Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I’m certainly in agreement that some sort of options to customize it would be nice. Even if only to look more like Alleria’s void form. I would also not mind if the skin and hair colors from Entropic Embrace were among the other skin and hair color options for those who want to look like they are in void form all the time.


Best racial in the game is either mechagnomes entire swath of racials or DID active racial.

Goblin rocket jump imo is about as useful as blink… Just with a longer cooldown.

See above…

It’s hardly useful in pvp either.

Far too niche.

This would be nice.


I don’t really like the DID racial that much, it’s as niche as Spatial Rift and you lose out on DPS just to hold it in PvP incase you get an unfortunate debuff but activating it means you will suffer a stun because it shares CD with your freedom trinket unless you’re not rolling with it. (But stuns are too annoying not to.)

Once felt tempted to go back to regular Dwarf to have nice crit bonus racial along with the same basic stoneform since I don’t like DPS racial combining with utility like that, but I only stuck with DID because they just look cool to me.

I disagree on it being as niche at the very least.

At least it does something useful if you do use it.

Spatial Rift is barely worth the movement.

I will admit while I often pvp its not arenas or ranked. Lol

You didn’t mention mechagnomes?

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Mechagnomes I haven’t messed with that much except open world questing where their Mirror Image racial does indeed seem to be pretty fun to use and adds an extra defensive/offensive cooldown against multiple enemies. (Though the threat they produce is pretty low so it better be a last resort against a really tough enemy.)

Hadn’t really tried them in PvP, not sure how their racials stack up vs. the most popular RBG/Arena races that I saw when I was still playing. They’re probably good, but best? Ehh not sure on that one.

I use mine (a hunter BM) and the ramp up qualities are to die for.

And people often do…

Holo images work only on pets but still nice to have sometimes, but we really shine when our near health racial kicks in.

So many times it’s meant the difference.

Love my mechagnome in pvp, easily my main Alliance pvp toon.

Wait you can canel the VE passive effect? Damn I might just do that for holy because I really dislike being totally “void” when I’m the literal opposite as a holy preist.

Oh yea I was being nice because I didn’t want people to come after me saying “Oh you just don’t know how to use it it’s actually amazing for this once circumstance”. I’ve never liked it and wished it was just like a mage blink or a warlocks summoning circle (obviously with longer CD’s).


Yes. Here is an example as to how by Somand.

For a holy priest you might make two macros… one for say Flash Heal and Smite? That way whatever content you’re doing you’re likely to hit one of those pretty quick…

I do not play Holy priests often… lol

Thats fair.

Honestly though I really cannot think of a single time its been actually useful in place of anything else.

I’m sad for all the spatial rift hate lol. I use it so often in raid and in bgs. The toggle option for the full time void appearance would be nice though.


Indeed. I hated his “cracked up to 11” simping of Sylvanas, but frankly I rather got him as Forsaken racial leader instead of Lilian “I needed a 180º change in my characterization to even work as a Forsaken character” Voss or worse, Calia “I´m the new self insert of Golden” Menethil.

As long as he didn´t mentioned Sylvanas, Nathanos was quite fine. Even Garrosh was waaay more rude and condescending to the PC and people still loved him.


I genuinely thought his occasional, “wait, are we going TOO FAR” faces and hesitation was building him up as the new undead leader after he broke from Sylvanas after she went too too far. He’d still be “morally grey”, but less so. Certainly makes more sense then the character beats for Garona, or Voss, or Rexxar (why would you imply Garona is being coerced and never do anything with it)

Which, well, whatever.

I’m out for a bit anyway. Irl has got me slammed and what with… everything… it feels like a great time not to give money at Blizzard for 1 low level bg every other day and full forum access.


You will be missed, Sledge!


Ain’t that the truth…

I’ll miss you while you’re gone.


I still have some game time left but once it expires I’ll be heading out for a while too. Even BfA, which I hated, managed to at least hold my interest and have a decent bit of good stuff in it like 8.2. Shadowlands, on the other hand, has barely anything in it that I enjoy and everything I do enjoy gets old fast and I need several month breaks from. I also had high hopes for the unpruning and new customizations coming in Shadowlands, and while there is definitely some good successes that Blizzard achieved with them, I feel overall they were both pretty big disappointments.

IRL will also be catching up with me in a few weeks.


You I will very much miss while you’re gone as well. :frowning:


This! I am going back to grad school, teaching full time, writing my dossier, and also I got a promotion at work for a huge raise! :partying_face: But also huge responsibilities too.

I may be pretty absent from the game and forums in the next few months. We will see how busy I get. Saddened by this because I love my forum friends but also, with the controversy lately with Blizzard, it may be a nice brain cleanser.


Seems I’ll be missing a lot of folk.


Wow congrats!!! You deserve it! :smiley:


It’s school again for me. I’ve heard the first month or so of the next two years is supposed to be pretty relaxed, but after that it’s bad enough to motivate someone to move to Florida if it means they can’t get away from it all.


I hope to see those of you who will be leaving for whatever reasons and whatever amount of time again. I will be leaving for a while myself. The Doctor said it could take a few months for my arm to heal. It was my own stupidity that made it worse. Obviously moving heavy totes to clean out a storage unit with a pulled muscle wasn’t the brightest thing I have done.

Enjoy the forum and the game you are all awesome. Even those of you who I don’t agree with.