not well liked here, but I will certainly miss all of you when I’m gone.

The additional Elune lore that came out on Tuesday butchered her even more, and it has officially ruined my favorite character for good.

The last strand of my passion for the story has unfortunately been cut due to the narrative teams forgetfulness. I’ll still be in the Secret Findings Discord in their lore section on occasion, but from now on I’ll be slowly working on a project of rewriting the lore in my own version of Chronicles.

When I’m feeling confident in what I’ve written down, I’d be happy to share it with those interested.


I wouldn’t say butchered, but it sure ain’t a very intelligent narrative…

The whole story of the night warrior, the burning of Teldrassil, and the night elf souls was poorly told, and not at all in line with what a reasonable person would want to see and play…

It was ultimately useless. It didn’t further night elves in any way except to take away our home, make our leader look like a selfish and impotent Rage monster and turns our goddess into a poorly informed soul bargainer…

You do you but I don’t know what the point is when folk try to rewrite the lore. It’s not going to make that canon and blizzard isn’t going to read it and change anything.

Better to try and tell blizzard what and where you want to see the story go from where it actually is then slink off to an imaginary what if.

Eh, that’s my random opinion anyways.

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That sounds like a big enough project that maybe you should just separate it completely from wow and do something of your own. File off the serial numbers, take themes and such from wow, but make it your own world with your own characters. That way it is yours and you can do what you want with the work since it’d be an original work and not just something that would fall under the category of fan fiction.

This is not in anyway intended as some sort of protection of the wow lore, but as encouragement to make your own thing that you can claim as your personal work.


I want paladin class access more than demon hunter. I want to play a high elf paladin with my Alliance buddies more than anything but because they are still classified as “void elves” I am denied the one thing I really want. Also want an option to turn off entropic embrace’s void effect.

I agree with this take, this way if Lore makes an error on a part of WoW lore, he won’t get hit with the hate or head cannon stick.

It would also allow for some creativity and make his own thing to be proud of.

Maybe void elves isn’t the thing for you. May I suggest championing the idea of half elves?

Well, I mean it sounds like he’s thinking of doing WoW’s lore as Lore thinks it should be, so I don’t think the error part is too big a deal. But like I said, that sounds like a big enough project that it seems a waste to me to put all this work into someone else’s IP when you can, to steal a word from the pen and paper world, make your heartbreaker version that is all yours and you can do whatever you want with it, both creatively and legally.

As much as I am all for High Elves, I think you’ll be on your own there. It isn’t the fact that I am with or against the idea’s of Paladin classes being available through Void Elves, but I think more is still to be requested in terms of High Elven customisations for the Void Elves.

Yeah, same.

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I like to think, in the beginning… when void elves first got their normal skin colors… that there was also a developer assigned to giving them normal hair colors too.

However, after seeing this lawsuit business unfold, I imagine that developer got cubecrawled, was distracted, then maybe just quit or something. I don’t know. The void elf hair colors seemed like it should have happened a long time ago.

why are so many players so insistent on inhibiting and reducing customization? games like ffiv and elder scrolls online have races that basically look identical visually? this game has so many unnecessary barriers and restrictions and parts of the community seem to endorse it, for some reason.

it’s just not fun lol


Void elves should not get natural hair colors, for they are un-natural in nature!

Blizzard wants the races to look distinctly different from one another.

Also this is not ff nor elder scrolls, thankfully.

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Yea this. But the problem being is that Blizzard of whoever is in charge of the story or just gameplay pretty much just doesn’t care.

Right now they are pretty much focusing on pointless story plots that makes no sense or just not bringing anything fun or unique that the fans asked for like basically long time requests that should have happened a long time ago. Instead here we are 20 to 22 years of this cluster mess.

There should have been Player Housing by now, Better Variety Customization Options, Gameplay that was fun and Class Loved like in Classic instead of being too very simple and scrapped to the ground like what Retail is, and so much more.


Can we not do this nonsense? This is a serious issue that has hurt many and killed one, it doesn’t seem right to pull that out as a hypothetical to try and score points in a discussion of game preferences.


I think we should keep that drama out of this thread. There is already 20+ threads of people discussing that issue, although unwarranted since the courts have not weighed in yet.

Sorry dude, but the average elf portrayal found in every other fantasy game (you know, basically prettier and better than humans while they fight alongside them humans too) is NOT unique… like at all.

WE got unique and fun with pretty elves who fight alongside monsters and you guys got it with pretty BUT corrupted by eldritch horror esque stuff elves. However, the concensus here seems to be that wasn´t " truly fun"?