Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

“Weird” is putting it nicely… Anduin has the spot he has in the narrative simply because he´s a pet from the writting team (and considering the lawsuit it is no wonder… he´s basically the “good” dudebro and nothing else).

I mean, the lawsuit scandal actually polluting GD, nuff said.

Maybe like a “frat house”? :thinking:

I mean suddenly a lot of things make SO much sense people (the lack of effective communication, the lack of actual quality control, them not fulfilling the stuff they promise with the hype they promised it and so on…)


100% this. Game felt better when we were just random adventurers with no impact whatsoever on lore. :tired_face:


But then people complained over “Big Bad Edgelord Nathanos” for him daring to treat us as the moronic pests we actually are and not kissing our glorified “champion” behinds 24/7 for example.

Simply put it, people can´t make up their minds.

Personally I rather not get so much askissing from the characters in the game, it becomes quite annoying after a while.

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He was kind of refreshing for actually being a character that was not impressed by us and not afraid to let us know he wasn’t.

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On the topic of the Void Elf racials:

Entropic Embrace: I definitely think there should be changes here. For one i don’t like that it’s a random effect. I wish it was something you coudl toggle/activate as you please. Similar to other racials like the Orc or Troll racials.

It would be nice to see a new visual effect for it. Even for the Void theme i’ve never been a fan of it. It’s a bit of an eyesore. It could look a lot better and less like you’re covered in goop.

Spatial Rift:

Pretty much a useless racial. There’s a few times when you can use it in PVP but even then its far and few between. 90% of the time i’ve tried to use it i end up getting Stunned/FEar or something before i can ever escape with it lol.


For all of it’s flaws, I liked where WoD placed our characters as commanders for a relatively smaller offensive. It was a natural progression towards actually being recognized for our efforts, but we weren’t officially becoming big lore figures in game either.

Then came Legion and we’re all effectively demigods now? But then back to grunts in BFA? And now we’re super special again in Shadowlands?


And then back to grunts in 10.0

Moar werk?!

Yeah, same, or well, I just hate the purple effect from the racial and wish I had a way to turn it off.

“off I go then”


You can always work one of your more commonly used abilities into a macro that cancels EE.

Helps for some.

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Peon expansion sounds like a fun concept.

The Jailer ends the expansion by attempting to obliterate us from existence, nearly succeeding but failing to fully snuff our souls out despite destroying our bodies and every trace of our existence from mortal minds.

We wake up severely weakened in Northshire/Valley of Trials, and primarily have to fight the requisite ragged wolves/kobolds and do quests primarily centered around gathering resources to build our strength back up. Eventually you hit level cap and start gearing for the first raid, Ragefire Chasm.


Didn’t think you could cancel EE at all.

Somand covered it a few times.

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I am leery of asking it to be a toggle since I don’t want to be forced into it during combat like Worgen are forced into their form.

With that said, while I don’t mind it as a proc since it has a short internal cooldown and pops often, I wouldn’t cry if it were made into an active racial with a more powerful effect and longer cooldown. As far as visuals go, I wouldn’t mind if there was a glyph or some sort of barbershop customization option to make it look like Alleria’s void form. I wouldn’t expect it to ever not look void-related though.

Spatial Rift:

Pretty much a useless racial. There’s a few times when you can use it in PVP but even then its far and few between. 90% of the time i’ve tried to use it i end up getting Stunned/FEar or something before i can ever escape with it lol.

I have to agree. Outside of PVP, Spatial Rift is a novelty at best, and useless 90% of the time. About the only time I’ve found it useful outside of PVP is in Torghast to bypass traps on classes with no other means to do so.


Honestly even if it was just a targeted blink would be an improvement.


Even if it was exactly blink with a 3 min cooldown and a cool void portal visual, I’d find it way more useful in way more situations than I do Spatial Rift right now.

As it is, Spatial Rift suffers from similar issues to the Venthyr Door of Shadows ability. Essentially by the time Spatial Rift’s little shadow gets to its full range (or by the time you finish casting Door of Shadows) you could have trotted over to that spot or near to it.

That’s not even getting into how a little pebble in the path can stop Spatial Rift in its tracks (or the “no path available” issues that Door of Shadows has).


The Goblin rocket jump racial is better and easier to use than Spatial Rift, imo, far less clunky and useful for every class.


Either a toggle, or a customisation to hide the visual effect of turning purple. Either way, I agree. Rather not be forced into the form

The Goblin Rocket Jump is the best racial in game. There is no argument about that.


It’s a Horde racial so that’s to be expected, honestly I wish I had it on some of my Alliance characters it’s one of the reasons I realize why I didn’t regret making my Horde Warlock a Goblin.

Spatial Rift I never find any use for it in open world questing, to the point I feel tempted to remove it from my bars because I don’t PvP on any of my Void Elf characters, I play this guy for that.


I’m doubtful that the option to completely hide Entropic Embrace is on the table. I don’t object to it, but it’s not something I can imagine the devs ever allowing. With that said, we do have the option of using cancelaura macros with our spells to keep the effect from appearing (though that also means not benefiting from it’s bonus either).


At this point i don’t even necessarily care for it to have a non-voided look. I think almost anything would look better than how it is now. There’s a number of things they could do.I definitely would prefer it to be something you activate when you want like some other racials but that’s just my preference.